Ding, extract the immortality potion, the 'immortality' effect is successful.

You have obtained a permanent buff: Immortality.

In an instant, countless blue starlights poured into Ye Jue's body from all around.

The buff is activated successfully. You can choose to turn it off or on in the buff column.

buff bar: immortal

Check silently to observe the details of any buff.


Ye Jue read silently.

Immortality buff: (You will not die regardless of any injuries, including but not limited to dizziness, hallucination, fainting, etc. The negative effects are determined according to the will of the host)

Can be combined with immortality skills to form immortality buff.

Duration: forever


Ye Jue was ecstatic.

Immortal, let me ask the devil, can he do it?

The key is!

Not only this buff, he can get more and stronger buffs in the future!

Thinking of this, he forced himself to calm down his excitement.

Although not dead.

However, there is no fighting ability.

Now...he is still a 5-year-old scumbag.

He quickly formed a plan.

The first step is to have enough combat power and obtain enough buffs.

Then proceed to the second step, destroy the lair of the little evil demons.

To know.

The experience points and rewards given by destroying the nest are very generous.

Although, that is an extreme way.


The destruction of nests is usually done by a well-equipped team of strong men.

Then let the hunt begin.

Ye Jue licked his lips.

He started to move.

Run towards the nearest scream.

Help me, help me!

This was a yellow-haired boy covered in blood, and one of his legs had been eaten away.


His willpower was so strong that he didn't even faint.

Seeing the people running towards him, he seemed to grasp the last straw.

I'm sorry, I can only avenge you.

Ye Jue ran past him.

He rushed towards the little lemure that was chasing him.


The little lemure let out a strange cry and bit into it with its mouth wide open.


Ye Jue made a sliding shovel and knocked the little evil demon to the ground.


He jumped high from the ground.

A knife with a cold light was inserted deeply into its heart.

Pull it out hard.


Thick black blood sprayed all around.

You killed a little lemure and gained +10 experience points.

The experience points required for upgrading are 80 points.

You need to reach level 5 to awaken and become an awakener.

Ye Jue conveniently blocked the next minor prompt sounds.


Look at what the little lemure exploded.

It turned out to be a polearm.

[Weapon: Penetrating Spear]

Special Effects: Penetration.

[There is a 10% chance of launching a penetration effect when attacking, causing double damage]

Extract penetration effects.

Ye Jue directly used the system to extract the special effects.

Ding, extract the piercing spear, the 'penetration' effect is successful.

You have obtained the permanent buff: Penetration.

Those blue starlights entered his body from all directions again.

Check the buff column and penetrate.

Ye Jue thought silently for a moment.

Penetrating buff: (10% chance of launching a penetrating effect when attacking, causing double damage)

This buff can be stacked, adding 10% each time, up to a maximum of 100%.

Duration: forever

Addable? That's outrageous!

Ye Jue was extremely surprised.

This means that he needs to extract it ten times to activate this buff 100%.

More monsters must be hunted.

The next moment, he was hurtling into the darkness.

So strong...

The scene of instantly killing the little lemure was naturally witnessed by the boy with the broken leg.


What he didn't see was that a despicable little lemur appeared on his back.

A pair of fangs bit his head fiercely.


Ye Jue, who ran far away, did not hear the screams behind him.


The boy survived.

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