Wasteland, one-click extraction, permanent immortal buff at the beginning

Chapter 25 The violent monster spawning trend appears!

This little lemure is the warrior responsible for patrolling the Flesh Lair.

The combat effectiveness is stronger than that of the mutated little lemures.


It discovered Ye Jue and suddenly became extremely irritable!


It can clearly understand that the other party's aura is stronger than it!

You know, Ye Jue has now reached level 4!

The breath of the new level 4 humans!


It also smelled of a strong smell of blood!

The source of this bloody smell is its kind.

It's very shocking.

How many of its own kind has this human killed?

Its eyes are full of doubts and anger!


It looked up to the sky and roared!

A sharp voice came out.


At this moment.

A thunderbolt hit it directly.

It staggers this way and that.

However, he did not fall to the ground.

Instead, it made a louder and sharper sound.

Are you calling for the same kind of people?

Ye Jue's face was expressionless.


A large fireball was emitted.

The little lemure was immediately buried in a ball of fire.

The sound it made with all its might before dying still echoed in the passages of the Flesh Nest.


Following a commotion, the voices of little lemures came from all directions.

You disturbed the nest!

You will face endless attacks from the little demon army!

Come on!! I want more blood!

Ye Jue gave a low drink.

In each passage, countless little evil demons rushed towards it.

In an instant, Ye Jue was completely surrounded and killed.

This is really impossible!

Only fight!

Either they die or he dies!

The group battle begins!

The little lemures in all directions were hit by the mind blast buff.

They froze in place.



A circle of starlight shock waves burst out with Ye Jue as the center!

Dozens of little lemures approaching him were immediately knocked away!

This is not over yet!

A hundred thunderbolts fell from the sky and struck randomly!

Bang bang bang! Bang bang bang!

What is explosion?

This is the explosion!

So far, who would have thought that someone has already broken into the devil's lair?

What the army couldn't do, but now, Ye Jue has done it!

And, he is still alive!

While still alive, he crazily annihilated the little devil.

His experience points are rising crazily! ! !


Little lemures are coming from all directions again.

They rushed towards Ye Jue crazily!

boom! ! !

It's been ten seconds, and the Starlight Impact buff has completely cooled down.

Using Ye Jue as a dot, the shock wave swept out again.

Quack quack! ! !

Countless little lemures flew out.

They roared, roared, and went crazy!

In an instant, the army of little evil demons was restrained by Ye Jue!

They can't even get close!


A little lemure elite rushed over despite the thunder!


What greets it is an unlimited number of wind blade techniques!

In an instant, it was killed instantly!

At the same time, wind blades were generated around Ye Jue, constantly cutting in all directions.

Countless fireballs are also gathering, roaring, attacking in all directions.

too strong!

Ye Jue's combination is too strong!

This is simply a consumption-free violent group brushing flow! ! !

He didn't even have to do it.

Just stand there, watching the fireworks-like explosions all around!


A deep voice sounded from deep in the lair.

All the little lemures' movements were stagnant, fading away like ants.


Deep in the cave in front of Ye Jue, a tall shadow gradually appeared.

From far to near, from small to big!

Big devil!

It's coming out slowly!

The great devil, can you finally sit still?

Ye Jue narrowed his eyes.

Preliminary estimates indicate that this big devil is over twenty meters tall!

He is definitely a fierce guy! !

Human...how dare you challenge me...

It was like the ancient gods were whispering... The vague figure of the great devil gradually became clearer.

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