Chen Ya, as well as the leader of Chaos Zuma, Ji Zizai and others, saw Ye Jue actually leading his tribe into the gate of the heaven that was about to be destroyed.

Suddenly, each of them made a shocked sound.

Only Chen Ya had complicated eyes.

This is absolutely seeking death!

The spiritual light penetrates into the gate of heaven and destroys everything. Even if there is God's will in it, it may have begun to fall apart at this time.

Ye Jue chose this moment to rush in, which was nothing more than a moth flying into the flame, seeking his own death.

The chance of survival is only 0.0000001%...

A vicious smile appeared on Ji Zizi's face.

He had calculated everything, but he had not planned to kill Ye Jue.

Unexpectedly, Ye Jue actually committed suicide, so there was no need for him to scheme.

The same goes for the Chaos Zuma Cult Leaders, including the Impermanence of All Forms, whose malicious thoughts linger in the void.

However, Ye Jue, who broke into the gate of heaven, saw an extremely bright world.

Garden of Eden!

It has concentrated countless mysterious civilizations, countless powerful ideas, and various creatures that have never been seen before. Of course, there are also endless treasures among them.

The Garden of Eden is the garden of God, the god of technology who created parts of humanity in his own image.

The place where Westerners were raised is the legendary Garden of Eden.

There were many creatures close to God in the Garden of Eden.

How much do you know about the Garden of Eden? Hurry up and search for information!

All the tribes in this miserable state are talking about it.

This is an absolute crisis moment!

If they don't do something, they will definitely be dead.

Ye Jue led them into this place simply because he wanted to gain the power inside.

But before you can gain power, you must first know what it is.

Tree, it's a tree!

Suddenly someone yelled.

In the Garden of Eden, there are two divine trees, the tree of life and the tree of good and evil. As long as we find these two trees, we will be invincible. They were planted by God!

At this time, some races who knew the Garden of Eden were shouting and hurriedly looking for traces of the two trees.

But they looked around and found nothing. There were signs of destruction everywhere.

God's will resides in it.

But no one felt it at the moment.

Before looking for God, if they could find those two sacred trees, they would have five sacred trees in total, and they would be a big tree grower.

I'll find it!

After Ye Jue heard this, his eyes bloomed with divine light, sweeping across the entire Garden of Eden.

Here, destroyed by the light of psychic energy, there are actually two sacred trees shaking. They are so huge that they almost reach the sky.

It is almost impossible to poach them.

Seed, just get the seed!

Xiao Hong shouted.

They have experience in planting trees. The World Tree, Enlightenment Tree, and Miracle Tree were all planted by themselves.

Seed? Fruit!

Ye Jue immediately transformed into a big hand and fiercely grabbed the fruits of the two trees.


At this moment, Jianyao shouted.

She saw an extremely huge black snake, its head raised, its golden vertical pupils locked on them.

But when was this?

How could Ye Jue let a mere snake block his way and directly shoot the black and yellow blood laser, blasting out a series of abyss cracks?

The black snake kept spitting out evil aura, black energy, and all kinds of rotten auras. In addition, some powerful monsters appeared in it in groups.

These are the vicious creatures in the Garden of Eden, some finger-sized mosquitoes and flies flying among them, all of them with imperial-level cultivation.

A mosquito has an emperor-level cultivation. What is the concept?

Those mosquitoes shuttle back and forth in groups, hunting among them. When they encounter prey, they swarm up and suck it into a mummy.

Ye Jue even saw countless skeletons under the tree, on the huge plain, piled up into mountains. These were the remains of those who had died here while exploring the Garden of Eden since the beginning of the world.

The Garden of Eden is by no means a paradise. Under the beautiful appearance, there are all kinds of shocking things hidden.

The so-called God is actually the only existence in ancient times that is comparable to the true God.

Such an existence has long lost emotions. As the name suggests, God is God, an existence that transcends the divine emperor.

Only the true God can compete!

But now, Ye Jue has broken into this place. If he doesn't obtain God's will, it may be difficult to fight against Long Xiao.

Huh, we can't detect God's will because we are all mythical beings, and Ye Jue, you are an entangled body and a miscellaneous one. Only entropy bodies with pure technological paths can touch the realm of God. You have no hope. ”

There was no need to guess, Chen Ya from the outside snorted coldly.

Burying the deus ex machina in the land of myth, God just doesn't want anyone to get his power.

The mythical body has no hope, and so does the entangled body, which cannot reach the great existence in the Garden of Eden.

Zhao Yin is looking for God just to kill God so that they can become the new God.

Now Ye Jue rushes inside, isn't he looking for death?

