Ye Jue, as a quasi-emperor, slaughtered at will, and fate could not stop him. He directly reversed the situation and killed whoever he wanted!

Seeing the death of this female disciple, these evil geniuses didn't even react.

When they came to their senses, the space around Ye Jue began to crack again, and all of a sudden, another arrogant disciple was crushed to death.

Who are you?

Faced with Ye Jue's approaching step by step, the Supreme Elder suddenly calmed down without any panic. He boasted that he was at the realm of the Great Emperor, one level higher than Ye Jue, so he could leave at will.

Moreover, he saw that the vitality around Ye Jue began to surge again, and it seemed that he was not exhausted. His face became even more gloomy. He knew that after killing these evil geniuses of Yuhua Sect, this person directly plundered all the particles and vitality. , all refined and burned as oil.

Didn't I already tell you who I am?

Ye Jue's body was as fast as lightning, and he rushed forward, and the terrifying fist seal bloomed. He was so majestic, and everything around him was blown into a vacuum by the strong wind. The power of his punch was so amazing, it used divine power and the power of seven postures. .


The supreme elder had been on guard for a long time, and his speed did not slow down. He used the shield of his left hand to block the fist seal, but now he knew it was useless, so he jumped up directly and seemed to be escaping from the sky.

However, Ye Jue knew that it was impossible for this old guy to leave.

The biggest secret of Yuhua Sect is here, he can't abandon the light ball.

Flying to the sky at this moment is nothing more than using some powerful magical power.

But once he leaves like this, those evil geniuses, ancient gods, and several quasi-emperors will suffer.

With a whoosh, Ye Jue turned around and grabbed the genius disciples. When he touched the first one, the latter's ribs were all torn apart and his body was almost broken into two. He was cut in half directly with unwillingness.

Others were trembling all over when they saw such a scene.

He can only study cultivation... A disciple, Yun Dao, seemed to have thought of something, and suddenly he was inspired: Such a person, such a person, is rare in the world, and his achievements will definitely be above the God Emperor in the future... …”

Are you crazy, kneeling down and licking him now?

A female disciple screamed.

Even if they kneel down and lick them, this person will not spare them.

The method was too ruthless. He killed them directly. No weapon or magical power could resist them. It was too weird.

His identity must be the reincarnation of some supreme figure. I have never seen such a powerful quasi-emperor!

One of them shouted in despair, he already regretted coming out of the main god space.

Because it's safest to hide inside.

Among the various geniuses in the Mythical Paradise, there are many reincarnations of countless great figures, but they do not have such powerful power. He is at least the reincarnation of a god emperor. Run away!

Escape? Escape to where?

Yes, there is no way to escape. He won't let us enter the main god's space!

As long as he can restore his true spirit, we can get huge benefits. It's better to surrender!

We surrender!

At this moment, these evil geniuses were all shaken up and shouted: Surrender!


Ye Jue didn't expect that just as they were about to start fighting, these so-called evil geniuses would raise the white flag, showing no interest at all.

The supreme elder seemed to have gone to ask for help and disappeared. Anyway, the old man didn't intend to care about the life and death of these geniuses.

If this is the case, then collect them all and throw them to all races, which is also a batch of considerable fighting power.

Okay, since you have sincerely surrendered, then I will accept you reluctantly. I will give you freedom and take away the mark of the Yuhua Sect!

Ye Jue suddenly stood in the void, facing these evil geniuses.


From between their eyebrows, crystal sword marks suddenly flew out.

This is the seal of the soul that swears allegiance to the Yuhua Sect, and it can never be taken away, otherwise it will only end in death.

However, Ye Jue granted them freedom.

When divine power shrouded the past, all geniuses regained their freedom.


Before they could react, they were all sent to Wanzu.

Ye Jue is not worried that these geniuses will betray him, because just now, they also left his mark.

Now, let me take a peek at what this ball of light, the so-called main god space, is.

Ye Jue rushed into the hinterland from the Yuhua Sect at the outer gate, and finally came to the light ball.

Dong dong dong!

This ball of light is like a heart, beating non-stop and very restless.

So, he stretched out an arm and pressed on it.


Immediately, a scene was born in Ye Jue's mind.

It was an extremely huge and trivial world. In those trivial worlds of space, there were many lives, all with their own characteristics.

There are people from the Yuhua Sect in every world. They have battle experience with primitive life in those worlds to improve their own level.

This surprised Ye Jue.

This main god space is actually a cultivation-type treasure?

No wonder the Yuhua Sect can give birth to so many evil geniuses, it seems not unreasonable.

