this moment.

Ye Jue is no longer alone.

He has no name now, and there are only humans standing in the arena.

He represents humanity, and humanity is him.

Now he is everyone and everyone is him.

If you're scared, then get out!

Ye Jue stopped smiling and looked cold.


The demon god made a cold sound and rushed forward with a crash!

The whole body is surging with energy, crackling, and the scene is terrifying!

In just a moment, like a big star falling, the sun exploded and submerged Ye Jue.

Be careful! The people in the stands were shocked.

All of a sudden...

Will Ye Zhanshen die?


Unexpectedly, where the energy was submerged, another powerful energy burst out.

Like the blazing sun, swarms of divine flames flew towards the demon god.

Bang bang bang! !

The war has begun!

The war has finally begun! !

In a sudden fight, the sky was filled with energy explosions, and the arena was bombarded!

What a battle this is...

Humans were petrified.

The demons were even more shocked! !

Humans can actually compete with demons?

How can this be?

Just humans, just food! !

How can I gain the power to fight against the devil?

The wasteland has just begun, how could it be destroyed in the hands of a low-level demon like you?

Ye Jue turned into a shadow!

too fast!

As the wings of light of the Hell Lord behind him flapped, he rushed to the Demon God in an instant.

The demon god was born with wings, and with a slight flutter, he can achieve super speed!

But at this moment it failed to distance itself!

Instead, he was infinitely close to that human-shaped lightning.

This human's speed is too fast, beyond common sense!

The man in black robe sat at the top with a thoughtful look on his face.


At this time, the demon knew that he could not close the distance and directly chose to fight with this human being.

You don't use weapons, and neither do I.

Ye Jue put away the Huangquan knife and exploded with blood!

Bang bang bang! ~!

Humans and demons directly clashed!

It's so... so exciting!

Humans are fist-fighting with demons!

Incredible, so shocking!

People and demons were shocked and fell to the ground.

Think about it.

A man as big as a green bean was fighting against a monster that expanded to ten meters.

What kind of scene is this?

Sizzle! ! !

Both sides are bleeding each other!

There is no doubt that both humans and demons suffered minor injuries.

If you dare, beat me to death, or I will beat you to death.

Ye Jue's eyes flashed with cold light, but he still didn't use his power reserve, explosion and other skills!

Instead, he unleashed his most primitive power and engaged in a fierce battle with the devil.

at this time.

He knows!

How terrifying my own body is!

The unparalleled flesh body he created has finally shown its power!


The demon gods and humans clashed with each other, making clanging sounds and constant collisions.

It was the sound of bone against bone, muscle against muscle.


In the end, Ye Jue got a little faster and hit the demon god's eyes with a fist.

This punch instantly froze the expression on the demon's face, and blood spurted out high.

Deng Deng Deng~

It covered its eye and took three steps back.

By the time everyone in the stands saw it clearly, it was already covered in black and purple.


The world-destroying demon…

The boss of the devil!

The leader of Netherworld.

He actually took an eye-sealing hammer and was beaten directly into panda eyes.

Fuck! Fuck, beating up the devil, this is so cool!!

The people in the stands roared excitedly.

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