Yes, it seems you remember Hell.

Chen Ya was extremely respectful.

I only remember a very small part. This is just my remaining spiritual body, which is too weak.

The Black Feather boy is a monster who has been practicing for who knows how long.

It would be unjust if he could still be alive.

All spirits?

Ye Jue keenly captured the key points.

He knew that if the ancient demon god really came to the world, there would be no way for humans to survive.

at this time.

Chen Yao and the black feather boy have exchanged many words.

Finally, the black-feathered boy nodded and looked at the super battleship.


The black-feathered boy moved and flew towards the super battleship.

This is about to take action, to tear Zhan Hang apart.

Rain of gunfire!

The leader on the super battleship has his hair standing on end and takes command immediately!

Boom boom boom! !

Various laser cannons on the super battleship and cross-bombing of particle beam lines.

In an instant, a rain of light formed, intertwining with colorful brilliance.

The black-feathered boy stiffened for a moment, as if he was blocked by the dense shelling.

However, he slapped him with his backhand, and a terrifying big hand grabbed the super battleship from a few hundred meters away.

This is the highest honor of our clan. No matter how strong you are, you are just a wisp of spirit!

The leader on the super battleship roared crazily.

The Isolation's cannons are fierce and powerful, representing supreme glory.

It would be unreasonable if he couldn't defeat even a wisp of the demon's spirit body!

boom! !

A thick laser cannon stretched out from the outside and struck the terrifying hand.

In an instant, the black-feather boy was repulsed again.

However, he became more interested, his feathers clanked even more, and he rushed towards the super battleship again.

Bombardment! Bombardment!

The members of the super battleship were also roaring hysterically and using their most powerful killing weapons.

I didn't expect that this piece of scrap metal could be so powerful.

The black-feathered boy had an interesting expression on his face, and his eyes were slightly green.

A cube appeared in his hand.

Hell's Cube? The devil's artifact?

Chen Ya screamed.

It was an artifact from hell, a legendary supreme treasure with mysterious power.

Only the ancient Great Demon God had it, and now its whereabouts are unknown.

I am afraid that the demon gods deeper inside have never seen the artifact.

It's just a little bit of power projected.

The black-feathered boy shook his head.

The Hell Rubik's Cube in his hand flew up.

Didi...the core system has detected energy fluctuations beyond the battle barrier, please respond immediately!

At this time, Super Battleship sounded a red alert.

I haven't heard this alarm for a long time. The last time, I encountered other alien races in deep space. After the alarm was sounded, a super battleship was directly destroyed...

The leader's heart was throbbing, his body was shaking, he was scared, scared!



Turn, start the warp acceleration, and leave this planet immediately!

The leader on the super battleship thought of the blood in his heart...

It was indelible, nailed to his heart.

After that day, he swore that whenever he heard the alarm sound, he would run away immediately without any hesitation.

Then what about our plan? This planet is the bridge connecting there. If we give up...

The first officer looked surprised and said quickly.

I know, but there's nothing I can do about it, this planet is doomed!

The leader gritted his teeth.

This is not leaving completely, but waiting for the opportunity to return again.

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