But at this time, Ye Jue and Wanzu suffered the most violent impact.

Not only the psychic light, but also the monsters in the Garden of Eden. They were disturbed by the psychic light and attacked them crazily.

Attacked from both sides, we can't sustain it if this continues!

In the old part of the earth, Xu Ziyue screamed, she didn't want to die here.

Get the seeds first!

Xiao Hong reminded.

Already got it.

Ye Jue's body spread out its palms, which are the fruits of the tree of life, the tree of good and evil.

The flesh of the red fruit has been eaten by him.

It tastes pretty good.

So now only the core remains.

The goal now is to find God's will. Is there still time to eat the fruit? We have no way to touch that great existence. What should we do?

The big wolf dog stared at Ye Jue eagerly.

Should we use a miracle?

Dong Minmin asked quickly.

It's useless. Even if we use miraculous power, we can't find God's will. If the Garden of Eden is destroyed, we have no hope.

Su Baiyu shook his head.

However, at this moment, Ye Jue actually made a strange gesture.

I already know the situation on your side. There is no need to communicate with gestures. Now the paradise is cracked and the door to heaven is wide open. I can come in.

Su Yan's voice rang out.

President Su Yan?

It's really her!

People from all tribes screamed.

Did you find what I asked you to help me find?

Ye Jue suddenly asked.

Everyone was puzzled when they heard it.

What is more important than what is happening now?

I worked hard and finally found it.

Su Yan nodded seriously.

Well done, give it to me now.

Ye Jue hurriedly urged, time was really running out, and the Garden of Eden was about to be destroyed.

They will also be destroyed, and their bodies will be buried with God.

Hey, it's time for you to appear, why don't you hurry up and find your master!

Su Yan suddenly turned around and shouted.


At this moment, a mysterious metal robot suddenly came into everyone's sight.

When we first meet, my name is System.

The metal robot waved towards the magic crystal ball and the people inside.

However, they cannot see Wanzu.

This robot is the system that Ye Jue dug out of his body when he killed Dao.

When the Sixth Age was about to perish, a random body was picked up and given life to it.

This thing is absolutely top-notch technology!

No one knows technology better.

If it can't find God's will, then Ye Jue will really accept his fate.

Everyone use miracle power to move it here!

Ye Jue gave the order and everyone immediately started taking action.

Pulling the system over will only require a small sacrifice from tens of thousands of people.


In the blink of an eye, this metal robot appeared in front of everyone.

Host, is the system returning?

The metal robot asked, tilting his head.


However, unexpectedly, Ye Jue refused directly.

He has no use for the system now.

The Divine Calculator now has life!

I command you, seek God's will!

Instead, he spoke.

Obey the host's orders!

The metal robot nodded immediately, and waves of ripples seeped out of its body, just like electric waves.

This stunned all the people of all races, their mouths opened in an 'O' shape.

They didn't expect that at the critical moment, their Ye Shen...

Can actually summon a mysterious robot!

Ye Shen, how many secrets do they still have that they don’t know?

Ding, God's will has been successfully searched. Do you want to activate it? Please note that activating God's will requires ∞ analytical power. The host's analytical power is not enough to activate it.

The divine calculator said word for word.

Ye Jue was stunned for a moment after hearing this...

Mud horse!

How long has it been since you still need analytical skills?

Seeing the host's dark face, the divine calculator actually tilted his head and said: With such a huge analysis, it is judged that the host will never be able to provide it. The undefined space can be sacrificed in exchange for the only condition for activating God's will.

What, sacrifice doesn't define space.

Not only Ye Jue, but also others were stunned when they heard this.

Not defining space, apart from the power of miracles, is their biggest trump card.

After all, this is the power of a demigod!

It's okay to say that it's just the power of a demigod. The key is that the ability is against the sky. It's the only one. How can it be sacrificed?


At this time, the Garden of Eden was on the verge of destruction. It was decomposed by the light of psychic energy. A lava plane appeared in the entire space, and the earth was turned upside down. The huge lava turned into rolling waves, and the huge waves flooded towards them.

This kind of lava is not ordinary lava, but a kind of extreme power that their eyes can see, beyond cognition, and the brain can only manifest it in this way.

No matter, sacrifice it to me. The old one won't go away, and the new one won't come.

Ye Jue took action boldly and asked the sacred calculator to analyze the undefined space.

Didi didi... is analyzing... estimated... one million breath times.

puff! !

Everyone almost spat out a mouthful of blood when they heard the Holy Calculator's reminder.

A normal person breathes 18 times in 1 minute. How long does it take to breathe 1 million times in 39 days? ?

Then they will die so hard that not even the scum will be left.

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