Thinking about it, it was extremely satisfying to be able to trick the God Emperor to death.

Now, the Supreme Truth and Taiji Daojun are busy fighting against those huge grid life forms.

They were all besieged by tens of millions of giant grid soldiers. Their faces changed drastically. They wanted to break away from the obstruction, and their divine light kept erupting, but they were suppressed every time.

At this moment, the imperial soldiers have been used!

However, the attack power of those grid lives is too strong.

Part of the Taoist body of the Supreme Truth was actually destroyed. Although it can be reshaped directly, it undoubtedly proves its powerful destructive power.

They were all severely suppressed, not to mention Chi Ren and Mr. Feifan.

The latter are all tough confrontations.

Especially the lower body of Mr. Extraordinary was chopped off directly. Although it grew directly, his face was still pale.

It's really the Divine Burial. These grid-block soldiers that transcend life are the power of the Divine Burial, the legacy of the abyssal entropy!

Chi Ren roared and roared, with flames shooting out of his eyes. His eyes were bloodshot, filled with resentment and murderous intent. He hated the person in front of him.

In today's battle, they had suffered too serious losses and the price was so huge.

After planning for so long, I didn’t expect it to fall short.

In the end, an outsider took advantage of me!

He is so famous that he would suffer such a big loss.

Especially since the Supreme Truth was still present, he felt even more unwilling and extremely regretful.

The extraordinary young master's face was also as gloomy as water, and his heart was full of anger and resentment.

Master, why not withdraw!

He drank lowly.

Now that the divine burial has been acquired by others, it is no longer possible to rob it.

If you insist on snatching it, you will definitely be stopped by these mosaic soldiers, and battles will continue one after another.

Wuji Tiangong really can no longer bear the loss.

All the unrivaled evil geniuses they brought here are already dead.

Although, I feel unwilling to do so!

But there is no way around it!

Presumably the same is true for the people of the Dynasty of Truth. If they continue to fight like this, they will only be massacred by those grid life forms.

That's what I mean.

Taoist Tai Chi calmed down. It was not an accident that this person won the Divine Burial.

The trump card far exceeded his expectations.

Although I am really holding back a lot of anger in my heart, there is nothing I can do now.

If you want to break into the Eye of Sauron, you will have to fight these grid life forms for at least tens of thousands of years.

Old man, you are timid. As a noble God Emperor, you are actually timid. Oh my god, is there any royal law left?

In the light curtain, Ye Jue's voice resounded, with ridicule and a strange scream.

Just such a voice made Tai Chi Taoist's face darken and darken.

This is so irritating!

Tai Chi Dao Lord, you have sacrificed so much, are you willing to retreat like this?

The Supreme Truth looked cold and kicked away the huge soldier in front of him.

You want to use the Invincible Imperial Technique?

How could Taoist Taiji not know what he was thinking.

That's right, only by using the invincible imperial technique can the lives in these grids be wiped out. Although it cannot be killed, it can still be done by temporarily sealing them in a subspace.

The Supreme Truth said quickly.

Sealing gold with three hand seals?

Tai Chi Taoist squinted at him.

This invincible imperial technique has three moves.

The crow flies to the top, the toad leaps into the sky, and the final form seals the world.

But in order to use this invincible imperial technique, they must consume their remaining lifespan.

There is no room for hesitation now, a decision must be made as soon as possible.

The Supreme Truth holds the seal in his left and right hands and is ready to sacrifice longevity at any time.

Master, why not give it a try?

The extraordinary young master said suddenly.

In fact, he was unwilling to do so.

However, maybe the invincible emperor's magic can seal it.

The God-Emperor Liu Nao, who was once the master of the joint trial of the Ascension God-Emperor and sealed the Kingdom of Le Nao, used the supreme Ascension God-Sealing Technique.

The power of the supreme immortal-sealing technique and the gold-sealing three-hand seal are almost the same.

Even if the seal fails, we can use this technique to resist and successfully lead the soldiers away.

Chi Ren said at this moment.

These attacking grid lifeforms have killed everyone inside and disrupted the position.

Now only the invincible emperor's magic can be used to separate the battlefield.

If you leave directly, you will lose another batch of combat power.

Chiren, Feifan Gongzi also knows that using the invincible emperor's magic will consume the longevity of the god emperors.

Immediately, they took out the magical grass, magical medicine, and magical elixir from their own particle space.

These can increase longevity and make up for part of the losses.

Belongs to their collection.

I accepted it for my teacher.

Tai Chi Taoist nodded slightly.

Is this divine elixir a spare item you use to break through the God Emperor, or is it your clan's most precious treasure? Your father and mother handed it over to you with their own hands, and after repeated instructions, you hand it over so willingly?

The Supreme Truth looked slightly shocked when he saw this huge divine elixir.

This can indeed make up for the loss of lifespan caused by using the Invincible Emperor Technique.

Supreme, as long as I can kill this person, my father and mother will understand me. What's more, if I really break through to the God Emperor, I don't need any backup supplies.

