Too many demons!!

Cheng Xuan growled.


Where to escape?

There is no escape from the trap of the mist-killing demon!

Everyone is in a hard fight!

Now the devil's strength is just in line with theirs!

However, they found that something was getting more and more wrong!

The strength of the Shadow Army is actually increasing bit by bit.

Slowly becoming stronger and stronger than them!

Only then did they finally understand that the demons condensed from the black mist were gradually getting stronger!

It's over, it's over, it's dead, how could this happen!!!

Yang Wenchao yelled.

The ax in his hand kept chopping!

If it weren't for the potion to restore energy.

He had been squeezed dry a long time ago and died under the devil's cutting!

Seeing that the potions in his pocket were getting less and less, he finally panicked!

Damn it!

How could there be such a weird demon?

Why not a flesh and blood demon?

The flesh-and-blood demon has flesh and blood after all.

what about this?

After the hit, there is no feeling at all!

If you use less force, you won't be able to kill them! !


Yang Wenchao was so depressed that he almost vomited blood.

All of a sudden, he didn't know how many times he had been stabbed.

I just feel like the blood on my body keeps flowing.

How long do you have to hold on?

Xu Ziyue gritted his teeth.

He took out another revolver, Duke of Destruction.

Two revolvers exchanged fire! ! !


Human physical strength is limited, and demons are constantly being created, but they will not feel tired!

You are constantly getting weaker, but the demon created by you is constantly getting stronger in your nature!

you are getting tired


It’s also the end!

At this moment, everyone was desperate!

They all realized something.


They are going to die here.

Don't die, I don't want to die!!

Yang Wenchao yelled again and again.

It's such a pity that the mission failed.

Dong Hu smiled bitterly.

Facing the fierce resistance from the charging demon, he also used all his strength!

The next second, more than a dozen demons appeared again!

Don't give any chance at all.

Just use the sea tactics to crush your last hope.

It's over.

Xu Ziyue also smiled bitterly, and the energy had been discharged.

The potion has also been consumed.

She finally understood.

What does infinity mean?


This was the last number of demons they could take away.

Within seconds, everyone was mortally wounded.

Dying, all we can do is wait for death.

boom! ! !

Right now.

A ray of daylight lights up!

Countless demons were toppled to the ground.


Thunder and light intertwined all over the sky, and countless demons were turned into ashes amid miserable howls.

what's the situation……

Xu Ziyue reluctantly opened his eyes.


Her vision went dark.

The injury was so serious that his consciousness was blurred.

Not far from her, lying Dong Hu, Cheng Xuan, Yang Wenchao...

They were motionless and it was not known whether they were dead or not.

Zhi Tian's lightning lasted for who knows how long before it subsided.


Xu Ziyue still closed his eyes.

She was so tired.


A warm current appeared in the body.


That was her last thought before she fainted.

Wu Sha, are you finally going to show up?

Ye Jue stood there.

In his last life, he had never seen Wu Sha.

What a blessing today.

I saw that the black mist was constantly condensing together.

Until finally, a dark demon appeared in front of him.


The aura emanating from the fog-killing demon is comparable to that of a great demon!

The voice in his throat was a threatening roar like a demonstration.

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