Behind the leader of Chaos Zuma, like a phoenix feather extending, the void cracked like a rock, and the internal fire loomed, as if it could burn the thirty-third heaven.

That is……

Old Man Tianli's eyes tightened, and he suddenly felt extremely horrified.

It was a very small, but very mysterious substance, looming in the void behind the Chaos Zuma leader!

In an instant, the sound of the Great Dao was stirred up, deafening and enlightening, making people awaken, just like being enlightened and wanting to realize the Tao.

The people under the divine owl who were infinitely close to the divine emperor were so shocked that they couldn't help but exclaim!

Is this really the weapon of the Sky-Splitting God Emperor?

You actually got it!

The divine owl let out a shrill roar.

However, the world of fire erupted with a roar like a tsunami, and fragments of the avenue danced and dispersed from it.

Bang bang bang!!

Almost everyone was affected by this terrifying impact, shaking like a yellow bell and knocking them over.

There is no doubt that it is too powerful! !

It was countless times stronger than the imperial soldiers. Not only was his scalp numb, his back was chilling, his soul was trembling.

It is indeed the Heaven-Splitting Divine Sword.

A bright flash of fire appeared and exploded in the distance. Qi Jue Nu breathed a sigh of relief when she saw the knife.

This knife is transcendent, a stream of light, bright and dazzling, blooming there, with rules and order lingering beside it, presenting a gorgeous feeling like the swaying stars in the sky.

Sacred, solemn, and otherworldly, this is the most intuitive feeling it gives people, and it also has an unparalleled majesty!

Such a weapon is what everyone dreams of.

Now it is controlled by the leader of Chaos Zuma!

In the past, the Heaven-Splitting Divine Emperor wielded this sword, crusaded in all directions, and led the ethnic group. With a wave of the divine sword, heads began to roll, and the world was shaken.

After Chi You, Huang Di and others died, anyone facing his sword must avoid its edge.

However, because of this, the Splitting God Emperor offended too many people.

After the attack on the deus ex machina failed, he was afraid that others would get his bones, so he deliberately used great magic power to cross the sea of ​​chaos and bury himself on the other side.

I just don’t want to be found by future generations.

However, the leader of Chaos Zuma was born with the formation of chaos, and took the Monkey King, the Ancient Qi Lord, to cross over forcefully.

Got this magic sword.

This sword has no weapon spirit. If it had a weapon spirit, with a single wave, the paradise would collapse.

The ancient Qi Lord said.

After all, the Paradise has shrunk a lot compared to before.

It was ridiculously big before, but now I can feel my way to the other side.

Qi Jue Nu, with the Heaven-Splitting Divine Sword, they have nothing to fear. We will use this sword to summon the descendants of the Heaven-Splitting Divine Emperor, unify the paradise, kill the mechanical gods, obtain the real artifact, and let you return to the top. Return to the demigods and attack the true gods!

Chaos Zuma leader licked his lips.

Immediately, they formed a new force in the paradise.

Now, the mythical paradise is about to change dramatically.

These guys of the older generation will all be replaced. This is a prophecy, and even the God Emperor cannot escape his fate.

Behead the god owl first!

Qi Jue Nu waved her hand.

This godly owl is still the strongest representative of the old era. All he needs to do is kill him.

The strength of their lineup will be greatly improved! !

In the paradise, many masters from other worlds, barbarians, gods, demons, and monsters will surrender.

Yes, as long as we defeat the Holy Sun Alliance, we will be number one.

The ancient qi master nodded.

Okay, God Owl, you heard it too, we are going to kill you today!

The Monkey King laughed dryly and looked at the leader of Chaos Zuma.

You can't run away. You know the power and power of the Heaven-Splitting Divine Sword best.

The leader of Chaos Zuma was trembling non-stop and emitting a powerful breath.

In the world of flames behind him, the divine sword appeared, and there were faint traces of cracks in the Heavenly Dao of Paradise, densely packed all over the void.

Damn, get out!

The god owl roared.

If you don't retreat at this time, the Holy Sun Alliance will be severely damaged!

The invincible power of that magical sword was still vivid in his mind.

They must all escape before slashing out.

Now he has failed. He launched the time and space holy war and failed to capture the Qijue world.

In the end, he was defeated by an entire army and fell short of success.

To blame, it was because the incarnation of Chaos appeared and found the weapon of the Sky-Splitting God Emperor. He had never calculated this change.

Withdraw, withdraw, withdraw!!

Everyone in the Holy Sun Alliance is disappearing like crazy, traveling into various spatial levels, moving in various void tunnels, and flashing like crazy.

It's too late. If you see me show up, you should run away. Then you might still have a chance.

The leader of Chaos Zuma is now very proud, with his hands clasped together, he is honest and pious.

He is instilling power into the Sky-Splitting Divine Sword.

Only his own chaotic energy can activate this magical weapon.


Suddenly, a tyrannical force appeared behind everyone in the Holy Sun Alliance.

Including old man Tianli and his disciples, they all looked back, their expressions changing drastically.

Escape quickly...

The divine owl's voice was a bit sharp, like a blade, and sounded like a throat-cutting suffocation.

