After returning to the ground, Ye Jue felt a little heavy.

He felt that life was mourning...

The hellish substance had spread over every inch of land he had ever walked on.

In front of him... there was a huge forest!

That’s right, they are all black strange trees!

There are also many unknown plants in bloom, and flowers are in full bloom and colorful.

It looks extremely delicate, but it contains deadly toxins.

The hellish material has eroded the wasteland.

Ye Jue said silently and put a communicator on his wrist.

This forest did not exist originally. It was grown out of demonic matter after the Netherworld was opened.

There wasn't a sound inside...

It was extremely quiet, even deathly quiet.

There is no road. The further in, the darker and hazier it becomes.

It seemed like a huge swallowing mouth, devouring everyone who dared to enter it.


Ye Jue just glanced at it and frowned.

He is now a special evolver, and his level has reached level 10.

As long as he feels it, danger can be detected.


He raised his eyes.

This danger comes from infernal matter.

As long as you touch these evolved hellish substances, you will be eroded by poison.

Although his body is not afraid of poison, it can still cause pain.

By the way, where's the dog?

Ye Jue walked around but didn't see Laifu.

I guess the dog thought it had successfully completed its task and ran away, right?


It will definitely rush over to ask for rewards with a mean look on its face.

The paw prints were left on purpose.

Ye Jue squatted down and looked into the black forest.

The claw marks were intermittent and extended to the innermost part.

This dog is so brave.

He couldn't help but smile.

I am not afraid of these evolved hellish substances.

However, that doesn’t mean others can do it.

Although Laifu is also an evolver.

But his physical fitness is not even a little bit worse than his.

Ouch!! Ouch!!

Sure enough, when Ye Jue followed the footprints and walked over...

This dog is passing out on hellish material.

While squealing, he closed his eyes tightly.

It seems that he was poisoned and fell into a hallucination.

Ye Jue reached out and picked it up and walked forward.

In the forest, hell vines crisscrossed each other, making it look extremely dark.

It has long been difficult to tell whether it is earth or hell matter on the ground.


Those colorless and odorless toxins constantly harassed him.

As we advance further, the light becomes dimmer.


Ye Jue simply flew up, since Laifu had been rescued anyway.

The White Dragon Emperor's Light Wings are not real wings and cannot be controlled as freely as they wish.

After flying for about ten minutes, he flew out of this hell forest.

It's all my dog's... It's all my dog's...

Laifu's eyes were blurred and he was mumbling unconsciously.

The dog is somewhat awake, but has not yet regained consciousness.

Ye Jue fell to the ground, threw Laifu aside, and checked the buff bar.

All low-level buffs are no longer needed. The attack power is too weak, making the buff bar look very complicated.

System, can I delete these useless buffs?

He said in his heart.

Answer the host, the buff can be deleted without any conditions.

The system's cold voice answered.


Ye Jue nodded and began to delete those junk buffs.

Such as wind blade, fireball, ice cone, etc...

In the Nether Hell, he had already tried it, but he couldn't defeat the demons of the Netherworld at all.

It looks gorgeous, but is actually useless.

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