Ye Jue, this death flare may be very deadly to outsiders, but to me, it is simply an excellent place to practice.

This death flare is majestic and terrifying, like an eternal furnace, blazing and terrifying.

Those sunspots dispersed, and there were terrifying lights of destruction everywhere. Anyone caught in them would immediately turn into powder. Even the most evil geniuses would die instantly if they were caught in them.


Fen Tian was not afraid at all, his eyes even shone, and he said to Ye Jue: Did you already know that Death Flare has the same attributes as mine, so you brought me here on purpose? You planned everything, right? ? But no matter what, it's not very important to me whether it's your advance planning...

Because, this Death Flare is going to be determined!

Hearing these words, Ye Jue immediately passed on the voice: This is indeed my plan, because I have already calculated that the fire attribute here must be you.

Yes, this place is the perfect holy place for me to practice.

Fen Tian nodded.

This was a great opportunity, so close that not even the God Emperor could obtain it, but he was able to obtain this thing in front of the God Emperor of the Dynasty of Truth and the Wuji Heavenly Palace.

Their eyes will definitely be stunned by then.

But even you can't withstand the death flare now. We still need to wait. After the flare weakens, we will rush in immediately. By then, your world will be yours. No one on both sides will think that there is If an invincible old man gets involved, they lose everything.

Ye Jue emphasized, his eyes dim.

In the Dynasty of Truth and the Wuji Heavenly Palace, the two god-emperors are confronting each other in multi-dimensional space, leaving their men to retrieve the god of death's treasure.

This is an excellent opportunity. Fen Tian is the reincarnation of Emperor Yan and was once a demigod. He will definitely not disappoint.

Death Flare, the two of them are sure to join forces!


Extraordinary Young Master, this red flame Kunpeng seems to be a creature guarding this death god's flare. If we don't repel him first, even if the flare weakens and disappears, we won't be able to rush in. Why don't we join forces now to deal with this... How are the creatures?”

Chiren was holding a long knife in his hand. Although he was talking about cooperation, he had a cruel and sinister expression on his face.

For this opportunity, they have the Dynasty of Truth and have been preparing for a long time. The light of truth will shine through, penetrate the Death Flare, open a big hole, and lead directly to the Death God's hideout.

When the time comes, it will be useless even if the Extraordinary Young Master has extraordinary means.

He does know that Wuji Heavenly Palace has Wuji divine power, but their truth and divine power is absolutely superior to Wuji.

Chiren, what are you thinking about? How could I not know? It is nothing more than the great murder weapon of the Truth Dynasty, the light of truth, which has absolute nature. Even if the death flare is under the light of truth, it will be thrown away.

The truth breaks through cognition. The soldiers of your dynasty therefore transcend logic and no longer belong to faith. The divine power of our Wuji Heavenly Palace is indeed weaker than yours.

At this time, the extraordinary young master waved his fan and admitted that the divine power of Wuji was slightly weaker than the divine power of truth.

This shows from the side that the overall strength of Taiji Daojun may not be as good as the Supreme Truth.

But they are both divine emperors. Although fighting for divine power is not enough, other powers, such as imperial arts and imperial weapons, can make up for it.

Oh? You actually admitted it so generously, and you also have a lot of research on the truth. Why don't you join our Truth Dynasty, haha.

Chi Ren suddenly laughed.

Chiren, I haven't finished speaking yet. Indeed, in terms of absoluteness, our Wuji Power is slightly weaker than the light of truth, but in terms of practicality, Wuji Power surpasses the truth.

The extraordinary young master is tall and slender, with loose black hair and piercing eyes. He is very heroic.

Everyone knows that he is extraordinary and can conquer the heaven and earth. Now he only has the status of a great emperor, but he has already had his own exclusive divine power.

Extraordinary divine power, just like the sharp horns of a small lotus.

Hmph, whether it's truth or Wuji, I will always be surpassed. I am the master of military power and I am invincible in the world!

Chiren shouted coldly.

At this moment, the red flame Kunpeng had become more ferocious and powerful, attacking the men and horses on both sides.

While they were fighting each other, an unrivaled evil genius was falling. Every time the red flame Kunpeng swam, it was driving swarms of sunspots in this space. It was simply the most terrifying killer weapon.

When Fen Tian saw this scene, his eyes became even more intense and fiery.

This red flame Kunpeng cannot be killed, Ye Jue, I want to accept him as my mount and battle pet.

Fentian sent a message.

That's no problem, but it's difficult to operate under two powerful men who are infinitely close to the God Emperor. Let me think of a way.

At this moment, Ye Jue's eyes started to move. He looked around quickly and saw that the people on both sides were quite frightened and kept retreating.

Suddenly an idea came to his mind, and he said to Fen Tian: Now the God Emperor is fighting against the God Emperor, Chi Ren, and Young Master Feifan are starting to deal with Chiyan Kunpeng. Now, the two parties are not at war. We must stir up the situation. The more chaotic the better.