Because in those worlds, all kinds of natural and earthly treasures are constantly refreshed, and monsters, exotic beasts, monsters, ferocious beasts, humanoids, primitive people, etc. can be reset infinitely.

That was very powerful. Ye Jue had never seen this kind of world before.

Therefore, this main god space is definitely an unknown super treasure.

He was able to get information from those evil geniuses.

However, they only know it as the Space of the Gods, and it is the cornerstone of the Yuhua Sect.

It seems... I have to go in for a walk.

The light curtain flashed several times in Ye Jue's eyes, and the entire human body twisted and entered directly into the main god space.

He came to a world of ferocious beasts. As soon as he arrived here, he was attacked by a golden lion, which dug its claws into his throat.


However, Ye Jue flicked his finger, and the golden lion instantly exploded into blood mist.


The other ferocious beasts were aware of the danger of this man and actually joined forces to get rid of him. They were very intelligent.

However, they were all killed, almost dead at a glance, blown to pieces in a terrible rush, and the battle was about to begin and end quickly.

Kill a rare beast, the White Wolf King, and get 100 points!

Kill a mutated python and get 150 points!


Immediately, Ye Jue heard a voice, which was the power of the rules of the Lord God Space, ringing in his ears.

Integral what's the use?

Ye Jue asked directly.

Points can be exchanged for magical skills, weapons, rare heavenly materials and earthly treasures, various cultivation pills, ancient magical medicine...

Hearing the voice from the Lord God Space, Ye Jue jumped up, like a roc, and disappeared from the place as fast as lightning.

In the distance, he suddenly made a fist seal and hit the ground.


An abyss was drilled into the entire ground, with a dull sound, flying sand and rocks, broken trees, cracked rocks, and the aftermath knocked many ferocious beasts away.

Kill...get points...


Another series of sounds resounded.


At this moment, a terrifying roar came out in this world, causing flying beasts to run around in shock.

Warning, warning, the big boss Lihuo Corpse appears in the world of x3321. If you kill it, you can get a lot of points, and there is a chance of revealing the Taoist Demonstration Technique.

Whether you accept the mission of killing Lihuo's corpse, you will get points after completing it: 10,000 points.

Can even the Taoist Demonstration Technique explode?

When Ye Jue heard the news announcement, he stood there without moving at all, with a look of surprise on his face.

He underestimated this main god space again.

In every small world in the main god space, there are actually various tasks that can be done, and you can get points as rewards after completing them.

This made Ye Jue even more interested. If this thing were moved to the Wan Clan, the combat power level of the entire Wan Clan would rise sharply.

So, he decided to snatch it away. No matter what obstacles were in front of him, this thing was his.



In the sky, unparalleled pressure was conveyed, as if thousands of troops were rushing to kill, and there were even heavenly drums, sounds of nature, and sounds of killing in it. Countless gods formed thousands of troops to attack, kill and crush. .

This is a vision created by Ye Jue himself, conveying countless powers.


He took action, and all the shadow gods suddenly united and shot towards the location of Lihuo's corpse.


The Lihuo ferocious corpse was originally like a celestial horse flying across the sky, coming angrily with terrifying power, intending to kill everything in sight.

Suddenly, he was punished by the power coming down from the sky. The whole corpse was instantly turned into flesh and crushed into cakes.

Too weak, with the cultivation level of a high-level ancient god.

Ye Jue's punch also exploded the entire world. In an instant, all the ferocious beasts, as well as some disciples of the Yuhua Sect, died.

Because this is not a simple punch, and the shadow of time is superimposed, the damage can be said to be pushed to the extreme.

Huh? What's going on? A world in the main god's space suddenly exploded.

At this moment, a middle-aged man with eyes streaming with light suddenly stood up, frowning, and looked into the distance.

Master Headmaster, now that you have mastered part of the power of the Lord God, you can see how it is destroyed.

Below, a beautiful woman with an extremely alluring figure said this.


This person is the current headmaster of Yuhua Sect, Su Baiyu.

Su Baiyu drew a hand in the void, and a mirror appeared in front of him.

If Ye Jue saw this mirror, he would definitely recognize it at a glance.

It was he who was looking for the Feathering Mirror.

I don't know why, but this plain white feather seems to have no weapon spirit, and there is no appearance of Yi, just like a dead thing.

Boo boo!

Suddenly, the collapsed world appeared on the mirror.

Time, countercurrent!

Su Baiyu pointed with his right hand.

In an instant, a figure appeared in the mirror. It seemed that because of capturing this person, the feather mirror actually shook.

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