
Ye Jue agreed.

Everyone got out of the car one after another. As soon as they got off the car, they looked up...

What you can see is the endless swamp.

When walking in the swamp, you must be careful every step of the way.

Although he can fly over.

However, the robot dog has to find its way on site.


A dozen mechanical dogs were running across the swamp.

One of them led them forward.

Ye Jue didn't pause at all.

Suddenly, the ground beneath my feet softened, and the sticky soil seemed to have suction.

He looked down and saw that his feet were tightly stuck, pulling him down and sinking.

This swamp seems to actively devour people!


Ye Jue raised his eyebrows but did not panic.

He looked calm...

Reserved thunder and lightning began to emerge from the body.


Lightning fell on the swamp.


A piece of gray-black soil was immediately penetrated!

There are mutant beasts down there!

A cyborg pulled out a plasma gun and stepped forward to shoot.

Bang bang bang——!

Gu Gu Gu Gu——

The swamp is like boiling hot water!

Suddenly, several shrill screams rang out inside!

Immediately afterwards, a black shadow emerged from the swamp.


Everyone was shocked!

It turned out to be a mutant crocodile!

The fangs are extremely ferocious and look quite scary!

With a fierce look in his eyes, he looked towards Ye Jue.


Ye Jue didn't make any move, but looked at it.

Ding! !

The mutated crocodile actually froze on the spot.

A few seconds later... he got into the swamp again and disappeared completely.

What a big crocodile...

Yang Hongyue patted her chest with lingering fear.

Just the look scares away this 5-meter-long mutated beast.

The eyes of the cyborgs showed admiration.

In order to survive, they transformed themselves into cyborgs.

Although their strength has greatly increased...but half of them are no longer human.

For real human bodies, they can only envy now.

Let's go.

Ye Jue walked in front, with his black hair flying.

The mechanical dog opened another path, and he followed it.

I don’t know that the people behind me are already suffering from dementia.

This temperament is so much like that of a king!


He is the king!

Already the king!

It's probably here.

The robot stopped, took out the map, and pointed at the route it passed.

The mechanical dogs found their way, so the entrance was almost nearby.

is it this one?

Yang Hongyue was very confused and didn't speak out for a long time.

The more she looked, the more she felt that the swamp in front of her was shaped like a key.

Because the shape was so huge, she wasn't sure.

This is it.

The robot took a look, his face full of surprise.

How to get in?

Ye Jue asked.


A group of cyborgs gestured.

I'll go in first. You guys can come back in ten minutes. I feel the danger.

Ye Jue shook his head, activated his energy wings, and dived into the keyhole.


He plunged into the swamp.

It feels like playing with a gummy candy, pulling to the end and breaking through a layer of film.

Wow! !

Suddenly the surrounding scenery disappeared and was replaced by a huge square!

Looking around, the square is made of unknown stones.

In the square, there are many black and gold round platforms!

On each round platform, there is a figure sitting cross-legged, with his eyes closed, as if an old monk is in meditation.

A monument to the strong in human history?

Ye Jue's eyes narrowed, extremely surprised.

This is a big harvest! !

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