Yes, we can take advantage of the chaos to act. This won't work. The deadlock must be broken.

Fen Tian nodded.

But what to do?

I just killed many disciples of Wuji Tiangong. Now I will put their breath into your body. You will become an elder of Wuji Tiangong, and then we will fight against each other.

As soon as he finished speaking, Ye Jue slapped Brahma with his palm.


Fentian also struck with all his strength, and he wanted to fight Ye Jue.

Therefore, I used my strongest strength.


Suddenly, it was like tens of millions of hydrogen bombs exploding, and each space was shattered one after another, like a mirror cracking.

Suddenly, destructive magnetic energy splashed out, and the entire battlefield was instantly pulled into the same space.

Originally this was impossible, and the energy battle had to be carefully calculated before both parties could fall into a space.

However, Ye Juequan's third ability, modifying the results, appeared passively, obeyed the will, and mobilized the energy balance.

‘Crack! ’

Originally, the two parties were in multi-layered spaces, but now they have fallen into one space.

The soldiers of the Truth Dynasty and the disciples of Wuji Heavenly Palace were stunned for a moment, and then they realized that the enemy was right in front of them!


At this time, when both sides were dumbfounded, Fen Tian, ​​who transformed into the elder of Wuji Tiangong, immediately roared, clapped his palm, and hit the soldiers of the Dynasty of Truth.

The bastards from Wuji Heavenly Palace actually dare to make the first move?!

A general from the Dynasty of Truth suddenly cursed, jumped up, and struck with a blow.

Bang bang bang!

Fuck, kill!

His, what's going on, don't care, kill him first.

The war started, and the war started again.

Didn't we agree that we would rush into the Death God Yaoban together and fight together?

Who is he? I promised you, are you stupid? You will die!

Fuck, who are you scolding? Let me chop you to death!

The situation caused by Ye Jue and Fen Tian instantly became chaotic again.

The Truth Dynasty and Wuji Tiangong fought again, and once again they were killed in rivers of blood.

What's going on? Why did the war start?

On the other side, Young Master Feifan was fighting Chi Ren against Chiyan Kunpeng.

This red flame Kunpeng was so powerful that they could only contain it but not eliminate it if they worked together. Moreover, if they were not careful, they would be in danger of being seriously injured.

Therefore, both of them were very cautious.

They don't expect to destroy this red flame Kunpeng. They just need to wait until the death flare disappears and then immediately go to the divine burial.

When the time comes, everyone in the Death Flare will rely on their own abilities. No matter which party gets the divine treasure in the end, it will eventually be handed over to their God Emperor.

But at this moment, this tacit understanding was broken, and there was another battle before the death flare disappeared.

This is an extremely unfavorable result, and a third party will take advantage of it.

Why did the fight start?

Even Chiren looked behind him in confusion.

The fighting there has been fierce, and everything has entered a fiery state. There are wreckage and severed limbs everywhere, and blood flows all over the sky, forming a long river, and a bloody storm.

It must be your people who make the first move. The unparalleled evil geniuses in my Wuji Heavenly Palace all come from prestigious families and are all very well-educated. However, the people in your Truth Dynasty are a mixed bag of good and bad, and they are all low-class.

The extraordinary young master sneered with a cold face.

This is pure fart. The soldiers of our Dynasty of Truth are all well-trained and full of blood. It must be your disciples of Wuji Tiangong who start a new war with their dirty talk.

Chi Ren retorted and squirted.

The two of them were like this, you sprayed me, I sprayed you, while fighting against Chiyan Kunpeng.

Tai Chi Taoist Master, this can't go on like this. The battle between you and me has attracted the attention of third-party forces. What should we do now?

The Supreme Truth, a middle-aged man wearing a crown, is currently in the highest space level, with his hands behind his back, and there is a vortex of power condensing in his palms, ready to take action at any time.

Opposite him was an old man wearing a Tai Chi robe. He had white hair and a white beard, but his face was red and he was very energetic. It was obvious that he had a long life.

Hmph, that's it. Just wait until the Death Flare disappears. When a third party appears, you and I will fight against the enemy together. Shenzang will each rely on his own ability. It depends on who trained him to be good.

Taoist Tai Chi looked at him sideways, staring at him while focusing his gaze on the battlefield.

He was scanning with the power of destiny, trying to find out why the war suddenly broke out.

If someone is really mean-mouthed and someone strikes first, then don't blame them. After all, young people are hot-blooded and can't stand a few verbal insults, so they use knives and guns.

But if there is a third force that deliberately disrupts the situation and provokes a war between them, then it must be eliminated.

After all, whether it is the Dynasty of Truth or Wuji Heavenly Palace, the identities of those disciples and soldiers will not be very clean.

Maybe there were undercover agents, a few were found before and all were eliminated.

However, after looking at it for a long time, he found no abnormalities in fate, and everything seemed to be reasonable.

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