At the scene, there were already many powerful people from the Heroic Spirit Project.

They are all very strong, but not as strong as the three above.

Boom boom boom! !

The sky seemed to explode when the Demon God faced off against the three strong ones, and they fought frequently.

At this point, who dares to say that the Heroic Spirit Plan is not strong?

Hahaha, Iceman's facility has a shielding device, but our Atlanteans' Isolation has long been cracked and sensed everything here.


The mid-air twists and lightning flashes!

A super battleship emerged from its head and tail, hovering here.

The people in Zhanhang said proudly: Iceman's brain is too simple, how can he be smarter than us?

You know, they have already cooperated deeply with big guys from various countries.

He also hinted to major organizations to allocate resources and cultivate strong people in the old way.

The top three are all old-fashioned people with no physical fear. This is a major blow to you demons!

The leader in Super Battleship sneered again and again.

Today, he will knock the devil directly from the underworld to the dust.

Just you?

Chen Ya looked coldly at everyone, including the top three, which made a group of people feel cold in their hearts.

3V1, don't call us despicable.

The fairy smiled brightly, but her body was weak from the beating and was a little shaken.

Even if the body is fearless, it is difficult to resist the demon of purgatory.

I don’t know why the Purgatory Demon God is so strong or where he trained.

Strong, indeed strong...

Although the scholar is not in the right physical condition, he is unstoppable.


The rocky young man said nothing, thinking that this should be his last glory.

When fighting against the devil, he knew that he was trying to save the lives of humans, so it would be difficult to compete with him.

Only those who possess magical power and great potential can completely defeat the devil.

They, the ancients who followed the old path, were once very strong, but they were not afraid of stopping.

Once you reach level 60, you can no longer improve.

I don’t even know how to cultivate to Vajra.

I heard that someone knows the secret... I wonder if there is a chance to hear it.

Winning or losing this battle, your demon army, your ally Iceman, and your Queen Virus will all be destroyed during this period!

The young rock man saw things very clearly and understood what humans were thinking.

That's right, as long as the demon is held back for some time in the arena.

The big killer weapon on the Isolation can completely destroy everything here and destroy the Antarctic facilities!


Chen Ya volleyed and kicked the rocky young man away.

Needless to say, even without fear, blood was spurting from his mouth and nose, and rocks were peeling off his body.

Let's fight. After all, the Heroic Spirit Project is just a tool. Our clan will become a representative of science and technology, leading the world, counterattacking hell, and rebuilding supreme glory.

The leader on the super battleship jabbed the button.

Boom boom boom! !

Countless beam cannons bombarded Chen Ya's direction, making a terrifying dull sound regardless of the enemy or friend.

Supreme glory, Atlantis!

Supreme glory, Atlantis!

Loud slogans erupted on the Super Battleship.

What a supreme honor, it is simply inhuman.

Shen Rou's nose felt sore.

She didn't know what to say...

They are all fighting for the survival of mankind, but they are treated as tools. It is a bit too miserable and feels inhumane.

I don't think it's that simple.

Dong Minmin shook his head.

By this time, Ye Jue had recovered as before.

He moved his body and barely suppressed the boiling of the golden liquid.

I'm going to try to see if I can destroy the ice and snow fortress.

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