If we are hit by this knife, our origin will gradually be shattered, unable to recover, and eventually die slowly!

Hearing these words, Old Man Tianli became even more horrified.

That divine weapon actually had such an ability. He thought that even if he mastered the laws of nature, he might not be able to fight against it.

What kind of knife is that?

In an undefined space, Ye absolutely knows everything about the outside world.

Now they have turned into a singularity, hiding around the battlefield, observing the battle situation from beginning to end.

Especially when they saw the Heaven-Splitting Divine Sword, everyone's eyes suddenly went straight.

That's a magic weapon!

It was the first time for Su Baiyu to lose his composure like this.

If we could obtain this sword, wouldn't we be invincible?

People from the old part of the earth looked at each other.

This sword is controlled by the leader of Chaos Zuma!

And if you want to use this knife, it seems that you must cooperate with the energy of chaos, otherwise it will not be able to push.

In undefined space, they can create chaos energy completely out of thin air.

But this chaotic energy is not as good as the real thing.

Maybe the leader of Chaos Zuma slashed with three swords, but they could only use one sword.

But this is not bad. If you can get it, your combat power will be improved again.

Except this knife.

Ye Jue did not expect that Chen Ya would secretly reach a deal with Chaos Zuma leader.

At the most critical moment, he didn't take action because he knew that she definitely had a backup plan.

He knows Chen Ya very well.

But she didn't expect that it was the ancient Qi Lord and a great saint-level figure standing with her.

What should we do now? Everyone in the Holy Sun Alliance has fled. The leader of Chaos Zuma has sacrificed this sword to hunt down Shen Xiao. Should we take action?

B asked.

Not only must we take action, but we must also kill two birds with one stone. We must destroy the Heaven-Splitting Divine Sword and the Holy Sun Alliance, and obtain the origin of Old Man Tianli. As long as we master Tianli, our undefined space will have no rivals in the Paradise.

Ye Jue didn't squint, his eyes flashed with surprise.


Without defining spatial movement, he directly chased after him.

At this moment, he calculated that big changes were coming!

You can only know if you catch up.

Now, the mythical paradise has changed drastically, and this holy war of time and space will affect the entire space.


As long as the Holy Sun Alliance collapses, the largest force in the Mythical Paradise will change hands.

Then let’s see whose methods are tougher!

Whoever has the power to dominate the world can suppress everyone and force them to obey.

Only when everyone stands on the same front can we fight against the deus ex machina and hope to win.

The main reason for the failure of the Heaven Splitting God Emperor and the Heaven Worshiping God Emperor was that they were too trusting and challenged them on their own.

This is what happened.

Ye Jie will not follow the example of his predecessors, and Wanzu is the strongest backing.

However, I will become the God Emperor soon, and I will incarnate and go out to stir up trouble.

When he was about to approach the battlefield of the divine soldiers, he sat cross-legged in an undefined space, and a demigod shadow was born in the outside world.


Suddenly, thunderbolts and divine pillars were heard everywhere.

This was Old Man Tianli's method to resist the attack of the Heaven-Splitting Divine Sword with Shen Xiao.

As for Ye Jue, now he wants to fish in troubled waters.

The more intense they fight, the happier they get.

For example, some unparalleled evil geniuses, as well as some great emperors, two-transformed, and three-transformed characters, all fell in this battle between divine soldiers.

Their dark matter was all swallowed up by Ye Jue without anyone seeing it.

Now if he makes a move at will, it will be a force that shakes all directions and destroys all the heavens.

But that's not necessary yet.

The divine owl would never die so easily. A mere divine weapon without a weapon spirit, driven by someone who was not the divine emperor, was not enough to kill him completely.

Maybe the leader of Chaos Zuma also realized that he just wanted the god owl and old man Tianli to be seriously injured, so it was best to cut off part of their bodies to gain harvest.

Therefore, Ye Jue took action secretly.

He was waiting patiently for this moment to come.


At this moment, the destruction and robberies of heaven and earth seemed to appear. The rolling flames of the god owl were all extinguished, his vitality was severely damaged, and one of his wings was actually cut off.

This is a part of the body of God Owl, representing the ultimate dark matter.

But Ye Jue was not in a hurry to take action.

Because at this moment, the Heaven-Splitting Divine Sword hit Old Man Tianli again. ant with a magic weapon actually hurt me?

Old Man Tianli roared, and beams of light shot out from his eyes.

He was so angry.

He was chased by a junior with a divine weapon, but he couldn't resist. Like the divine owl, half of his body was cut off.

But there was no blood, just a golden rain that covered the sky.

Okay, this is a part of the body of the two god emperors, which contains a lot of energy. I use chaos to activate the Sky-Splitting Divine Sword, which consumes huge amounts of energy all the time, so I can replenish it!

The leader of Chaos Zuma licked his lips and slashed five times in a row, finally hurting them.

Moreover, the attack of the Sky-Splitting Divine Sword has an unstoppable spreading corrosive effect.

As long as he is hit by this knife, the wounds on the body of God Owl and Old Man Tianli will not be able to heal or regenerate.

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