Death Star Cannon!

The leader on the super battleship roared.

In an instant, the sky and the earth turned pitch black, and heavy rain poured down.

What, it's actually a Death Star cannon?

The icemen were startled and broke out in a cold sweat. At the same time, they turned around and ran towards Zhanhang.

What is the Death Star Cannon? Tell me!

Ye Jue quickly grabbed a low-level ice man, strangled him by the neck, and began to question him.

I...I said, I said, ahem...

The iceman coughed a few times and said hurriedly: I didn't expect that the super battleship is so powerful that it actually has a super material reactor installed inside. That is the power equipment that our mothership only has!

So that's it.

Ye Jue was shocked.

It’s not that he doesn’t know about the super battleships that will lead to people in the wasteland after his death.

It is normal for a super battleship to have thousands of armed turrets scattered on its surface.

Once, he inspected the configuration of a super battleship.

The warship has 1,000 turbo laser cannons, 2,500 ion cannons, and 500 tractor beam launchers...

Only there is no super matter reactor.

This is a terrifying system that can carry out large-scale fusion reactions!

Super laser energy beam!

Ye Jue raised his head.

He has already seen that the super battle air show has separated a dozen auxiliary beams, and the sound of the super material reactor is roaring.

That's too late!

He only felt a sudden flash in front of his eyes.

A super laser cannon with an energy intensity comparable to the core of a star slammed into the ice and snow fortress.

The flames, thunder, etc. intertwined together, blooming there, and it was extremely terrifying.

Then, waves of electromagnetic force spread out like ripples!

The nuclear reaction is rapidly oxidizing!

Make the surrounding air undergo drastic changes!



not good!

The fairy, the scholar, and the young rock boy were shocked.

The explosive force was too close to them and affected them.

This caused the backs of the three of them to almost explode, their flesh and blood were bloody, and their clothes were reduced to pieces.


The icemen and demons who had no time to escape were all burned by the flames and died miserably.

Hahaha! How about it? You can feel the power of our civilization!!

The leader on the super battleship looked proud.

Supreme glory, Atlantis!

The members on the battleship broke out into loud slogans again.

Just when everyone thought the explosion was about to spread...


A sudden change occurred, and a huge violent vortex gradually appeared on the ground!

The whole ground seemed to have sunk in.

The explosion of the super laser energy cannon did not spread at all, as if it was swallowed up by the existence underground.


The leader on the super battleship's eyes widened in shock, staring at it in disbelief.


A soul-piercing scream penetrated everyone's eardrums.

What kind of creature is this?

What a harsh sound!!

Stop, stop!

The Iceman and the Hell Lords screamed in agony.


The same goes for Dong Minmin and Shen Rou. They are weaker and their ears start to bleed.

Wake up, hahaha!

At this moment, Chen Ya on the ground screamed crazily.

She seemed extremely excited!

This is an existence worse than death!

It represents complete destruction!

Declare the end of everything!

Eye, a huge eye!

Oh my god, one eye is so big?

How big is this creature!

The big guys in each base city were trembling all over and felt like they were sweating.

Is there such a terrifying life hidden under the Antarctic?


He was unexpectedly hit by a shot.

That howl just now seemed to be announcing its anger!

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