Level 6 Awakened, welcome back to Nanjiang Base City, please come in.

The soldier touched his pocket, then calmly opened the bridge door behind him.

This suspension bridge connects the city walls of the base city.

There are also robots holding plasma guns standing motionless on guard.

Uh... does this base city follow the mechanical stream?

Ye Jue thought for a moment.

He saw many mechanical beasts, of all kinds.

For example, this watcher is shaped like a small swift dragon and should be fully intelligent.

Not only is it fast and small, it can also be used as a detection unit.

It's not easy to make a mechanical beast.

Requires synthetic muscles and rare mechanical components to create.

Mechanical components cannot be invented by humans with current technology.

Unless you find it in the ruins.

in addition.

There are also some Destroyer Mechanical Beasts and Collider Mechanical Beasts beside the bridge.

They are all patrolling in an orderly manner.

These look like mutant beasts, even flame-backed beasts.

That is a technological product that is only available in the LV2 base city.

The combat power is equivalent to that of a level 6~8 awakened person!

It seems.

The technological level of Nanjiang Base City is very high!

Maybe, a large resource from a certain ruins has been obtained.

The Longxiao Mountain Base City is different.

Mainly self-developed, magma weapons, magma bombs, magma firearms, etc.

The technology tree points of these two base cities are different.

Ye Jue walked towards the suspension bridge. The cold wind here was biting. Although it was suspended hundreds of meters in the air, his feet were stable.

meet again.

At this moment, Yang Hongyue appeared next to him.

She was wrapped very tightly, with almost no skin leaking out.


Ye Jue nodded slightly.

This Yang Hongyue is mysterious and doesn't know what she wants to do.

This is your first time coming to Nanjiang Base City. Do you need a guide? All you need is a magic core.

Yang Hongyue suddenly suggested.


Ye Jue stopped and threw a magic core to her.

Thank you, local tycoon. Let me introduce you to Nanjiang Base City.

As Yang Hongyue walked, she briefly explained the development of the base city.

It was probably because of the waves of demons that the top leaders changed several groups.

Afterwards, humans won the victory in the Demon God Arena.

The base city developed greatly.

In just one month, things have changed drastically.

A month? You guessed it right.

Ye Jue's eyes flashed.

As expected, this Nanjiang base city has obtained the remains of the Machinarium civilization.

Actually, what we see now is fake. For example, this suspension bridge is not suspended at all, it is just a section of road.

Yang Hongyue suddenly whispered to Ye Jue.

The base city guardian robot?

Ye Jue nodded.

Hey, you actually know that?

Yang Hongyue was a little surprised.

This robot is very powerful and mysterious!

Can confuse vision, hearing, touch and other senses.

Let yourself feel that when you are obviously walking, you are actually just standing still.

It can use elements in the air as a medium to create a dreamy space around the base!

Like a mirage.

Confusing the enemy is also an important part of protecting the base city.

know a little.

Ye Jue smiled.

He has a strong physique, and his vision and hearing are extremely sharp!

It’s not so easy to be fooled by illusions.

The moment they entered the entrance of the base city, they felt as if they had penetrated a wall of water.

Then I saw that the surrounding scenery completely changed.

Only a mechanical city appeared in front of him.

The sky was gray and white, covered with grid-like metal, making it airtight.

There are no trees in the base city, and there are steel and metal everywhere.

The geometric section structure building in the middle is the most dazzling.

A city where steel and mechanical metal coexist!

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