It was a horrible dream. I was eating every day, eating something disgusting that I couldn't describe.

Some people say that in dreams, there is actually no sense of taste. This is false...

I felt like everything was real. I was just in a dream. I kept eating that food and couldn't forget it when I woke up.

The young man expressed his pain.

Really? Are you suffering from mental illness?

People around him began to laugh at him.

In medical terms, it's called neurasthenia.

Someone pointed out with a serious look.


The young man looked confused.

Unexpectedly, I met a gluttonous awakened person by chance.

Ye Jue glanced at the young man, shook his head, and left the scavenging team.

These days.

He keeps encountering all kinds of weird awakened people.

This was completely unexpected.

Because there were only a few of these mutated awakened ones in the previous life, and there were very few records.

But now there are countless of them.

Isn't it the butterfly effect?

Ye Jue was not sure whether it was his own actions that brought mutation to the world.

Is this good or bad?

He was silent for a while.

Previous life.

90% of humans are energy and mutant types.

The remaining 10% have obtained the special awakening power of Luobao.

I don't know what happened to me. I can build my own world in my dreams. I can also enter your dreams and talk to you. When I wake up, you don't know.

It was another girl chatting, telling her companions about her awakening ability.

It's actually a dream-making system again... That's a very rare awakened person...

Huh? Why add another one?

Ye Jue not only smiled bitterly.

Along the way, I don’t know how many awakened dreamers I encountered.

The world had indeed changed, and seemed to be heading towards a route he had never seen before.

Scientifically speaking, it is called world line change.

Does this mean that humans have essentially become stronger?

Ye Jue was wrapped in clothes and followed a team that hunted demons.

There were about a dozen people, men and women, all wearing thick clothes to keep out the cold.

The team levels are all around level 5~8.

The lowest one is a little girl holding a rabbit doll.

When encountering the devil, Ye Jue even wanted to step forward to help her.

Unexpectedly, when the little girl stood still, the demon in front of her was cut into more than a dozen pieces.

The shadow type awakener is another rare type.

Ye Jue saw the little girl's shadow on the ground holding a pair of big scissors, suddenly extending over and cutting the devil into pieces...

The little girl went over with a happy face to see if the explosion had dropped the treasure, and whether the magic core had dropped...

The world has really changed, and he is no longer surprised.

In the darkness, a man with half an ear said to everyone:

There is a monster here, and it comes and kidnaps one person every night, one at a time, no more, no less, and no one discovers it until the next day.

Really or not, don't scare us.

Some people not only felt scared, but also felt cold all over even if they were warming themselves by the fire.

It's hard to explain what it is. I suspect it's the awakened person who is committing the crime, not the devil.

The man smashed his mouth, then took out a stick and started licking it.

When people around looked at it, their eyes widened.

Haha, this is good stuff, you have to exchange it with food.

The man smiled and started the transaction.


Only Ye Jue's eyes narrowed slightly...

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