One million years, no, two million years?

Really willing to give it up!

It's really a waste of money.

But it was of no use. His own level was too low, and he was still a long way from the Eye of Sauron.


At this moment, Chi Ren sneered.

He wanted to capture this person, tear him into pieces, deprive him of his divine power, and seal his soul in pain forever.

Although they are moving very slowly now, they don't need to use their longevity to catch up with this person.

Because there is a huge difference in their realms, the life levels between him and this kid are worlds apart.


At this moment, Ye Juede's face was very dark. If the pressure he could withstand was one, then Chi Ren and Mr. Feifan were at least ten.

The Supreme Truth and Tai Chi Dao Lord can withstand at least fifty pressure points.

If he hadn't sacrificed his longevity, it would have been impossible to get here.

But now, there is nothing left of Shouyuan, only less than a hundred years.

In other words, Ye Jue will die within less than a hundred years.

Shou Yuan is a very valuable thing to the God Emperor.

Especially Taoist Master Taiji, who had already shown a surprised expression on his face when he saw so many Shouyuan remnants.

He was surprised that this boy was so cruel to him. He was only in the realm of the second emperor transformation, but he actually dared to gamble everything.

With such a character, even his close disciple, the Extraordinary Young Master, would not do this.

Hahahahaha, this kid has used all his longevity energy. He is simply a fool.

While Chiren sneered, he continued to ridicule.

That is longevity, very precious!

If you want to gain a hundred years of life, you must swallow a magical medicine worth an era.

However, there are only a few of that kind of magic medicine, even the Supreme Truth.

Therefore, all the powerful men in the world cherish their longevity very much.

It would never be such a waste.

Use it to bet!

And even if I bet, I still lost the bet.

If the emperor level changes to the fifth level, then it is really possible that he will succeed.

The extraordinary young master sneered.

The distance between them was getting closer and closer.

Looking from Ye Jue's perspective, they were two dark clouds walking towards him with an extremely terrifying aura.

This scene is already desperate.

It seems...

Gotta use that one!

Ye Juede's eyes suddenly shone brightly, he suddenly clasped his hands together, and then opened them toward the sky. At this moment, his body actually felt like he was out of here, out of the mythical paradise.

What power is this?

At this time, the Supreme Truth's hand had already grabbed him, and his palm was about to crush him.

However, at this moment, a very magical power came from all directions.

It's impossible that this is an entropic space, close to the Eye of Sauron. How could there be an intrusion from an outside force?

Even Taiji Taoist Master was blowing his beard and staring, unable to believe the scene in front of him.

Even if he wanted to instill power into the people here from the outside world, it would be absolutely impossible for him to do so.

The only people who can achieve this kind of strength are demigods.

Could it be that there is a demigod behind this kid?

But this is simply impossible. Looking at the entire mythical paradise, there is no real living demigod.

Those who are physically weak, whose longevity is exhausted, and who are infinitely close to being demigods, do not count.

How can this be?


The hand of the Supreme Truth was suddenly bounced away.

Moreover, his spiritual thoughts were completely counterattacked and rebounded.

This person can no longer be hurt.

This is!!

Mr. Feifan's eyes widened.

Including the Wuji Heavenly Palace behind him, all the disciples opened their mouths wide.

It turned around again!

It seems difficult to squeeze, but it is useless!

It's God, our God, asking for our help!

“Oh my god, God is seeking us for the first time!”

I will give everything I have!

At this moment, everyone in the distant Ark of Ten Thousand Tribes and the Planet of Ten Thousand Tribes sat down cross-legged, obeying the voice rising in their hearts over and over again.

At this time, their souls were beating, extremely hot, fiery and hot.

This is simply a scene that has never been seen or heard of before.

Ye Jue is calling us!

Everyone in the old part of the earth and the new era understood it in an instant.

They also sat down cross-legged and prayed.

A glistening green light gradually appeared on everyone's body.



The Miracle Tree planted on the planet of all races shook violently. Although it was only more than ten meters high, it gave off an extremely astonishing momentum.

On both sides of the tree stood a beautiful woman, Chen'er.

A pure and lovely girl, Xiao Mumu.

They clasped their hands and closed their eyes. A large amount of green light emerged from their bodies and rushed into the Miracle Tree.

Buzz buzz...

In just a moment, countless green dots gathered from all directions and merged into the Miracle Tree.

The tree of miracles instantly turned green, with circles of divine rings lingering up and down.

In the center of the tree, there was a green baby, vaguely born.

Finally, here comes the miracle baby.

