I really don't know why you want so many treasures?

Laifu brought the space bracelet closer and transferred it to Ye Jue's bracelet.

It couldn't figure out why Ye Jue needed so many treasures.

If it knew about the buff extraction system, this guy would probably go crazy.

Extract the fallen treasure - Violent Elf Bracers! Extract the fallen treasure - Shadow-Slashing Heavy Armor!

Continue to extract!!

Ye Jue looked excited.

[Congratulations, you now have a +800 energy boost permanent buff]

[Congratulations, you now have a +660% energy recovery permanent buff]

[Congratulations, you have obtained a permanent buff of +550% increased muscle tissue strength]

[Congratulations, you have obtained the permanent buff of +600% neural reaction speed improvement]

[Congratulations, you have obtained a permanent buff of +460% increased cell vitality]

[Congratulations, you have obtained the +800% immunity strength permanent buff]

Continue to extract!

[Congratulations, you have obtained a permanent buff of +1000% basic life recovery. This buff has been superimposed to the full value! 】

At this time, Ye Jue felt full of strength.

Nerve response speed and muscle tissue strength have the most obvious effect!

With his current reaction speed, he can see objects moving at high speeds!

Even bullets can be easily caught!

Muscle tissue strength is linked to nerve response speed.

Because it’s impossible for your muscles to keep up with the reaction speed of your nerves.

So, the two complement each other!


This immunity is also a very important attribute.

Go deeper into hell and resist all kinds of diseases, plagues and other pollution in hell.

Finally, cell vitality and basic life recovery are connected attributes!

Cell vitality should be the body’s own recovery ability!

The stronger your cell vitality, the faster you will recover after an injury!

Coupled with the buff of basic life recovery...

Even if Ye Jue cuts himself a knife now, the wound will heal within a few seconds!

Coupled with the immortal buff, this is where it really begins!

You want a body-enhancing treasure? Do you want this?

Laifu took out other treasures from the space bracelet.

[The sword of the master of internal strength]

【Ordinary treasure drop】

[Can be worn at level 10]

[Effect: Activate energy to form a protective body of Gangqi. Without a door, it can only be broken by force! 】

[Assemble it on your body, you will have a chance to develop your inner strength after awakening! 】

Ye Jue's eyes lit up.

His current energy value is around 1,000 points.

The replies per second are about 700!

It takes less than two seconds to return to full value.

The scary thing is that the extracted buff does not require energy.

He added the attribute of energy in order to use the Underworld Knife more often.

After all, this knife consumes too much energy!


He read silently.

[Ding, congratulations, you have successfully extracted the effect of the internal skill master's sword. 】

[You have obtained the permanent buff of Gangqi body protection]

[Gang Qi body protection: You can convert your body energy into Gang Qi for body protection. There is no shield, you can only break it by force! 】

[When awakening, you have a chance to gain internal power! 】

Is there any chance of gaining internal power?

Ye Jue was suddenly startled.

Unexpectedly, after this Luobao extracted the buff, there would be such an inheritance!

The last item on the soul traitor statue just now is not inherited. Does that mean that when it is extracted, the awakening profession will not be inherited?

So, extraction will inherit probability and specificity?

Ye Jue speculated for a while, his eyes gleaming.

This is just what he wants!

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