Su Yan, I want to get under your bed tonight!

The big wolfdog said seriously.

What a beautiful thought!

Su Yan refused directly!

This big wolf dog is different from the past, his eyes are always squinting.

Who dares to sleep with it?

Have you brought anything?

Ye Jue asked.

Well, there are three space bracelets in total!

Su Yan handed the things to him.

Ye Jue touched one of them with his bracelet.

All equipment, skill books and potions were transferred in.

There are probably thousands of props here, but I can't use them. I'll just use them to offset my contribution points.

Ye Jue said.

Haha, you are the president. You can't just take the warehouse in the peak realm?

Su Yan stepped forward and patted Ye Jue's shoulder.

She couldn't help but blush.

Although there was physical contact before.

But now I don’t know why, my face feels even hotter.


The big wolfdog was watching from the side.

Ye Jue had no reaction.

He just put the fallen gold on the ground into the space bracelet, and took out some magic cores and put them inside.

25 flesh and blood magic cores, 20 crystal magic cores, 1,300 kilograms of dropped gold... should be able to fuse some strange meteorites.

Ye Jue remained silent and started to do things.

Su Yan and the big wolf dog were watching quietly.

After a while, a sphere of metal shining with a special golden light was fused.

More than eighty kilograms of strange meteorites should be enough.

Ye Jue weighed it and was very satisfied.

These are the blueprints and the strange meteor. Take them back and collect 50 magic cores of various types to make this thing.

He turned around and threw the bracelet to Su Yan.

Oh oh oh...

Su Yan hurriedly took the bracelet and carefully put it on her wrist.

This fully automatic defense beam tower can kill even the big demons instantly, except for the Lord of the Netherworld.

Ye Jue said: Just find a big car, renovate it carefully, and install the beam tower on it.

Laifu and I are going to do something big. Maybe when the Demon God Arena opens, I won't even show up.

Get a good sleep tonight, he can go to the Netherworld when he gets the warship tomorrow.

Can I go?

Su Yan asked in a daze.


Ye Jue didn't expect her to say that suddenly, and was immediately stunned.

You are dreaming. We are going to do big things. Big things, you know? You, a little girl, are just playing house in the base!

The big wolfdog shouted beside him, spitting foam and flying stars.

I can protect myself.

Su Yan raised her fists and clenched them, small muscles bulging on her arms.

She is about to reach level 4 now. Can't she protect herself?

She looked unwilling and stared at Ye Jue.


Ye Jue nodded and spoke with a smile.


The big wolfdog's eyes widened and he shouted immediately.

Haha, great, don't go back on your word!

Su Yan didn't expect that Ye Jue actually agreed.

The smile is very cute, and the big eyes are almost crescent-shaped.

Even walking feels like floating...

I don't know why I returned to the guild, but I still looked excited and excited.

I saw Su Yan floating away lightly~

The big wolfdog said angrily: You don't really want to take her to hell, do you?

Who said I promised her?

Ye Jue touched his nose.

Huh? Then why are you nodding your head? And ohing back?

The big wolf dog's expression froze.

A nod is a nod, oh yes, does it have anything to do with promise?

Ye Jue said nonchalantly.

Take Su Yan to hell?

Is he crazy?

You will hurt other people's pure young hearts. It's so ungrateful.

The big wolfdog shook his head and accused him of going too far.

I'm teaching her how to grow up in the wasteland world. The first lesson is not to trust other people too much.

Ye Jue shook his head: Also, this is my gentleness.

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