I seem to have seen it somewhere...

Dong Minmin felt incredible.

She always felt that Lei Lei looked so familiar, much like the same person.

No one can stop me.

At this time, Ye Jue quickly moved his body and fought fiercely with the powerful ice man.

Bang bang bang! !

This powerful iceman only lasted ten seconds before he was shattered and died an incredible death.

By the way, it also turned into experience points. He killed so many icemen in an instant, and still nothing exploded.

There must be a bug in the setting of the man in black.

Otherwise, the man in black robe cannot manage other races in deep space, and his settings are only effective on this planet.

It is not difficult to deduce that upgrades, experience, equipment, and skills are all aimed at humans and demons.


Ye Jue could only think so much at once.

His bursts of thunder turned into lightning in the sky, destroying all obstacles in a straight line.

At this time, he had an amazing vision!

An astonishing golden light shone from Ye Jue's mouth and nose, and lightning struck him constantly from the sky.

Is he a human on the hero list?

An ice man yelled.

They all know that the top seven heroes on the human hero list all have great abilities.

One person can guard a base city and fight against a wave of demons.

Now that I have finally seen it, it feels really powerful, and my body is beyond them.

It's unscientific, it doesn't even use the ice beam gun!

There are icemen who hold the advanced firearms of their clan, but they only cause a little white mark on the target and cannot be frozen at all.

This really shocked them, they were almost unstoppable, their bodies were so invincible.

You...you are following the same old path.

There was an ice man who looked at the bright hole in his chest in disbelief. He was so shocked that he died suddenly.


A hell lord-level fear knight king rushed over on a skeleton horse.

It has level 25 and is very powerful.


It was greeted by a thunder fist.

boom! !

The exoskeleton armor of the Dread Knight King exploded directly, and the men and horses turned on their backs and flew far away.

Brother Ling Xiao is so invincible.

Shen Rou was shocked and admired.

Presumably the legendary number one in China is nothing more than this, right?

It's so similar, so much like him, maybe it's him.

Dong Minmin stood there in surprise.

She had seen the battle in the Demon Arena with her own eyes...

It's the same way, the thunder strikes in the opposite direction, but becomes more and more brave as it fights, like a god.


Ye Jue was still making strong moves, and his whole body was full of vitality.

This ice and snow fortress that controls the weather seems very close, but it is very far away.

Countless icemen and demons swarmed up, trying to drown him using human sea tactics.

However, the space around him cannot be changed. He keeps moving forward with snow and blood splashing all the way.


At this time, far away, a warship rose.

The whole body of Zhanhang has smooth metal lines. In addition to its intimidating power, it also has a special beauty in craftsmanship.

In the battleship, a group of icemen were mobilizing beam cannons and aiming them at his position.

Buzz buzz!

Hundreds of beam cannons began to gather frigid energy in front of their muzzles, and shot towards Ye Jue in the next second.

Zhanhang bombarded Ye Jue. This scene seemed familiar. Xu Mofu had also been treated in this way.

However, the Isolation is about ten times larger than this battleship and cannot be compared.

Brother Lingxiao!!

Shen Rou was shocked.

Unexpectedly, Iceman was so defiant that he also had a super battleship buried deep here waiting for a sneak attack.

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