Su Baiyu, look at these old antiques. They are still living in the past. Do they really think that the mythical paradise is as peaceful as before? All kinds of conspiracies and conspiracies are surging undercurrents, and this time in this era of Qi, maybe there will be In the end, even if you hide in the mythical paradise, what's the use? Maybe everything will cycle again. Old Antique doesn't understand these principles, but when I saw you, I knew you were a very sensible person.

Ye Jue is still cheating.


Now the power of his whole body has blasted away the endless time and space of the main god space, and transferred the power to the outside of the main god space.

The mysterious thunder disaster has arrived

The power that swallowed up mountains and rivers collapsed, the main god's space was shaken by it, and the universe was shattered. The breakthrough method revealed was infinitely close to the true god.

The main god space here gradually began to close, and Ye Jue stood in the air like this. His body was like an immortal god, and small stars with bright stars appeared.

Moreover, these small universes kept exploding around him, one after another. This was a sign that he was about to break through to the emperor level.

You actually want to break through in front of us.

How brave you are to do this in front of us.

Huh, are you looking for death?

Even after you break through, you are still no match for us!

The Feathered Ten Saints instantly burst out with endless killing intent, because even if Ye Jue really caused the Emperor's Tribulation, they would not be afraid if they joined forces.


However, at this moment, Su Baiyu stopped in front of them, the Taixu Feathered Sutra Sword shook all over his body, and the imperial soldiers rotated above his head, lowering the light curtain to isolate him.

Su Baiyu, what are you going to do?

Are you really going to surrender to the enemy?

Any fool can see that he is cheating.

Su Baiyu, is it worth it for a woman?

You finally became the headmaster of Yuhua Sect, are you going to give up this position?

The face of the Feathered Ten Saints was very gloomy.

Ten Saints, I have long said that everything I do is for our sect.

Su Baiyu's body did not give way, he just cut in front of him, his voice was very calm and not at all arrogant.

This is all because her woman, Mengdie, was captured by Ye Jue.

Now he actually listened to Ye Jue's deception and blocked the knife for him.

The power of love is so great, it can actually make a sect leader abandon his position.

Ye Jue didn't laugh at him now, but admired him very much.

Su Baiyu, give way, otherwise you will face the wrath of our Ten Saints!

The ten feathered saints stopped drinking.

The leader of their Ascension Sect is actually protecting people's ways. What a big deal.

The Yuhua Sect suffered a great loss at the hands of this person, and even the outer gate and hinterland were destroyed.

Now actually joining forces with the enemy?

Where does this put their face?

Ten Saints, we have to admit that what he said is very reasonable. Now in the mythical paradise. The forces are entangled and complicated. Our Yuhua Sect is now seriously injured and can only rely on the main god space to turn the situation and make a comeback. But now in this main god space We already have part of this person’s power imprint, and if we don’t join forces with him, the consequences will be disastrous.”

Su Baiyu began to analyze: Moreover, this person is still a quasi-emperor with divine power. If we are completely enemies with him, it will be equivalent to having another biggest enemy. It is better to join forces with him now to abandon the previous hatred and settle the past. This is absolutely rational, and I did not involve any personal emotions.

His words made Ye Jue look at him with admiration. He didn't expect that with two or three deceptions, he would actually win a great emperor into his warship.

In that case, he wouldn't be polite and would break through the ultimate Emperor Road here. Anyway, with Su Baiyu in front to block the knife for him, everything would be easy.

Boom boom boom!

Just like that, Ye Jue's whole body shot out red clouds that tore apart the void. The void trembled and boundless cracks spread.

His hair was now dancing wildly, and his whole body was surging with black light. The brilliance blooming from himself soared into the sky, instantly tearing apart the electromagnetic storm in the main god's space, and actually caused layers of electromagnetic drizzle to fall from the sky.

This main god space was created by the ancient unparalleled main god. It originally had a certain degree of technology. The blooming of electromagnetic and runes was enough to show that this world could no longer bear his power.

But Ye definitely doesn't want to break through here. After all, there are layers of obstacles in the main god's space blocking Emperor Jie.

Su Baiyu, get out of the way!

It's not too late to take action now!

Do it!


The Feathered Ten Saints took action at this moment, and the evil energy jumped between their eyebrows, and in an instant they brought down this unparalleled terrifying force.

It was difficult for Su Baiyu to resist this combined attack. When his big hand moved, it showed a piece of jade color. The jade hand was all covered with jade light, shining everywhere, with infinite power. Every jade ray The holy light of different colors has the power to shatter the emperor.

Feathering Ascension Fist.

He divided into ten clones and rushed towards the Ten Feathered Saints respectively.

