There is also this drawing, the ultra-high temperature energy tower. You can make a copy and give it to the base city.

Ye Jue took out the melting point core and the drawings.

This is the high-temperature tower we have always wanted to solve. So you went out to find this?

Su Yan was extremely surprised.

The weather is getting colder and colder, and ultra-high temperature energy towers must be developed.

Dr. Xiao has gone all out to develop it, but unfortunately it is difficult to break through the melting point core.

Unexpectedly, Ye Jue directly brought 500 of them!

Five ultra-high temperature energy towers can be built!

Not entirely, I also know the truth about Chen Ya's change.

Ye Jue told her what happened. After all, the Queen's Virus is too scary.

Advent? Demonic Granulation?

Su Yan was stunned for a while.

But she groomed it quickly, and she was worthy of being a smart academic.

I'll arrange it.

Su Yan said quickly.

A queen virus carrier is powerful enough to destroy a base city!

Fortunately, no carriers have been found in Longxiao Mountain.


Maybe Advent is already hiding in it.

It's just that she doesn't know.

Therefore, she said she would investigate thoroughly.

Well, I have two sophisticated machines here that can remove demonic flesh sprouts. They were developed by cyborgs. One of them will be left with you.

Ye Jue said.

I hope it doesn't come in handy.

Su Yan was extremely worried.

It's like a super cancer. You can be infected as long as you get close. It's really scary.

How is the relationship between the base city and the guild? I noticed that you have begun to deploy military forces.

Ye Jue suddenly asked.

The relationship is a bit stiff, you won't blame me, right?

Su Yan was stunned.

The two sat down facing each other, and the robot began to automatically pour tea and water.

Of course not. I hand over the peak realm to you because I believe in you. Whatever you do can represent my will.

Ye Jue said.


Su Yan's face suddenly turned red.

However, she quickly adjusted. After all, it was time to talk about business.

It's okay, Long Si Ling, but Deputy Si Ling Weiting is suppressing us more and more. In order to survive, we have no choice but to fight.

Su Yan said this and reported the military strength to Ye Jue.


Ye Jue pondered for a moment.

The military power currently possessed by the peak realm threatens the base city, which is inevitable.

Long Si Ling didn't say anything, which meant he acquiesced in this matter.

In short, it is now a stalemate, with relations neither easing nor completely rigid.

Because the two behemoths are in this small base city, a rash conflict would not be good for either party.

I have one more thing to tell you.

Su Yan suddenly said: You can't trust the research institute in Base City too much. I have a hidden line there and I heard some bad things.

Are you playing Infernal Affairs here?

Ye Jue couldn't help but smile.

Su Yan is so smart that she even placed an undercover agent in the base city research institute?

What bad thing is that?

he asked casually.

The specifics are not clear, but they are researching something with all their strength, and they don't know where they found a professor.

Su Yan added: The undercover told me that this research may have something to do with you.

Is it related to me?

Ye Jue frowned.

He was a little confused now.

Just be careful anyway, I'm afraid they are thinking of ways to deal with you.

Su Yan said worriedly.

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