Long Shaoqin and his group finally couldn't bear it any longer and wanted to use that mysterious experimental subject?

Su Yan was startled when she saw the latest news coming from the communicator.

This was an undercover agent she had placed in the army, and he reported to her immediately.

Is it finally coming out?

Cheng Xuan and others were listening attentively, and then looked at each other.

They had already seen that video.

I feel confused and shocked about that person in the rain!

Who is that person?

Can the situation of the war be turned around?

Now comes the crux of the matter.

The devil is coming through the walls!

Block them with your body!!


The awakened ones roared!

But the demons rushed in swarm, and the battlefield was in chaos!

Block for half an hour...

Su Yan frowned.

Now the wall has been breached…

It's easier said than done to resist for half an hour.


In the blink of an eye, a hell lord came behind her.

The hell lord was riding a heavily armored skeleton horse, holding an energy blade in his hand, and slashed towards her head.


Without saying a word, Laifu bumped into him, making the hell lord roll his eyes.

so close!

Su Yan's chest was undulating. She was distracted and almost killed.

It would be an injustice if he died just now.

I'm not a pure combatant~

She opened her long legs and started to retreat.

Now the members of the peak realm and the soldiers in the army are being suppressed and retreating steadily.

Blood almost covered a long scarlet road.

This battle was so brutal that almost all the demons outside the base rushed in from this huge hole.

It was so dark that there was no end in sight.

I can't stop it anymore, I have no energy!

Me too, I can't even use Luobao!

Vice President, do you want to retreat?

Members of the nearby Peak Domain gathered together and shouted.

They hold together like this and can use large skills to drop treasure, but they consume energy very quickly.

After a few rounds, it was already drained.

Hold on, hold on for one more minute!

Professor, are you okay yet?

Long Shaoqin's eyes were red.

Those warriors were trained with hard work.

So many people died in the battle at once, and they were all genetic warriors, so they were extremely precious.

The debugging will be completed in one minute.

Zhao Yin's voice rang.


At this time, a group of winged hell lords flew over, almost hundreds of them...

Like dark clouds, covering the sky!

The energy blade buzzed and struck at their command post.


Wei Ting roared and was the first to kill.

It's so lively...

But at this moment, there seemed to be some movement, and the hearts of the nearby soldiers jumped.

There was a creepy feeling that seemed to come from beneath the base.

Have you caught up?

Long Shaoqin breathed a sigh of relief.

boom! !

A black shadow appeared in a flash, and soon someone screamed, their voices trembling.

That person is...

Oh My God……??

How can it be??

They were all shocked! !

Because, in this flash of black shadow, his face turned out to be...


A giant blade with green flames fell from the sky and landed in front of the blown-up giant wall.

Bang bang bang! !

The shock wave directly knocked away tens of thousands of nearby demons.


The demons all heard each other's gradually heavier breathing.


A man in black armor cut through the darkness and landed firmly on the hilt of the knife.

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