Su Baiyu, are you crazy? You actually used your clones to deal with us?

It seems that after so many years, we have been underestimated!

Today we represent Emperor Yuhua and eliminate the traitors!

Su Baiyu, there is still a chance to turn back now, you are still the headmaster of Yuhua Sect!

Don't forget, it's us who have supported you until now. If it weren't for us, how could you defeat Jian Xitian?

Quickly retreat!

The Feathered Ten Saints roared while attacking.


Even facing the attack of the Ten Saints, Su Baiyu had to resist for a while. He roared, the world broke, time and space reversed, and the universe was shattered.

Click, click, click...

He actually blocked the joint attack of the Ten Feathered Saints with his own strength.

Of course, this was just one blow, and he would definitely not be able to catch the second move.

Su Baiyu, be brave, are you really rebelling?

Okay, okay, okay, it seems like you have really rebelled!

Did you already have a plan?

Hmph, I knew you had evil intentions!

It seems it's time to establish another headmaster.

The strength of the ten feathered saints is earth-shaking. If these ten great emperors join forces, whoever can compete with them will be killed long ago if Ye Jue does not possess the power of divine power.

Their particles are undergoing drastic changes every moment, and each of them has a very powerful imperial weapon in their body.

These imperial soldiers complement each other, and when mobilized by them, they can kill a great emperor in an instant.

The blow just now was actually a blow, because they couldn't bear to kill Su Baiyu.

After all, this is the leader they have cultivated with great effort, and he has great potential. He is an unparalleled evil genius. Such people are not easy to find, and only a few are born in an era.

And their potential in the future will definitely surpass them, so it would be a pity to kill them like this.

You must know that the only person who can practice the Taixu Yuhua Sutra to the twelfth level is the Yuhua Emperor.

And this Su Baiyu can actually reach the twelfth level of cultivation and create the Taixu Feathered Sutra Sword, which can open a special space and banish any enemy he wants to kill.

As long as his life level evolves to the level of God Emperor, he will be invincible, at least he will be a leader among God Emperors.

Therefore, it would be a pity to kill such an unparalleled evil genius.

Therefore, they decided to give Su Baiyu a chance to turn around.

It's really not worth it for a woman.

What kind of fairies and witches are not present in this mythical paradise?

Just fell in love with a charming and coquettish person?

Who doesn’t know Mengdie’s behavior?

As an old antique from Yuhua Sect and one of the founders of the sect, they have seen too many strong men who were hurt and died by love.

Moreover, Emperor Yuhua was also hurt by love when he was young. Later, Emperor Yuhua realized the thirteenth level of the Taixu Yuhua Sutra, and he cut off his love and became a God Emperor.

Therefore, the purpose of the Yuhua Sect is never to be led by a woman. The so-called love is one of the props used.

As the leader of the Yuhua Sect, you should make use of all things.

I said that everything I did was for the Ascension Sect. It seems that you are really old antiques and your eyes are covered with beads.

Su Baiyu sighed.

Hahahahahaha, what future does a sect like this have? Su Baiyu, you can follow me from now on, and I will ensure that you are popular and drink spicy food!

All the particles in Ye Jue's body are cheering for joy, and at the same time, he feels that there is a power conveyed in the depths of distant time and space, coming from the most mysterious existence in the mythical paradise. It may be the way of heaven. Under this rule, there is another The possibility of becoming emperor.

As expected of the end of the myth, now his whole body's abilities are on fire, including his blood, which is rising from his head.

The destructive aura was on him, drumming one after another, just like the Kunpeng swallowing the sky and the sun, swallowing the scorching sun of the golden crow.

His whole body turned into a real demon-like existence. In the light, a word Emperor condensed on the top of his head. This word Emperor was very dazzling, with unparalleled power that spanned the ages and was immortal.

At this moment, Ye Jue truly understood the supreme mystery, the recruitment of Emperor Cheng.

The key depends on whether he can survive the Emperor's Tribulation, but he is very sure of surviving this calamity.

Even when overcoming a tribulation, one can lead the tribulation into the body and repel the Ten Eternal Saints.

Su Baiyu blocked the knife for him in front, and the little time he bought was enough for him to reach the ultimate end of the Imperial Road.

We can't let him break through.


At this moment, the Feathered Ten Saints also sacrificed their own divine weapons. A total of ten imperial weapons formed a huge ring.

In the center of this ring, starlight is condensed. These ten imperial weapons are called the ancient treasures of the Ten Heavens and Ten Earths. They were created by the unparalleled gods. They can use a special energy called the machine to return the divine light. After being hit, All matter in it will return to its original state.

This means that if Ye Jue is hit, it will be broken down into the most primitive cells, and the cells will return to nothingness and become nothing.

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