Poof! Poof! Poof!

The demon's body kept exploding.

The wind roared around him even louder, the demons danced wildly, and roared wildly.

Kill as many as you come.

As the demon's body fell, Ye Jue's eyes flashed with cold light.

The eerie hell always made him feel like he had fallen into an abyss.

Darkness will swallow everything!

But dawn will eventually come!

After walking for so long, we should be crossing the river soon.

Ye Jue kept killing, and the surroundings became terrifyingly quiet and gloomy.

Those demons with flashing red eyes no longer dared to step forward to block his steps.

They got into the hole like a bee's pupa and peered at him inside.

It didn't take long.

An even more nauseating stench hit my face.

In front of Ye Jue, there is a long and quiet river as black as ink, and time is dying.

The other side of this eerie and dark river seems to lead to the deepest part of endless darkness.

The other side of the river is the gate to the underworld.

Ye Jue narrowed his eyes.

He couldn't rush in and steal the treasure from the underworld.

Even if you are immortal, you will most likely be trapped inside and waste time.


He also seemed to need a boat.

A boat that can cross the Black River must be built by the research institute.

Get the materials for crossing the river first.

Ye Jue took off his armor and stood on the shore.

Finally, he jumped into the black river.

I'm afraid no one in the whole world has thought of...

Some people dared to cross the river in the flesh.


As soon as Ye Jue entered the water, he felt tingling all over his body and his skin began to ulcerate.

But he wasn't afraid at all.

Anyway, the immortal body also has a recovery buff and a powerful group recovery buff.

However, the river was too dark to see clearly.

You can only feel whether you have touched the bottom of the river.

He could hold this breath for about twenty minutes.

Then use energy instead of breathing, and you can last for almost an hour.


Blood bloomed all over his body, his hair was disheveled, and his whole body was washed into a bloody man.

five minutes later!

Isn't it the end yet?

Ye Jue frowned and closed his eyes tightly.

He held an iron block weighing several hundred kilograms in his hand and was sinking rapidly.

ten minutes later!

His face was covered with a haze, and his internal organs had been completely corroded.

Twenty minutes!

Ye Jue calculated the numbers in his mind.

Unexpectedly, the river of hell is so deep! ! !

It was like an abyss swallowing him up.

Although I can still hold on for forty minutes.

However, this kind of psychological pressure is definitely unbearable for ordinary people.

thirty minutes.

Ye Jue had already felt the pressure of the water and kept pushing towards him.

It seemed to be squeezing him into a ball.

At the same time, black hands were tearing towards him.

The iron block has become lighter due to corrosion.

It is said that when we are about to cross the bottom of the river, there will be a demonic hand attack. It seems to be true.

Ye Jue closed his eyes and condensed the water blade.

Wow! Wow! Wow!

The highly concentrated water blade cuts directly towards those demonic hands in all directions.

Puff puff!

The attack seemed to anger them, and more demonic hands tore at his body.

Forty minutes!

Deep cracks have appeared on Ye Jue's body, which is frightening.

If it had been anyone else, he would have been dead long ago.

Wait, what is that?

He opened his eyes suddenly!

Because at the bottom of the river of hell, there is something shining with green light.

The mysterious green thing that appeared under the river could be... an inscription from hell?!

When Ye Jue saw this scene, his eyes turned blood red instantly! !

Like a cannonball about to be fired, legs curled up...

call out!

He twisted his body crazily and ejaculated!

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