As more and more people come over!

You can hardly see the head from the front and the tail from the back!

It's so vast and so dark!

The weather is extremely cold due to mysterious influences.

Many people were shivering from the cold, and their upper and lower teeth were chattering!

It's a little better at noon now.

However, at night, if they haven't entered the base yet, they may freeze into popsicles.

After all, the end base city also has an ultra-high temperature energy tower.

Unfortunately, the door of the base is only so big that only less than a hundred people can pass through it at one time.

Moreover, you still need to register your strength, so there is a backlog of people at the door.

The team calls for awakeners to join!!

The team is looking for high-level awakened people. Is there any boss who can change jobs!?

Sell food! Exchange supplies!

Many people started doing business on the spot.

Anyway, leisure is leisure!

Ye Jue closed his eyes and began to practice his mind.

Many people even came up to chat...

Ask if you want to trade, join a team, etc.

Ignore me.

Ye Jue laughed it off and concentrated on practicing.

About 1 hour passed.

The middle-aged man wearing glasses walked out of the giant door and said seriously:

Everyone, calm down and listen to what I have to say. Our base city is currently full...


This sound immediately set the scene on fire!

Almost everyone had a blast!

They worked hard to get here.

How much was sacrificed?

How much did you pay?

In other words...full capacity?

Suddenly, the atmosphere became extremely tense!

Yeah, let me in!

What the dog said, this is a scam!

I don't accept it! No matter what you say today, I will go in!

Countless anger almost burned the air!

Ye Jue's brows were also frowning.

did not expect……

This is actually happening.


In fact, you can guess that this is the only base city nearby.

One can imagine how many people gathered here.

The middle-aged man with glasses said quickly:

Calm down! Calm down! I said, listen to what I have to say. Although it is full, you can still go to the branch city. There are very few people there. If you go at full speed, it only takes a day's journey!

Although, he tried his best to explain!

However, it is almost useless!

Because there is no ultra-high temperature energy tower in the branch city.

How can you heat your house with only a small flame stove?

What a dog says, let me in!

Rush! Rush in!

I'm going in today, who dares to stop me!!

Everyone was furious!

Close the door! Close the door! A bunch of lunatics!

The middle-aged man with glasses quickly dodged.

boom! !

The only electronic gate into the base was instantly closed.

No gaps left at all...


Someone punched him.


There is no use at all!

Because the wall is not an ordinary wall!

The door is no ordinary door either.

This kind of metal has never been seen before. It is a product of the ruins civilization.

A lot of people were cursing.

Those managers of the cursed base must die a good death!

This is also human nature.

After all, they were temporarily disqualified from entering the base.


No matter how much you curse, it's useless.

It's time for them to go!

If you stay here, you will only be attacked by the severe cold.

It’s best to keep going while the sun still hasn’t set.

Go to the sub-base city, even a flame furnace will do. It's better than nothing.

The vast crowd gradually disappeared.

Ye Jue shook his head.

He just wanted to replenish some food.

There is no point in staying here any longer.

Wait a minute, let me go, I might be able to let them go.

At this moment, Bai Tingting suddenly said.

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