Lost souls are the new demons in the wasteland, spirits that climb up from the netherworld.

These are the souls of early humans who fell into hell...

They went through endless torture and became slaves of hell.

Sometimes he will appear in front of his relatives in the form of the deceased, killing people cruelly.

It can be regarded as a suicide soldier in hell. It can also attack from a distance, and it will even rush towards people like crazy and explode itself.


In addition to the lost souls, groups of young demons also came one after another.

Young demons are scavengers in the underworld, one of the most common and common demons in the scorched earth of hell.

With limited intelligence, his actions are driven by his own hunting instinct.

There are massive individual existences!

Its function is basically cannon fodder for charging, used to break through the enemy's defense line.

In addition to melee attacks, the young demons can also throw energy balls.

But the accuracy is average, and the energy ball also has a small-scale sputtering explosion effect.

And the gargoyles?

Ye Jue really wanted to shoot the awakening dog to death.

Gargoyles are lower-level demons from hell and can fly and glide.

Although it is not difficult for him to deal with, it is really troublesome to kill them all.

He hacked and chopped in hell until he lost his mind.

Demons are so terrifying. Once they form an offensive, they will disregard life and death.

Boom boom boom...

At this moment, several giant demons with swollen muscles also came behind the demon group.

Titan slave?

Ye Jue not only smiled bitterly.

This is a siege demon with huge size, defense power and powerful recovery ability!

The existing conventional weapons of civilization on Earth have no effect on him.

The plasma weapon might be able to do a dozen more.

It was said in ancient books...

Ye Jue thought for a while.

Human civilization once developed a mecha called Aslan Mecha.

It can increase the power of the awakened person, and strengthen the mutation system and energy system.

Wearing Aslan's mecha is the only way to fight against Titan slaves.

With the appearance of the Titan slave, he knew what was going on on the ground.

Not to mention those ancient demons living in the netherworld.

They avoided his head-on confrontation in hell and crawled out of the ground, not knowing where they were going.

I guess you have already started collecting souls for the devil, right?

That's right, a ghost guard?

Ye Jue's eyes were sharp.

There was a very special demon among the demons, with his hands hanging down, looking at him.

Nether Guard!

There is a raised, metallic-colored cyst on the demon's back.

This cyst can hold a large number of souls!

Never-endingly transforming the souls devoured and harvested by it into hell energy!

Then, create a horrific explosion of hellish energy.

Its explosion can directly destroy a level 1 base city.

No wonder the Titan slave appeared here, it turned out to be the one who brought this demon here.

The Nether Guard is smarter than the demons mentioned above.

It will absorb souls from a distance.

bring it on!

Ye absolutely confronts these demons.

No matter how prosperous a civilization is, it cannot escape the engulfment of darkness.

Countless countries, civilizations, races that once shined brightly on the earth...

They were all destroyed under the darkness!


There is a rumor that 2012 will be the end of the world.

The sun will disappear, and after entering the night, there will be no more dawn!

According to the saying that stars have a life span, this is possible.

Therefore, most people firmly believe that the earth will end in 2012.

The end has indeed not come...but who would have thought...

After entering the night, you will never see the dawn again. What about the piles of demons that cover the sun?

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