The prophecy says that something is coming in the universe.

Fen Tian sat cross-legged on the ground, with flames billowing all over his body.

He is practicing a fire-type treasure and has reached the fifth level.

What do you mean? Are there other races in the universe? Is the earth going to become a vegetable market?

Musashi felt a headache.

The demon underground has not been solved yet, and now there is another one?

Musashi, have you ever played online games?

Fentian said suddenly.

I'm a clone, have you forgotten?

Musashi replied with a smile.

That's right. You were only born a few months ago. Let me explain it to you.

Fen Tian said: We can level up by killing demons and explode equipment, right?

That's right.

Musashi nodded.

Now he is level 15 and has collected many treasures on his body.

To put it bluntly, it is actually a combat situation, and the dungeon is just a different combat form.

Fentian told Musashi:

The prophecy of our country said that after this thing comes, it must climb to the highest level to gain the strongest power.

The top?

Climb? Climb up? You mean this thing is a ladder?

Musashi didn't understand.

No, we're guessing it's a tower.

Fen Tian pondered.

Oh? Climb the tower? Do all people climb the tower?

Musashi was eager to try.

He believes in his own strength and can climb to the highest level.

Now the situation has changed, and humans are moving to higher ground.

Fentian shook his head.

Haha, is this really true? Didn't the recent Queen's virus cause chaos in your country?

Musashi said with a smile.

Queen's virus? Has it also appeared in your country? This virus is indeed impossible to prevent, and the victims are all women.

Fen Tian frowned.

Anyway, our base city already has countermeasures.

Musashi said proudly.

But Fentian, what's the reason for the injury on your face?

He finally asked the question he'd always wanted to ask.

Didn't you say before that someone was chasing me?

Fentian's face was gloomy and his expression was very ugly.

It could be seen that his face was bruised and bruised.

You were caught up? And you got beat up? Beat up you, the fifth one on the hero list?

Musashi looked strange.

This is really interesting, who did it?

Nicholas, the fourth vampire true ancestor on the hero list?

Or the sixth place at dawn?

Could it be that he was just promoted and squeezed out Pandora's mysterious fortune?

No, she's just a crazy woman. I didn't expect her to be that strong.

Fentian felt itchy with hatred when he thought about this.

At that time, he was practicing Luobao.

Unexpectedly, that crazy woman suddenly appeared and without saying a word, she came up and beat her!

While beating him, he shouted in Chinese:

Let you spread rumors and make you talk bad!

He tried his best to escape from the clutches of the woman.

In the end, he was left with scars all over his body, which have not been repaired for a long time.

No way? Is he someone on the hero list?

Musashi asked in surprise.

No, I'm also very confused. I scanned the hero list and there's no sign of this person.

Fentian looked depressed.

Hahaha, you are really dumb now.

Musashi laughed.

Hmph, after I investigated those two sentences, it turned out that he was from China, and this matter has something to do with Ye Jue.

Fentian snorted coldly.

Oh! So that's it. That man came to avenge China's number one. Who told you to be so mean-mouthed?

Musashi suddenly realized this.

At that time, he teamed up with Fentian and went to Netherworld to escape together. They angered the demon and ran away.

After that, Fentian started shouting and blaming the Chinese people...

No, the Chinese just won the Demon God Arena and put an end to all the unfair rumors.

It would be strange if people don’t come to trouble you!

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