Who is this?

Chen Ya's eyebrows also tightened.

At this time, they were still far away, but she felt that the atmosphere had become tense.


The black-feathered boy said nothing, and his hair stood up as if it had been slightly struck by an electric arc.

Old Demon God, what's wrong with you?

Chen Ya looked suspicious.


The black-feathered boy suddenly spoke.

With the appearance of this human being, he discovered...

There was no darkness in the whole world, only the terrifying bright light that shocked people's hearts.

This human being is so dazzling!


Ye Jue's ambush was deep, and he had a suspicion in his mind, which must be correct.

That's the legend, Adam!

The mysterious and powerful person on the list was once hailed as the strongest fighting force in mankind.

Of course, this is the evaluation of the wasteland in later generations!

However, as Ye Jue said before...

In the wasteland of the hereafter, Adam is dead.

He died mysteriously without even playing the Demon God Arena.

It's hard to believe what happened to him.

Perhaps, Ye Jue now finally has a chance to uncover this mystery.


Chen Ya looked shocked.

I didn’t expect the ancient demon god to speak so highly of it!

He's just a human being, what else could be abnormal?

It's so lively. This trip is not in vain. We are number one in China, and there are two... demon gods?

Adam said loudly with a smile.

Find me?

Ye Jue was shocked.

He didn't remember any issues with Adam.

Is it because he is the number one in China and the number one figure that everyone is interested in him?

Come out, I know you are hiding there.

Adam's eyes were bright and his words were powerful, and he immediately revealed Ye Jue's hiding place.

It's indeed Adam.

Ye Jue walked out with a dark face, unable to understand what this man was thinking.

How dare you be here?

Chen Ya showed a murderous look.

This human being has repeatedly ruined her good deeds and still dares to hide here. He is definitely planning something.

However, when she heard the word Adam, she was obviously stunned.

Are you Adam? The first human being?

Chen Ya frowned, a look of fear appeared on her face.

It is very surprising that the witch of Hades and the devil of the second purgatory would show such an expression.

Adam? Is the number one among humans now, only level 30?

The black-feathered boy opened his mouth.

It's a pity that he was disappointed, this human being was nothing but amazing.

You know, this ray of his spirit body has level 100 attributes.

From this point of view, human beings are really too weak.

Really? You look out of touch.

Adam shook his neck and smiled brightly.

He said this to the black feather boy.

No matter how powerful your body is, this is just a wisp of your spirit body.

Ye Jue shouted.

The opportunity, he was convinced, lay in what happened next.

Hmph, the number one and two on the list of human heroes are going to die here today.

Chen Yana was tall and graceful, with her arms spread out, and she glanced at them.

Your true form is not here. Am I afraid of you?

I want to capture you and rescue the people you possess.

Ye Jueyun opened his mouth.

Are all humans so good at pretending...

Chen Ya's face darkened, and she had the urge to beat him.


Ye Jue looked at the yellow-haired young man next to him.

No matter what, they are all part of the human camp.

This battle is related to the fate of the wasteland. To fight or not to fight?

I came here to have fun. Looking at it now, it's quite interesting.

Adam was deeply surprised and looked at the face of China's number one.

This person…

It seems different from what those people in the laboratory said?

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