Chen'er and Xiaomumu said in unison.


After collecting so much miraculous power, there was a 'boom', and a thick emerald green light directly penetrated the dimension of the Mythical Paradise and shot towards an unknown direction.

what is that?

I have never seen such amazing power!

Yes, it can actually penetrate the dimensional space of the mythical paradise. It is simply incredible.

Even the God Emperor doesn't have such ability. What is it?

I'm going to catch up and see where it ends.

At this moment, all the big forces in the Mythical Paradise, the big families, the big sects, the big dynasties, and the amazing and decisive figures in them all stood up with horrified expressions on their faces.

A majestic underground palace, with the three characters Earth Chrysalis Gate written on the plaque, a noble lady with curly hair full of precious energy looked into the void with her beautiful eyes.

Not only her, but also a huge palace floating in distant time and space, the Blood Path Heavenly Palace, there was an old man who also stood up with a look of disbelief on his face.

Buzz buzz...

Even in the already extinct Judgment Space, the living dead in the Judgment Coffin are still throbbing.

But after all, he was not born. The coffin board shook a few times and then became quiet.

This is……

In an ancient and mysterious space, a slender white-haired woman suddenly opened her eyes, and there seemed to be a vast Milky Way in her eyes.

Her left and right eyes are respectively engraved with the words Qi Jue.

I don't know how many layers of time and space this power has penetrated into. No matter how powerful a person is, they will look insignificant in front of this Milky Way.

It is also a glorious place, the powerful Yuhua Heavenly Palace, Xueyangzi said at this moment: It cannot be intercepted. It seems to be the light condensed from the beginning of the world. Even the God Emperor cannot resist it.

It looks like I'm going to take action.

He flashed repeatedly and disappeared.

In one place in time and space, ten orbs rotate.

This is the Ten-Day Sun-Destroying Continuum of the Holy Sun Alliance, a combined super-imperial weapon that can resist the invincible imperial art.

At this moment, a sound came out from the largest one.

Huh? What kind of power is this, and why have I never seen it before?

The voice was low, resounding with unparalleled lethality.

No matter what, take the Qijue World first. The Qijue Women's Association is mine, and the Qijue Orb is also mine. As long as I have the Qijue Orb, I can form the eleven heaven-destroying super emperor soldiers and unify the mythical paradise. Attack the Deus ex machina.

The character who spoke was the divine owl of the Holy Sun Alliance.

As you command!

Other Sun-Destroying Lianzhu also made strong echoes.

All races, trigger miracles for me!

At this moment, Ye Jue roared loudly.


He opened his hands, and a beam of emerald green light fell from the sky. It broke through countless billions of time and space and fell on him.

The power of miracles is simply incredible, and can even penetrate entropic space.


As soon as they were hit by this miraculous power, Chi Ren and Mr. Feifan suddenly stepped back and even shouted unwillingly.

bang bang…

They hit the metal buildings one after another, creating huge human-shaped craters.


Swept away by this magical power, the soldiers of the Truth Dynasty and the disciples of the Wuji Heavenly Palace roared and retreated, unable to follow up.

Only the Supreme Truth and Tai Chi Dao Lord struggled to support them. Their footsteps did not move at all, but they could not move forward.

Now, Ye Jue used his biggest trump card.

His body suddenly turned into an emerald green aurora. In an instant, it stretched to a length of hundreds of millions of miles. A slight movement caused the aurora to surge directly into the seemingly unreachable Eye of Sauron.

Ignoring distance, time, space, and results, I rushed in in 0.000000...1 second.

not good!

Seeing such a scene, the faces of Supreme Truth and Taoist Tai Chi changed drastically at the same time.

They had figured this out from the beginning and had already deduced countless scenes of Ye Jue's actions.

However, such a scene was not deduced.

So, how can we prevent them from being shocked?

This was a power beyond what the God Emperor had deduced, and could not be deduced. That was why there was such an unexpected scene, which shocked the God Emperor. His face changed from indifferent to one full of anxiety and anger.


The Supreme Truth and Taiji Taoist Lord roared, their whole body strength burst out, and they no longer concealed their strength at this moment.


In the divine burial, there was an earth-shattering sound, followed by endless silence.


The Supreme Truth opened his mouth slightly.

Could it be...

The Taoist Master of Tai Chi also blew his beard and stared, feeling something in his heart that something was very wrong.


Corroborating what they thought, in the distant light curtain world, the Eye of Sauron suddenly heard an excited voice.

So that's it, the divine burial of the Absolute Entropy Body is actually these!

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