Not long after, Wang Tong died tragically at the hands of the two women.

These two girls were both very strong, and it was too easy to deal with the seriously injured Wang Tong.

I really didn't expect that we could survive.

Shen Rou's mood was complicated.

Not only did he survive, but he also killed the traitor, which is simply a miracle.

This strong man, thank you for your help.

Dong Minmin couldn't help but show hope on her face.

The cold wind blows fiercely…

The young man standing high up, his clothes rustling in the strong wind.

The back of this man looks so much like that person...

How did you get here?

Ye Jue asked.

He had already recognized Dong Minmin.

However, the helmet was not removed.

It's all my fault. I took over a mission from a base. The mission rewards are very generous, so...

Dong Minmin looked regretful.

If it weren't for her, the group wouldn't be destroyed.

Who would have thought that besides demons, there would be such a terrifying iceman under the Antarctic?

I don't blame you, this is a unanimous decision made by everyone.

Shen Rou quickly comforted her.

It would be troublesome if Dong Minmin had a mental problem.


Dong Minmin sighed and asked, My name is Dong Minmin, and this is my teammate.

My name is Shen Rou, thank you for saving us.

Shen Rou nodded gratefully.

This strong man... may I ask what your name is?

Dong Minmin asked expectantly.

Ling Xiao.

Ye Jue's clean face under the helmet smiled slightly.

Brother Ling Xiao... Anyway, thank you.

Dong Minmin was a little disappointed and didn't dare to cover it up quickly.

I won't force you. There are too many icemen nearby. You can only survive if you follow me.

Ye Jue said.

His heart was touched, and he felt that if they were allowed to leave, they would definitely encounter the Iceman again.

So, it's very dangerous and the only way is to stay with him.

“We’re not forcing it at all!”

Dong Minmin and Shen Rou shouted immediately.

They have deeply understood the horror of the Iceman. If they encounter the Iceman again, the result will definitely be different.

Right now, the only way to survive is by following this strong man.

Then let's go.

Ye Jue nodded.

This place is very dangerous, but as long as he is around, no one can kill them under his hands except the Black Wind Queen herself.

The field that the Iceman deals with is indeed special, as he actually transforms his body into ice.

The high-level Iceman seems to be able to transform into elements, making him very difficult to hunt down.

The most important thing is that they are very smart, and their IQ is no less than that of humans in the world.

Where did they come from?

This is what Ye Jue wants to figure out now.

Looking at this planet, apart from the demon gods and the ancients whose heroic spirits plan to resurrect, what other secrets are there?

Why would a planet that was about to be swallowed by hell attract the return of these branches of humanity?

The return of Atlantis's Isolation, the return of Iceman... both have different purposes.

What are they fighting for?

Who left the mysterious gold liquid behind?

How to decipher the heaven-defying artifact on the hell inscription...

There are so many other secrets and mysteries, all puzzles.

I must catch the iceman from before.

Ye Jue thought deeply.

He felt like he was being tricked.

The iceman before was obviously different from these icemen, both in terms of IQ and strength.

It was a lie to say that he was a subordinate of Captain Iceman.

There's an iceman and a demon again, and they're actually acting together?

Dong Minmin was extremely shocked.

Ice and the devil teamed up?

Shen Rou was also extremely shocked.

They couldn't believe what they were seeing...

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