Another one…

It was used as a research and backup, and it has existed to this day!

It is one of all types of bombs that humans have detonated so far!

The most powerful bomb in terms of size, weight and power.

Its explosion volume was originally equivalent to 170 million tons of TNT explosives!


The nuclear fallout after the test explosion will have a serious impact on the environment!

So this Queen Bomb bomb was whittled down to an explosive power of 60 million tons!

Even though its power has been cut in half!

The power of the Queen Bomb…

It is still 3864 times the number of atomic bombs dropped at the end of World War II!

Manufacturing is extremely difficult as it requires alien materials and technology.

So the Queen Bomb bomb was never included in active weapons!

That year, a bomb translated the Eurasian continent by 8 mm...

that's it!

Queen bomb bomb!

Oh my god, if this queen bomb is dropped in the Antarctic, it will definitely trigger the Tunguska explosion!

That's right...the bosses are really crazy, and the bases around Antarctica will be affected!

To deal with the ancient demon, is it necessary to use a super killer weapon?

That is one of the important plans. Now that it is used, how will we deal with that existence in the North Pole in the future?

Everyone at the top levels of each base was stunned!

It's too late for them to stop it!

Adam's base has its own way!

This ancient demon stinks so bad, he must die!

In Adam's base, a group of senior executives looked gloomy.

They didn't want to see Adam sacrificed either.

However, Adam has done everything he needs to do...

Their eyes were all directed to the laboratory.

Hope is there.

Then we won't use the Queen Bomb...


One shot!

The awakened warrior who questioned was immediately headshot!

The decision made by the top management cannot be questioned!

The gloom and mist gradually turned gloomy!

The sky gradually fell into a pitch black state where you couldn't even see your fingers!

That queen bomb, flashing with blue light, gradually fell!


Run away! !

At this moment, all the demons became extremely violent!

Ho ho ho ho ho!!

A sea of ​​demons roared!

They... all want to escape, the farther away the better!

This is……

The black-feathered boy's expression changed.

It’s not just him…

Ye Jue's heart was also beating hard.

Is this the trump card Adam called?

Is someone really planning to nuke Adam and the Black Feather boy together?

Did Adam die like this in his previous life?

I felt...a powerful explosive force!

The black-feathered boy roared and ran away in a flash.

The terrifying explosive power made him roar like a beast!

It seems that you are ignorant and think you can escape the scope of the explosion?

When Adam saw this, he did not stop him, but laughed at him.

At this moment!

The Queen Bomb explodes in mid-air!

Announcing the end of everything!

It is worse than death!

It represents complete destruction!

All the demons in Antarctica will be ended by it!

The demons are dancing wildly!

Under the pressure of death!

The demons are crazy!

They scream!



All souls begin to tremble!

The world has changed!

The power generated by the nuclear explosion is like countless demons!

Thousands of troops were rolling toward them!

This is the terrifying hallucination that people will see when they die!

At this moment, distracting thoughts arise one after another!

Then, you will be stunned!


These devils are just precursors!

Boom! !

A destructive power broke out!

Like a god of death resisting the attack of a sickle!

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