Shit, sir, did you make a mistake? You brought a half-dead person here!

The doctor in the military camp roared crazily.

The beds are already full!

Many injured patients had to lie on the ground with simple plastic mattresses.

This is an order. There is nothing we can do. Doctor, you have to do what you want.

The soldier shook his head helplessly.

Okay, move him to the open space over there, and wait until I have time to go over and see if he's dead.

The doctor sighed.

Okay, move him there.

The soldier nodded.

After a while.

Ye Jue opened his eyes.

Although the repair buff has been used.

But the injuries he sustained in the demon lair were too severe.

It is best to lie down for a few hours.


Ye Jue didn't resist and was dragged around by these people and moved to a corner.

in the eyes of others.

He was already waiting to die.

However, it is very noisy here and there are noisy crowds everywhere.

Everyone was very excited.

Ye Jue raised his head and looked around.

Soldiers were lying all around, howling and screaming, and there were not a few missing arms or legs.

System, extract the special effect 'powerful group recovery buff'.

Ding, the extraction is successful, you have obtained a permanent buff: powerful group recovery!

Permanent powerful group recovery buff: All injured within your control will receive powerful recovery effects.

This skill book was revealed after the death of the great demon.

In addition, there is a large flesh and blood magic core.

The energy possessed by this large magic core can replace two flesh and blood magic cores.

This means that he has obtained 4 flesh and blood magic cores.

Killing the big demon and destroying the lair allowed Ye Jue to directly reach level 5 with full experience!

Now he needs ten flesh and blood demon cores to awaken and become a mutant!


This is far from enough.

Ye Jue still needs nine crystal magic cores!

Therefore, he must rush to destroy the spirit nest before the evacuation!

He would never let go of the opportunity to obtain the magic core.

With ten flesh and blood demon cores and ten crystal demon cores, there is a chance of evolving into a special evolver.

Ye Jue clenched his fist tightly.

This is information about the future wasteland.

The accidental discoverer was still a child.

This child became a superpower, a special evolution after the mutant!

After that, the devil came, and the road was not even half way.

The child died.


The power that the child showed at that time far exceeded the combat power of the supernatural and mutant types.

Many people have seen the light, and their children will be able to follow this path in the future.

However, the devil came and the dawn was submerged in the eternal failed to shine.

Must awaken as a special evolver!

Ye Jue took a deep breath.

Becoming a special evolver, with permanent buffs, challenging the devil is not a dream!

Just like that, an hour passed.

Ye Jue felt that the fatigue in his body, as well as the soreness and weakness in his muscles had disappeared, and his condition was greatly restored!

The power of powerful group recovery is indeed powerful.

What's going on? This is impossible. Your injuries will take at least a month to recover from!

The doctor was completely confused and examined the soldier's wounds in disbelief.

Haha, a miracle, doctor, this is a miracle!

That's right, God bless my human race!

Hel me up, I can still kill the devil!!!

The repaired warriors howled again and again.

One moment he was crying and wailing, and the next moment he was full of energy and couldn't wait to hunt the demon!

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