There are at least nearly a hundred sects under the Ascension Heavenly Palace.

Which of these sect leaders is not obedient?

So far, no one has dared to betray.

There's something good to watch now.

A plain white feather actually came out!

Threatening to seize the title of Lord of Heavenly Palace! !

Isn't this seeking death?

The God Emperor was right in front of him, yet he dared to speak so brazenly!

The Feathered God Emperor, I'll take him down!

The person who spoke was Elder Tianxing of Yuhua Tiangong.

This Tianxing elder is in charge of all justice, and must be punished for such serious acts of rebellion.

It would be best to execute him on the spot, to scare the monkeys.

Let everyone see what happens to the betrayers.

Don’t think that just because you’re leaning against someone’s thigh, you feel fearless.


What he did was the Great Emperor Technique. After a long period of practice, he had mastered the ultimate method and wanted to determine the winner in one fell swoop.


However, Su Baiyu had no expression on his face, and at the critical moment, he suddenly stretched out his arm and inserted it into the void in front of him.

This move will show no mercy!


The palm of his hand directly penetrated the opponent's heart, and he actually pulled out a bloody and extremely powerful heart from the chest of Elder Tianxing!

This heart beats violently, like a divine drum that can shake the sky to pieces.

As soon as the heart was captured, an unyielding thought evolved within it.

Because this heart is not an ordinary heart.

It is the source of all the power of Elder Tianxing.

Under Su Baiyu's grasp, everything came into his hands and was squeezed directly.


Immediately, Elder Tianxing let out a shrill scream.

Instant kill!

The heart stopped beating on the spot.

What, Elder Tianxing is dead?

How is it possible that he died so easily?

No way, did I misunderstand that the invincible Elder Tianxing died like this?

The disciples of Yuhua Tiangong were all dumbfounded.

Not even the Ascension God Emperor, Xueyangzi, had time to stop this turn of events.


After Su Baiyu swallowed up all the power of Elder Tianxing, he flew up and seemed to be ascending.

He received the blessing of huge power, and his whole body began to change, and various divine lights radiated from his body.

In just the blink of an eye, his strength increased greatly.

How is it possible? How can you directly swallow the origin of a great emperor? What kind of power did you use? The Feathering Divine Art does not have this kind of power.

Xueyangzi frowned. At this moment, he did not feel scared, but full of interest.

He was particularly fond of the bare hands.

If you have this ability, then in the paradise, you can devour it at will.

I can directly devour the origins of others without wasting any time, because my particles have been transformed.

Su Baiyu suddenly shook out a particle.

This particle is very special. Not only is it crystal clear, it also seems to be covered with spikes, full of devouring and aggressive properties.

Just like cancer cells, they can easily break through!

The Great Emperor Particles will melt instantly when wrapped in such particles.

Oh? Is there such a thing?

Xueyangzi rolled his eyes. As long as he could get a particle, he would be able to embody the divine right and become his thing directly.

Therefore, all you need to do is attack Su Baiyu, hurt his body, and steal a particle.

Xue Yangzi, don't think that I don't know what you are thinking. It's not that easy for you to take away my particles.

As soon as he finished speaking, Su Baiyu was about to turn around and fly away.

It seems that there is no nostalgia at all, the speed is getting faster and faster, and it has become a point.

Want to leave?

Xueyangzi couldn't bear it anymore. If he didn't take action, Su Baiyu would really run away.

Once you enter that abyss, there is no chance.

Anyway, he didn't dare to break in rashly.

So now is the best time to capture him.

Competing in speed in front of the God-Emperor is simply a dwarf.


Xueyangzi used some kind of escape technique, and his whole body turned into a blood line, reflecting the sky. He chased after Su Baiyu, hoping to get a particle from Su Baiyu.

Although Su Baiyu's escape skills are powerful, they are definitely not as good as the God Emperor.

Just when he was about to escape into the undefined space, he was caught up by Xueyangzi.


Xueyangzi shook the starry sky, essence flowed from the whole body, god-emperor level substances emerged, and a vast palm struck Su Baiyu fiercely.


Su Baiyu immediately sent out imperial soldiers to resist.

But it only resisted three points of force.

The remaining seven points of power hit his body.


The blasted wound immediately spurted out divine light.

However, these divine lights seemed to be conscious, and they all returned to Su Baiyu's body.

However, using just one of them, he was a step too late and was caught by Xueyangzi.

Feathered Divine Power!

After getting this particle, Xueyangzi used his divine power to transform it into a feather without saying a word.

Once the feathering is successful, this particle will directly become an ownerless thing.

No longer belongs to Su Baiyu.

At that time, all the secrets belonged to him.


However, the next moment, Xueyangzi frowned.

This particle is actually extremely hard. I don’t know what it is made of. It actually failed to feather out and only corroded a layer of the surface.

