Wasteland, one-click extraction, permanent immortal buff at the beginning

Chapter 236 There is no banquet that lasts forever

Ancestral Court?

Ye Jue recalled it.

There is no record of this relic civilization in the ancient books after the wasteland.

Maybe it's because the elite relics are not qualified enough and not famous.

After all, there are too many ruins.

There are more than 40 in China, and the total number of other countries combined is more than 100!

Of course, better ruins than elite ruins are harder to find and harder to break.

For example, there are no ancient ruins between level 50 and level 100, so breaking into them is a death sentence.


Ye is never afraid of death.

He even wanted to commit suicide.

As long as he was allowed to find the entrance to the ruins, he was eager to try it.

Maybe you can sneak away and get stronger treasures.

You have been recognized by the guardian beasts, and now you are the master of the ancestral court.

A cold voice sounded in the square.

You can now query this civilization's database.

The prompt sounded.


Ye Jue nodded.

A virtual panel appeared in front of him, densely packed with fonts.

After a while...

He was not happy about getting the baby, but very depressed.

The Ancestral Civilization is an energy weapon called a vortex weapon.

It is good at long-distance precision strikes, and its power is between plasma weapons and magma weapons.

I thought it was a plasma weapon or a biomass weapon...

Ye Jue was a little disappointed.

Vortex weapons are not as good as the weapons developed by the base city.

It seems that those two top technological weapons must be obtained from ancient ruins.


What surprised him was that there were many melting point cores in the ancestral court!

The number shows a full thousand, which can build ten ultra-high temperature energy towers!

These are five hundred melting point cores. Take them back.

Ye Jue gave half of it to the cyborg.

This made the three guardians very dissatisfied.

However, they didn't say anything. After all, the owner here is Ye Jue now.

We will go back immediately and thank Ye Zhanshen for his help to our Nanjiang base city.

This is the fully automatic Demon Granulation Cleaning Operating Table and the ultra-high temperature energy tower blueprints that Marshal Mechanical asked us to give you.

The cyborgs bowed, carefully put away the melting point core, and set off on their way out.

I found several cyborg corpses in the ancestral court. Do you think they are the ones you are looking for?

Ye Jue took these things and turned his head.

He opened a virtual perspective with several broken robots on it.

is that one……

Yang Hongyue pointed at one of them and stopped talking.

Then take it back.

Ye Jue snapped his fingers, and the body appeared on the spot.

This is a small-scale teleportation technology in the ancestral court and can only be used in the ancestral court.


Yang Hongyue silently put the skeleton into the space bracelet.

Maybe she had expected this ending.

Beauty, this has nothing to do with us. They attacked us as soon as they rushed up. We were just defending ourselves.

The giant cat waved his hand.

After all, they are no longer pure humans, so we don't need to be merciful.

Elk also said.

I killed them, you can seek revenge from me.

Bao Xiong stood there and said coldly.

One day... I will.

Yang Hongyue was silent for a while...

She said goodbye to Ye Jue...

Left here alone.

Are you sure you want to stay here? Why don't you follow me back to the base?

Ye Jue turned around and said.

No, we have to live here.

The three guardians shook their heads.

I want to challenge these three monuments of strong men. After the challenge is successful, you will no longer be able to see these statues.

Ye Jue said suddenly.

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