Is this a story that lets me take a look and then leave? Are you kidding me?

Ye Jue's head was a bit big.

No matter what era, the Tower of Heaven is so unfathomable.

Who made it?

Is it the source again?

What role does the source play in the universe?

There's definitely something wrong, there's something weird.

He thought for a long time and carefully examined the stars and moon in the sky, hoping to find some clues.


The stars and the moon seemed to be moving slowly.

He observed intently...

I found that every time I turned, I found that my position would return to the original place without anyone noticing.

And he felt nothing.

Spiritual rage!

Ye Jue rushed to the box again.

This time, his thinking speeded up by 1 second!

But his body was out of control, and when he approached the box, he returned to where he was.

The spiritual body formed by the mental rage was suddenly pulled out.

Therefore, he can turn his head and see his body!

And it returned to its original position without anyone noticing.

Sure enough!

The mental rampage directly confirmed this idea.

The stars and the moon are just like a large institution.

Ye Jue was shocked and flew towards them.

Unfortunately, he couldn't get close. Before he was halfway through the flight, the stars and the moon turned violently, and he was back where he was.

How to do this?

Ye Jue's induction was very strong, and the mysterious substance mentioned by later generations was probably in that box.

This tower is so special, probably because of its existence.

There may be something else I haven't noticed...

He walked around a few times and found many patterns carved under the fog on the ground.

These patterns are very special and seem to represent many ancient human spirits.

The spiritual will of these heroic spirits has not yet died, and they seem to be watching him.

Could it be that the conditions that need to be met are...

Ye Jue's heart trembled. He closed his eyes and communicated with these heroic spirits.

Soon he understood what was going on.

These heroic spirits do not want weak people to take the contents of the box.

They are guarding the mystery box.

Don't even think about taking it can impress them.

Hmph, you guys who are already dead, don't delay the living people. For the continuation of the race, humans can do anything.

Ye Jue punched the ground.

However, there was no movement, as if nothing happened.

But immediately, he felt horrified, and a bad premonition arose in his heart.

Those heroic spirits seemed to be very angry. The stars and moon in the sky turned crazily, and the moonlight poured in and gathered towards him.

In an instant, Ye Jue felt that his body was about to be torn apart by time.

And, squeeze him out of the Tower of Heaven.

How is this possible?

It seems like it won't work without a trick...

Ye Jue forcibly took out the small stone slab and pressed it on the statues of heroic spirits.

Buzz! !

The small stone slab suddenly became powerful, and the stars in the sky above its head instantly collapsed.

Hell Inscription!

It's one of the inscriptions from hell!

“I didn’t expect to show up here!”

Those ancient spirits kept speaking these words.

It's really weird, I can actually hear them talking?

Ye Jue was a little shocked.

The small stone slab is a myth buried by the years, an existence that no one in the future can analyze.

Because as long as the analysis is successful, you will get the artifact.

Artifacts can lead people on a brilliant path.

That road was called by later!

However, from ancient times to the present, how many people have dreamed of becoming gods and humans but have failed.

Who can guarantee that this road is really possible?

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