King of Netherworld!

King of Netherworld!!

King of Netherworld!!!

The Nether Demons who stopped attacking roared one after another.

The loud shouts that shook the sky and the earth made human beings tremble with fear!

this moment.

The momentum of the human race has dropped to its lowest point.

What are you most afraid of in war?

That means losing momentum and losing the will to fight.

what does that mean?

die! ! !

He comes from China and is the number one in China. He is the second hero in the world. He is the hope of mankind!

The man in black robe said softly:

He entered hell, he provoked the King of Netherworld, and he did not take the King of Netherworld seriously!

who is he??

who is he?

Ye Jue!!!

At this moment, all humans howled with excitement!

A burst of sound burst into the sky!

This sound is almost consistent with the roar of the devil!

Ye Jue!

Ye Jue!

Ye Jue!

When national borders are no longer distance...

When blood is not the difference...

When people's hearts are no longer cold...

Humanity is once again one at this moment!

Welcome Ye War God!!

Welcome Ye War God!!

This sound is like the singing of gods, Buddhas and Brahmas!

The man's figure appeared from the entrance, as if he was standing on top of the world!

Magnificent, yet unattainable!

His eyes shone, shocking everyone! !

Every human being was stunned!

In an instant, excited cheers broke out again!

Second in the world!

No. 1 in China!

Deafening, penetrating to the soul...

Let your soul tremble and be shocked by this fanatical passion!

Ye Jue didn't expect that he would be so moved!

Is this the Demon God Arena?

This reminded him of the time in his previous life when he shouted in support of those human heroes!

At that time, he could only be in the stands...


He actually stood in the middle of the arena.

I just felt waves of surging passion, like a mountain falling apart and the ground cracking, coming towards my face.

Is this human?

Is this the power of all mankind?

Ye Jue could not help but close his eyes...

He nodded slightly to all the humans, then moved and stood in front of the demon.

What a scene this is.

A human body faced a monster demon more than ten meters tall.

It seems that human beings are so small and fragile.

The humans all looked straight for a moment.

That young man with disheveled hair, the representative of mankind...

He is so unruly! ! !

Facing the devil, he has no fear, he is so unparalleled in the world!

Human, we meet again.

Netherworld King was the first to speak, staring at him with big copper bell eyes.

Open your mouth!

The devil actually spoke!

Every human swallowed.

What's going on? King Netherworld actually talks to humans?

This shouldn't be the case. King Netherworld is famous for his cruelty!

That's right!

Those ancient demons and little hell lords were stunned for a moment.

It's just a human being, it can be crushed directly.

Do you still need to talk?

How many human souls have you absorbed in this body? Don't worry, I will make you spit it out and beat you all over the place!

Ye Jue snorted coldly, and his voice caused an uproar!


So crazy!

This human being is so crazy!

“But, we love it!”

Human beings couldn't help but shout with excitement!

The Demon God Arena in the sky was too far away and too blurry to see the face clearly.

But even so, it didn't stop them from getting excited about it.

Do you see it?

Devil, this is our heroic representative! !

So arrogant!

It’s so rampant!

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