If you stand as a human, I can take you back.

Ye Jue showed his teeth: If you are on the other side of the devil, then let's die here.

Are you threatening me?

Xu Mo frowned: You are so young, are you willing to spend time here with me?

Then give it a try.

Ye Jue shrugged his shoulders.

I stand for humans.

After half the payment, Xu Mo nodded.

After all, there was no difference between the two options to her.

Then it's settled. If Huaxia Base City is in danger in the future, you must help.

After Ye Jue finished speaking, he walked towards the entrance of the spacecraft.

Winning over this Xu Molian to his lineup will definitely help in the future.


This is inevitable.

However, that is a story for another day.

The popularity of the Paradise Tower is still the same, and every tower is full of people coming and going, and it is a prosperous time.

With the return of the spaceship, everyone already knows that the strong man on the hero list has returned.

Ye Jue is now level 21 and is about to start upgrading.

However, he can no longer enter the Paradise Tower. After becoming a full-time professional, he is no longer qualified.

A master is lonely.

Ye Jue walked in a quiet place.


He received various benefits today.

Ye Jue's current strength is still second on the hero list.

However, his strength will improve by leaps and bounds next!

When you upgrade the legendary demon hunter to 10 stars, he will be enhanced by another 20 times!

This is a huge leap!

With another 20 times the strength, he can achieve a dominant physique!


The threat he receives will be much smaller!


He also worked harder and harder on upgrading.

In order to upgrade, he deliberately found a place where no one would disturb him!

There are so many demons here, and no one has noticed them.

Originally, these continuous mountains belonged to the National Forest Park!

The wasteland is now ruined.

However, some areas are still well protected.

Therefore, the air inside is very fresh and clear, and there is no virus pollution.

The quality and strength of the demon are also very high.

Ye is very satisfied with this!

The upgrade journey has begun!

Among these mountains!

Because the terrain is different!

There are also good and bad upgrade locations.

Ye Jue changed several upgrade locations here!

Although the location is getting better!

But it never reached the ideal standard in his mind.

On the fifth night, he walked in the ice sea as usual.

Breathing the cold air, Ye Jue felt very comfortable!

Follow a road and walk deeper into the glacier.

The ice here is crystal clear, winding, and ends in darkness.

I don’t know where it is going...

Ye Jue walked along for a while!

I just feel that the terrain is getting more and more dangerous!

Glaciers are getting more and more dangerous!


Even the light is blocked!

The road ahead cannot be illuminated through the mountain.

There shouldn't be any demons here, right?

Ye Jue was considering whether to turn around and look back!


There was the sound of running water hitting the rocks from ahead.

Is it coming to an end?

He thinks so!

Follow the sound and walk towards it!

After turning around a eucalyptus tree that blocked my view,

Suddenly, it became clear that this was a pool of more than 100 meters!

The pool is clear, but the bottom is not visible, and I don’t know how deep it is.

A waterfall like a curtain of water pours down from a stone cliff more than ten meters high and pours into the pool.

In addition to the waterfalls, there are seven or eight small streams that meander from all directions!

The bright moon is in the sky, casting its bright moonlight into the pool.

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