Where's my armor? You're not lying to me, are you?

The big wolfdog raised its tail and had a strange expression.

follow me.

Ye Jue took Laifu to Dr. Xiao's exclusive laboratory.

You won't leave everything to Old Man Wu, right?

Dr. Xiao looked at him with a look of complaint.

How come? Can I put it here?

Ye Jue took out another jar of black mud substance from the space bracelet and smashed it heavily on the ground.

so much?

Dr. Xiao's eyes were bright.

This is a highly pure hellish substance that can be used to develop stronger and more anti-demon armor.

There are also some black stones, you can use them too.

Ye Jue threw a few pieces on the table.

I knew you had something up your sleeve.

Dr. Xiao raised his eyes.

With a smile on her face, she quickly covered the black stone, as if she was afraid of being discovered by others.

Actually, the evolutionary armor you want me to create has already been completed, and it's just waiting to be integrated into these hellish substances.

Dr. Xiao thought for a while and said, Just wait for me for an hour, and the armor will be completely completed.


Ye Jue nodded and asked, Have you found the traitor in the research institute?

Of course, you'll never guess who it will be.

Dr. Xiao said while using a precision machine to cut through the black stone.

It's that assistant, Wang Yanyan, right?

Ye Jue suddenly spoke up.

Hey, you actually guessed that she is the one who reached an agreement with Chu Tianyi.

Dr. Xiao said without raising his head.

Where are the people?

Ye Jue asked casually.

It was supposed to be a serious crime of treason and he should be shot directly, but Director Wu relented and was kicked out of the base city.

Dr. Xiao shook his head: Okay, don't disturb my work. You can leave first.


Ye Jue turned around and walked out of the laboratory.

Laifu followed him, raised his face, and asked: Hey, are you attracted to this doctor, and are you deliberately looking for a topic to chat?

I admit that she is very sexy, but Su Yan is even better. She is pure and lusty. Don't you like it?

This big wolf dog has a mean expression.

Ye Jue wanted to kick him on the spot.

It's not that he didn't know that Su Yan had feelings for him.


The situation is not optimistic now, the Demon God Arena is just around the corner.

He must work hard to get the treasure from hell and evolve into a special evolver.

I finally made the plasma pistol, hahaha!

At this moment, a crazy laughter attracted Ye Jue's attention.

Plasma pistol?

That is the passport to the future wasteland.

He couldn't help but walked over.

This crazy young man is holding a prototype pistol and testing its power at the target.

Bang bang bang bang!!

After a few rounds, the plasma bullets destroyed the target.

The crazy young man roared excitedly.

When he wanted to fire the next plasma bullet, the entire plasma pistol exploded suddenly.

The plasma energy generated directly enveloped his arm.


He let out a scream.

But when he opened his eyes again, he was shocked.

This ball of plasma energy was firmly grasped by one hand.

He looked up and saw that it was that person...


He stuttered.

I saw Ye Jue grabbing the plasma with one hand and closing his fingers together forcefully.

The entire plasma energy was squeezed smaller and smaller by him, and finally gathered in the palm of his hand.


Ye Jue flicked his finger, and the small electric ball flew towards the target instantly...

In an instant, the target was blown to pieces and melted away.

The protective structure of your plasma pistol is too poor.

Ye Jue shook his head: I'll teach you how to improve.

He quickly drew several structural diagrams on the computer panel, and marked the key points with instructions.

This is……

When the crazy young man saw it, he was as shocked as a heavenly being!

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