Ye Jue moved his wrist and held the legendary Huangquan knife in his hand.

Chop, chop, chop, chop!

The movements are smooth and flowing!

He has tried the method of killing demons countless times!

The whole set of actions is done in one go!

He used the knife to a perfect level!

Although I really want to solve it with one knife...

Ye Jue sighed.

With even the slightest use of energy, the mountain will collapse.

When the entrance to the ruins is blocked by rubble, it will be troublesome.'s not bad to practice your mind.

Ye Jue smiled.

He didn't have to dodge the attacks of these demons.

Just the protective energy can repel them, so I quickly turned off this buff.

Kill as you go!

This tunnel, I don’t know how long it is, has completely become the devil’s lair!

But what about the lair?

Wherever Ye Jue passed, blood splattered!

The ground was filled with irregular corpses left behind.

The devil is crazy!

Because they have forgotten death and want to defeat them!

Just become crazier than them!

Ye Jue was killing all the way!

Basically, the sword rises and falls, and two or three demons can be taken away with one strike!

Even so!

Demons are still coming in a steady stream!

I'm afraid even the Awakener team that hasn't changed professions won't be able to defeat them.

Ye Jue pondered.

It's really dangerous here!

He didn't even have time to breathe.

The Huangquan Knife is like chopping monsters and vegetables.

Click! Click!

The demons were killed one after another!

There are too many demons!

How many are there?

Ye Jue couldn't remember how long he had been chopping.

I don’t know how far I’ve walked!


The dark tunnel seems to have no end!

From the beginning, he was at ease, but gradually became irritable.

Although it is a torture!

But he hurried, the golden liquid in his body was stirring.

If this continues, he will definitely go berserk and out of control.


Ye Jue drank deeply, and the muscles in his legs suddenly exploded with impact!

The sole of the foot even left a sunken footprint on the ground!


He leaned forward like a cheetah.

Those demons couldn't catch him at all!

After sprinting with all his strength, the tunnel finally reached the end!


There is a faint light!

Ye Jue's eyes lit up!

If you look closely, it's the light of an electronic device.


Can it still be used?

Quickly press the button, and the elevator numbers appear.





As soon as the elevator door opened, Ye Jue got in without hesitation.

Behind him, countless claws stretched out!


One knife down!

A dozen arms fell down.


The elevator door closes!


Start sinking!

Is the entrance to the ruins in an underground building?

Ye Jue sensed it with his heart.

There are almost ten floors underground.

This awakened one, welcome to my underground research institute!


At this time, the elevator suddenly got stuck in mid-air.

A voice rang from the speaker.

There's actually someone else?

Ye Jue frowned slightly.

He felt a little strange. Isn't this the entrance to the ruins?

Why did it become a research institute?

I'm not human?

The voice was also confused for a moment.

Is this a ruins?

Ye Jue asked.

Relics? Yes, I transformed this ruins and turned it into my refuge.

Sounds came from all directions.

I'm looking for a machine in this ruins. It will be of great use to me. I hope you can give it to me.

Ye Jue was very polite, but there was an unquestionable order in his words.

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