You all underestimate high-tech weapons.

Ye Jue looked towards the future.

In the future wasteland world, major organizations will possess terrifying technological weapons.

Moreover, it is the kind that is large-scale and shocks the world!

Level 50 human experts would almost collapse to the ground if they saw it with their own eyes.

He is the same. He has seen an organization obtain a god-level relic, the ‘Black God’.

Each member of the organization wears a black god suit, which is a hundred times stronger than the same level!

As long as the armor is worn on a person, it will begin to penetrate into the skin and absorb your blood and DNA.

Then this Black God suit will mutate and become incomparable with the human body!

It's just like the skin on the body, and it can be changed completely according to one's wishes, and there is no need to wear clothes anymore.

Their 'Black God' has a very big super battleship!

Ye Jue once saw a dazzling beam of light blooming on the ground, accompanied by extremely terrifying energy...

The target was the demon god underground, and he was blasted directly into hell.

Accompanied by the screams of countless demons, shock, fear, and panic running...

More hell lords rushed underground, eager to escape from hell immediately.

The sight was so horrific that it affected him profoundly.

He had been thinking that a level 50 expert would never be able to deliver such a blow.

Is it really that strong?

Cheng Xuan was stunned when he heard this.

What kind of organization is that, so powerful that it can own a super battleship and leave the planet at any time?

With one cannon blast, all hell will turn upside down?

The stronger one is the devil.

Ye Jue smiled again.

He later heard that the shot angered the demon in the depths of hell.

The demon has not yet climbed out of the ground...

However, a big hand suddenly popped out from the ground and grabbed the super battleship 'Black God'.


As expected, the battleship outside the atmosphere broke into pieces.

Falling from the sky, that sight made countless humans despair!

Even the super-tech weapons in the god-level ruins can't defeat the devil?

Relics are relics. No matter how powerful they are, they are still things left over from the past.

Ye Jue shook his head.

The truly powerful technology is the super technology brought by the mysterious black-robed man ‘Source’.

Every super technology is terrifying to death.

Some people say that those super technologies are the hope against the devil.

Unfortunately, humans did not make it to that point.

Completely failed in the fifth battle with the Demon God.

At that time, rising humans did not expect that the fifth and sixth levels of hell would be so terrifying!

It’s just that cannon fodder level demons are all destroyers of hell!

It can shoot out hell energy beams from its hands, killing humans instantly.

Moreover, in the blazing cemetery, the coffins were filled with ancient demon gods.

The Demon Arena opens once a day, and heroes fall one after another. It's so tragic.

At that time, it was just a little bit...

Human beings can see the Hell City of the Seventh Purgatory, the Hell Furnace, the Blood Temple, the City of Pain...

What a pity, what a pity.

Then our peak field must get the core of the base!

Cheng Xuan felt his throat was dry.

The super technology brought by the men in black robes, you can get it no matter what!


Ye Jue frowned slightly, then sighed again.

In his previous life, he was a frontline soldier at the Dragon Roar level 5 super base.

He was born in the Dragon Roar Base, and was eventually trampled to death by the Demon God, also in the Dragon Roar Base.

My feelings for this base cannot be explained in just a few words.


Now that the Longxiao base he supports has just started, they have to think of ways to deal with him...

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