Because it’s dangerous, too dangerous!

Those ferocious muscles, terrifying fangs, sharp claws...

And the pair of eyes that make many strong human beings feel the deepest feelings!

indifferent! !

Extremely indifferent!

If Ye Jue sees it, he will directly shout that this is the P3 stage!

The King of the Netherworld died from a white jade skeleton to a mummy.

This monster body is the third stage.

The soul that fell into hell is finally satisfied.

This is the King of Netherworld!

The King of the First Purgatory has no chance of being his opponent among humans.

See, humans, your death will come eventually!

The hell lords repeated these words eerily.

What is the concept of King of Purgatory?

Lions in the African savanna!

With a roar, the beasts fight!


Only one King of Purgatory has come.

None of the other kings of purgatory came here.

Perhaps, when the war begins, we might be able to see their faces.

Now, point it out, devil of the underworld.

The man in black robe said calmly.

In mid-air, a list of human heroes appeared.

In full view of everyone, Netherworld King pointed at a name with one hand.


It's actually him?

The number one person in China?

People were stunned.

Ye Jue!

It's actually Ye Jue?

No way, why are you so unlucky?

Su Yan screamed strangely in the crowd.

The person scheduled to fight in the first battle is actually Ye Jue?

She learned from Ye Jue how powerful the devil is...

How could you not be worried about him?

The devil actually named Colonel Ye?

Everyone who knew Ye Jue was shocked.

Especially everyone in Longxiao Mountain.

They all looked at each other.

The personnel have been decided, and the war will begin in 7 days!

The man in black robe said.

The next moment, everyone's souls returned to their original bodies.

Ye Jue? Where is he?

It's actually Ye Jue, my God!

Although Ye Jue is strong, can he be stronger than the Demon God?

Everyone in the base city of Longxiao Mountain screamed and talked about it.

They have seen how powerful Ye Jue is.


That King of Purgatory, the Netherworld Demon God, his breath and body are really terrifying.

At least that feeling was much scarier than facing Ye Jue!


Just one day passed.

Fentian, who was ranked fifth on the hero list, shocked the whole world with some of the words he shouted.

It turned out that it was Ye Jue who alerted the Nether Demon God in advance, allowing the demon tide to climb onto the ground in advance.

That's why the Nether Demon God specifically pointed him out.

The base city was so vulnerable that it was easily destroyed...

The current situation of mankind is caused by the number one person in China!

What, you can say this?

Long Shaoqin slammed the table, and the entire table was smashed to pieces.

How does this Fentian's brain grow? Is it waterlogged?

All the leaders of Longxiao Mountain were extremely angry.

There are less than 7 days left until the Demon God War...

This battle is related to the fate of the entire human race.

However, Fen Tian was there playing and singing like a shit stirrer.

How could this not make them angry?

Originally, our human morale and solidarity must be in place, but now it seems...

A general looked unhappy.

He walked from the base city and heard a lot of bad things along the way.

Most of them are aimed at Ye Jue!

It was said that in order to find the treasure, he deliberately alarmed the devil and killed countless people.

The number one person in China turned out to be a sinner?

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