At this moment, the battle in Demon God Arena has ended.

Fentian was reborn from the giant egg and transformed into the mythical beast Phoenix. He fought fiercely with the Black Wind Queen for an hour and died together.

I declare...humanity wins this battle. Rejoice. You have weakened the original power of the Second Purgatory.

The low voice of the man in black robes echoed throughout the audience.




However, almost everyone bit their lips and shouted Fentian's name.

They looked at the dead phoenix and felt it was so miserable.

After being killed ten times, the 11th time he turned into a mythical beast and died together with the devil, which was really touching.

Farewell, brother, I actually like you quite a bit.

Musashi stood high and observed a moment of silence in the Bushido way.

This is not a gentlemanly way to die.

Nicholas shook the red wine in his hand and drank it in one last gulp.


Dawn shook her head, remembering the trip to the moon.

That day she felt this person was disgusting...

Unexpectedly, his death was so heroic and resonated with everyone.

Humph, he's still a man.

Pandora saw her ranking rise by one place, becoming seventh.

Does this mean Fen Tian is really dead?

In this way, she is also qualified to participate in the Demon God Arena.

Come on, it's time for us to go.

There are more demons waiting for us to kill.

We can really feel Fentian's unyielding will.

The souls in the arena are leaving one after another...

However, no one saw a crack in the shell of the dead phoenix.


The man in black robe seemed to be waiting for this scene. With one hand, the Phoenix was sucked into the wormhole behind him and disappeared.

Nuclear explosion is a gradual and continuous process, and the explosion immediately shattered Ye Jue to pieces!

The power of the Queen's bomb was so terrifying that it turned him into small pieces of flesh and blood!


Ye Jue feels nothing!

Instead he calmed down!


He saw the endless explosive force disintegrating his cells, his genes, and even his space bracelet falling off.

Even the withered fingers fell off and were released from the fusion.

Not to mention the various buffs, if this continues, he will soon be completely reduced to ashes!

I won't die, I will evolve in the explosion!

Ye Jue was very calm.

A ball of terrifying energy condensed.

He is now in a state of complete liberation!

His body, his mind, his will, and his spiritual power are all fully opened.

That scene in my heart, that person, is me.

Ye Jue gave a low drink.

The golden blood finally merged with him completely, it was like discovering a new continent!

It is as lively as a child and extremely excited.


Ye Jue's cells, his genes, and his factors began to grow crazily as the golden blood completely merged!

In the center of the nuclear explosion, the nuclear energy was as brilliant as fireworks and could not be stopped at all!

That's it!

Ye Jue continues to regenerate infinitely while being destroyed!

His body was like a sword that had been tempered many times.

No one can tell...

How strong will your body become after being tempered in a nuclear explosion?

No one knows!

However, the horror of the Queen Bomb is far more than that. It has three layers of explosions!

Moreover, each time is more terrifying than the last!

In the center of the nuclear explosion, Ye Jue kept waking up and fainting.

Each faint lasted only a few tenths of a second, and each time he woke up, his nature and will became stronger.

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