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Chapter 31 Encounter with the fog-killing demon! !

This thing is also a drawing.

It's called a fully automatic defense beam tower.


It is very difficult to make, and the materials required are exotic meteorites.

If you want to create a strange meteor, you need to drop gold.

Falling gold does not belong to the earth.

It comes from outer space.

A five-kilogram piece of dropped gold was sold for about 20 million.

In the end, two types of magic cores are needed to be combined with falling finance.

Produce brand new materials, alien meteorites.

A fully automatic defense beam tower can directly guarantee the defense line of a base.

This drawing is the rarest of rarest.

Previous life.

The Longxiao base where Ye Jue stayed had one of these.

He saw with his own eyes that even if a thousand big demons attacked together, they could not break through! ! !

The power of the beam tower is simply invincible!


Ye Jue also wants to install a beam tower for his so-called home in the future.

This is the second goal, the purpose of staying in the army.

Looking for information about falling gold.

at this time.

A group of them had gone deep into the interior of the Grand Theater.

The situation at this time is somewhat difficult to understand.

It was a thick black fog!

That's right.

There is actually black fog in the Grand Theater!


It's completely unclear what's going on inside.

This black mist was so mysterious that it frightened them.

as well as.

Let everyone be alert to that devilish aura that is everywhere! !

What is this demon?

Could it be this black fog?

Or something in the black mist?

Spiritual demon, could it be...

Ye Jue was shocked.

In ancient books, there is a rumor about a certain

Among the demons in the previous life, there was a wandering demon, and everyone called him Fog Killer.

Wu Sha's whereabouts were erratic, and his figure was also very strange.

A strange and thick black mist will appear around it, perfectly hiding itself within it.

He is someone who is more powerful than Wu Sha...

When you fall into this black mist, you will completely fall into passivity.

Many strong men from the previous life...

He brought a lot of troops to find Wu Sha...

The results of it?

In the end, they all died in the assassination of Wu Sha.

Fog Killer is a killer type of demon.

Fight alone in the wasteland.

It is not associated with any demon lair.

No one has ever seen what it really looks like.

No one knows its name.

It is said that people who have seen fog killing...

All dead.


This black mist not only reminded Ye Jue of the records in ancient books.

Because this rumor is most likely true.

It is said that the reason why Fog Killer has such weird methods...

It can create black mist around it during battles and has a shadow army, that's because it comes from crossing the river!

That's right.

According to records, this demon came from across the river!

It's the devil crossing the river!

Almost exactly as rumored.

Appearing somewhere uncertainly without any warning.


Before entering the black fog by mistake, no one saw the black fog!

Only after being in it will people react!

People from the previous life accidentally broke into the black mist somewhere.

Ten deaths and no life!


Various rumors about the fog killing spread.

Crossing the river is so mysterious!

The demons in Hell Crossing the River are so powerful that they have such terrifying moves!

That's for sure.

If you are very unlucky and accidentally enter the fog killing trap somewhere.

Then it's completely over! !

Not because it will trap you to death.

on the contrary. In this black mist... there will be a very large number of demonic shadow armies... that are very terrifying and powerful! ! !

That's right.

This is the horror of spiritual demons! ! !

Of course, the name Demonic Shadow Legion was also chosen by later generations based on Wu Sha's name.

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