This is simply unbelievable. This is the first time that the feathered divine power has failed.

Just when he was stunned.

This particle suddenly stirred out with the divine fire from the other side.

At the same time, a voice came out.

You were fooled, Xueyangzi. Did you know that Taiji Dao Lord also fell into this kind of trick and was killed by me?

This voice seemed to come from the deep abyss, it was strange and terrifying, it revealed an unknown meaning, and it was difficult to cut through.


While Xueyangzi was exclaiming, a huge will emanated from his body.

He wants to force this particle out of his body!

Therefore, only by becoming the Feathered God Emperor can you be qualified to practice the Ultimate Feathered Ascension Sutra.

The Ascension Sutra he practiced was the orthodox one.

The Taixu Feathering Scripture passed on to the sect leader was a modified version, with only one-third of its power.

Moreover, he made countless hand seals to separate part of his body directly. His judgment was very wise and decisive.


It's too late to do anything now.

Ever since Ye Jue brought undefined space into Xueyangzi's body in the form of particles.

Immediately, all races began to exert their strength.

We have a sword that can kill the God Emperor again, cut off his life, destroy his soul, cut off his path, and end everything!

The voices of all races, like the great light that destroyed the world, actually carved traces of obliteration on Xueyangzi's body.

In just a moment, Xueyangzi's body was about to collapse.

This scene is completely similar to Taiji Taojun.

The former died under the Emperor-Slaying Sword.

You actually want me to die? Yuhuabingjie!!


At the critical moment, Xueyangzi actually released his body directly!

With a loud roar, he turned into a seven-inch little man and rushed into the Yuhua Heavenly Palace.

I didn't expect that the real Ascension Sutra can actually escape and escape. This is the first time I have seen it.

Su Baiyu was very shocked when he saw this scene.

No one expected that Xueyangzi could avoid being wiped out by the Emperor-Slaying Sword in this way.

Now that everyone has sacrificed their strength, they must kill the God Emperor to get back their roots.

Therefore, we must attack the Yuhua Tiangong! !


Fentian, Big Wolf Dog, Mengdie, Jian Yao, Jian Xitian, Aosheng, Nu Jialuo... and others all used the power of demigods in an undefined space at this moment.


From the undefined space, mosaic people emerged again, forming an army in an instant, covering the Wuji Heavenly Palace like locusts passing through.

How can there be such a powerful force?

No, something's wrong. Is it the Spear of Death that was just spread recently?

Death Spear?

This is just a title, because this spear is indestructible and has wiped out countless ancient tribes.

Did the God Emperor lose just now?

No way?

Seeing the overcast clouds, all the disciples of Yuhua Tiangong's scalps felt numb and their spines felt chilly.

At this time, the only option is to fight! !

Open the divine formation of Yuhua Tiangong to resist foreign enemies!


However, the God-Emperor was severely wounded, and with their strength, it was impossible to resist the demigods.

Within a moment, all the disciples of Yuhua Tiangong were crushed to death!

This is a massacre.

However, Wanzu has experienced it no less than ten times!

Every time, they used this method to put an end to those ancient clans, big forces, and big sects.

Only one Yuhua God Emperor can see the Ascension Heavenly Palace.

Everyone else is just ants.


The shadow transformed by Ye Jue rushed directly into the Yuhua Heavenly Palace.

Also coming with him were people like Su Baiyu and Fentian.

Where did the Feathered God Emperor escape to?

Fentian frowned when he saw that there was no trace.

The Ten Saints of Ascension opened the Judgment Space, and the Ascension God Emperor escaped with them. Look here, there is still light of shuttle left, look at me!

Su Baiyu said at this moment, with a little finger, the shuttle light would be infinitely magnified. The Taixu Feathering Sutra was originally a replica of the Feathering Sutra.

Coming from the same source, the Feathered God Emperor can travel through time, and he can also use this power to pursue him.

Okay, then we'll kill two birds with one stone and take down the Feathered God Emperor and the Lord of Judgment together, which will also save a lot of trouble.

As Su Baiyu opened the hole for passage, Ye Jue waved his big hand to help stabilize the passage, which instantly turned into divine light and the human body was thrown in.

The speed of their pursuit was so fast that the end of the shaking road was shaken, and fragments of the avenue were flying, like a long river of time emerging, whizzing away with traces of time.

You actually caught up so quickly?

Xueyangzi's face changed drastically.

Rooted in the void, with auspicious colors descending from the sky and ethereal fairy sounds, the palaces of the ancient times and the Yuhua Celestial Palace hanging high in the nine heavens may be completely destroyed at this moment, destroyed by the force of thunder.

Now he finally understood that this mysterious group was hunting the God Emperor.

Most likely from the Sixth Age.

Su Baiyu really hugged a big thick leg!

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