Chiren had a strong sense of the overall situation and spoke directly without any hesitation.

Okay then, I'll accept it.

The Supreme Truth nodded.

Immediately afterwards, he and Wuji Daojun struck each other with their hands, spiraling into the sky, turning into two rays of light, one gold and one silver, erupting with unimaginable power.

No, Ye Jue, they are going to use the invincible imperial technique!

After hearing the conversation between these people, Fentian quickly sent a message.

I heard it.

Ye Jue nodded fiercely.

Good guy!

In order to deal with him, the God Emperor resorted to the invincible imperial technique.

He had seen the invincible emperor's magic in the Ryunao Kingdom before, and it was quite astonishing. Now it was attacking him. If he was not prepared, it would be really difficult to resist.

Now, he has no life left to burn.

The only power one can rely on is a miracle.

All races obey my orders, all move and come to me!

At this moment, Ye Jue roared loudly in the light curtain.

The entire Eye of Sauron shook violently, and black holes of various sizes appeared around him.

Ye Jue, are you crazy? It's too dangerous to drag all the tribes here!

When Fen Tian saw the Ark of All Races emerging from those black holes, his expression suddenly changed with shock and he shouted.

What if the invincible imperial technique directly seals Ye Jue and all the tribes?

Why this time, now?

Some people make wrong decisions in times of crisis.

However, Ye Jue doesn't look like this kind of person, and he understands it very well.

Now only miracles and only love can fight against the invincible imperial art!

Ye Jue roared.

At this moment, the Ark of Ten Thousand Races has appeared beside him, affecting the planet of Ten Thousand Races, and all the large forces have arrived.

God, our God, I pray, I give everything, to cause miracles!

“God is calling us!”

So happy!

At this moment, all races felt the call from their hearts.

They were all firing on all cylinders, their bodies glowing with emerald green light.

One after another, they sacrificed all their life power and turned it into a miracle.

Many people shriveled up and became old men and women.

But despite this, no one fails to answer the call.

The fact that all races can be so united and trust him without any cost at such a critical moment is all due to the guidance of the old tribe of the earth and the leaders of the new era. Chen Ya has the greatest credit.

The Miracle Tree was cultivated by her, starting from a seed in deep space.

Therefore, Ye Jue and everyone are preparing to participate in the time and space holy war to 'save' Chen Ya.

How could this be the end?

World Tree, World Enlightenment Tree, replenish everyone's life energy!

Wu Qingguo shouted.


The two accompanying trees once again provide the power of life to all races.

Those shriveled people, old men, old women, have regained their youthful skin and are once again full of luster.

It's that power again, the invincible imperial technique, the golden three-hand seal!

The Supreme Truth, Taiji Daojun saw the emerald green light again and shouted.

They hit together with both hands, and with the first blow, Wu Fei reached the top!


A huge black bird flew out from their hands, its momentum was astonishing, and it instantly enveloped all the square soldiers present.

These violent mosaic soldiers were immediately carried into the sky by this bird-shaped bubble.

The battlefield was separated instantly.


Supreme Truth, Tai Chi Dao Lord once again combined for the second blow.

The toad jumps into the sky!


A huge toad suddenly jumped from their fingers, its huge mouth opened suddenly, like an abyss, and with a breath of air, all the Mosaic soldiers who were attacked were sucked into its stomach.

Then, a talisman appeared in Tai Chi Dao Lord's hand and was directly placed on Shen Chan's mouth, closing it completely.

In an instant, there were no longer those terrifying checkered soldiers on the battlefield.

Okay, the final move, all moves will seal the country!

Bang bang!

The Supreme Truth, Tai Chi Dao Lord strikes two palms together.

These two palms are not ordinary, they are endlessly changing, and have evolved into thousands of sealing techniques.

All races, we fight against the enemy together, fight with me!

At this moment, Ye Jue actually took the Ark of Ten Thousand Tribes and the Planet of Ten Thousand Tribes, everything turned into a screen of light and rushed towards the final form of the three gold-sealing hand seals.

You're crazy!

Seeing such a scene, Fen Tian actually appeared directly and joined the army of all races.

He didn't want to see all races disappear like this.

Okay, with your joining, the odds of winning are even better. Su Baiyu, Cangjie Mengdie, Jianyao, Yi, Afu, Niu Mo, Princess Da Zhou, and you all have given out their most powerful strength. , let’s resist the invincible imperial art together!”

At this time, Ye Jue let out a long roar, and now he was going to fight.

The ability of the third power is fully activated and it is impossible to fail.

Now we have reached the most critical and tense moment, which is also the greatest calamity for all races. He asked all races to experience this. Once they succeed, they will be indestructible and eternal.

But once it fails, it will fall into the hands of others, and from then on, it will fall into endless purgatory, and life after life will be extremely miserable.

Ye Jue didn't believe that the Supreme Truth, Tai Chi Dao Lord, Chi Ren, and the Extraordinary Young Master would let him go.

It's time, Divine Burial, I'm going to use a miracle to activate you.

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