Why on earth does the human soul fall into hell?

Ye Jue thinks there must be truth in it.

He wants to search, but he may have to cross the stars and needs an icy super battleship!

It's just that humans can't develop super battleships on their own yet.

Drawings or physical objects must be obtained from ancient ruins.

Even in the god-level ruins, you can’t say for sure!

I saw some animals that turned into monsters.

Xu Mohe said suddenly.

She walked in the wasteland and saw many monsters.

Some of those monsters were very aggressive, and some were very intelligent and hid when they saw her.

Some people in Base City also kept little demons as pets, which surprised her.

Demon? That's a mutant beast. Huh... wait, there were mutant beasts in your era?

Ye Jue was shocked.

Yes, there are just not many of them, but they are absolutely the same.

Xu Moyou's eyes were shining with light.


Did mutant beasts appear in ancient times?

Ye Jue felt that he had gotten a mysterious truth.

Are mutant beasts monsters?

So, the hellish substance demonized the animals?

Commonly known as... atavism? !

The mutated beast shouted for two lifetimes, and Ye Jue felt that his outlook on life had been impacted.

Wait a minute, something's wrong. Did hell matter exist in ancient times?

Ye Jue frowned, then relaxed.

Yes, the ancient infernal material did not completely erode the ground, so there were not many demonized animals.

This is why Xu Mohe said that there are not many cooked ones.

From this point of view, Hell had a vague intention to invade the ground as early as ancient times.

I can see my level now. I am at level 60 with full experience.

Xu Mohe looked above his head.

Her basic power has also been digitized.

This is a phenomenon that only appeared after she kept absorbing the vitality of Ye Jue and gradually turned from weird to real.

She felt that if she absorbed some more life force, she could be fully resurrected.

Level 60?

Ye Jue felt deeply.

He felt that Xu Mofu's level would be very high, so there was no surprise.

What's scary is not the level, but the Bagua jade piece in her hand, which was born with her and is the legendary exclusive treasure.

“What’s the path after level 60?”

Xu Mohe asked.

Don't ask me, I don't know.

Ye Jue shook his head.

In the last life, the strongest man when mankind perished had many talents and had risen to more than 50 levels.

Is it possible that after level 60, you will become a human god?

he said.

In my time, there were too many people who were stronger than me. I don't know how many times stronger they were, and there were no human gods.

Xu Mofu blew into Ye Jue's ear.

Human gods are not necessarily the strongest. Maybe there are machines that can become gods, genes that can become gods...

Ye Jue sweated.

Xu Mofu's body became more and more real. Lying on his back, there was already a soft touch.

A breath of fairy air blew into my ears, almost melting my brain. It was so charming.

You humans are starting to have branches now. I can't understand it. Our bodies are the most perfect at the beginning and have the greatest potential.

Xu Mofu shook his head.

I agree with your opinion.

Ye Jue nodded.

Those cyborgs are very strong, and maybe their path is not to become gods, but to achieve mechanical ascension.

Mechanical ascension is also a way.

This is the Palace of Bones, where the devil once lived.

Ye Jue revisits his old place.

All the coffins here have been pulled open, and the surroundings are in chaos.

It looked like someone had broken in and looted it.

After all, the devil is dead, and everyone in the world knows that Netherworld is empty.

There were many people who came to search for treasures, but they found nothing and returned without success.

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