Wasteland, one-click extraction, permanent immortal buff at the beginning

Chapter 260: Break through the road to career change!

However. .

The reality is different from what they thought.

Ye Jue is frantically absorbing the thunder in the sea of ​​thunder!

This is a shocking picture!

The rumbling sound is like thousands of troops galloping!

He really didn't expect that the second level of the body tempering trial would turn out to be a sea of ​​thunder!

Therefore, Ye Jue's eyes glowed, and he jumped in with a leap.

Swish, swish, swish! !

Countless thunder and lightning began to surge into his body.

Just like thunder snakes and thunder dragons!

The amount of electric energy that the electric energy reserve buff can hold is linked to his physical strength.

Before, he could store almost 2000% of lightning, which is 20 times more!

It has now exceeded 20 times and is still rising!

Already 25 times.

Ye Jue felt that his hair was starting to turn blue, but he was still grinning.

He suddenly thought of a good way, which was to absorb light from the thunder pool.

Then rush through all the subsequent levels in one go!

30 times.

Ye Jue estimated that he could absorb another 50 times.

31 times…

32 times…

33 times…

Basic +35 times!

He has now transformed into an electric man, with his hair standing on end and glowing blue.

I remember people from the Post-Wasteland said that there used to be a famous comic called Super Saiyan, which is what I look like now.

Ye Jue touched his chin, and Lei Hai gradually disappeared.

It is estimated to be about 90 times.

He accelerated the speed of absorbing thunder and lightning.

However, the body suffered a strong impact.

The skin begins to crack.

But it doesn't matter, the crack was repaired by the healing buff the moment it appeared.

45 times!

Where Ye Jue stood, electric energy spider webs spread in all directions.

This electric energy reserve buff is really a magical skill. It was extracted casually on Netherworld Mountain at that time.

50 times!

60 times!


90 times!

Ye Jue had almost drained the thunder pool at this time.

At the very end, he absorbed lightning that was 100 times greater than his own base!

Is this gone?

He still had more to say, feeling that the impact would be 150 times greater.

But this is almost the strongest state!

With a slight movement, the thunder and lightning on his body surged wildly, attacking in all directions.

It seems to be venting the suppressed power in the body.

Start the official breakthrough!

Ye Jue rushed directly to the third level.



Fentian looked at the level progress bar.

Ye Jue finally left the second level, and his avatar appeared on the third level.

Haha, so what, I have passed the eighth level now.

He was extremely proud.

Although the path to elite career transfer is a bit difficult for him...

But, it was solved easily!

What kind of monster postgraduate entrance examination, strength postgraduate entrance examination, spiritual postgraduate entrance examination...

No problem at all!


Immediately, Fen Tian suddenly glared.

That Ye Jue actually broke through the third level and entered the fourth level?

What the hell?

You know, it took him nearly half an hour to break through the third level.

It only took less than a minute to get in, right?

Fentian's mouth twitched.


A wonderful surprise for sure!

However, the next scene almost made him jump.

The fourth level was also broken, in less than a minute?

His mouth opened in disbelief.

Is it cheating?

Fen Tian suddenly seriously suspected that Ye Jue had found the bug!

Otherwise, how could it be possible to go all the way through, obviously being stuck at the second level for so long?

But the monsters in the fifth level are very powerful, even I...

However, before he finished speaking, his expression froze.

The monster he blew was instantly killed?

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