He never thought that Chen Ya would almost collapse.

What happened between her and her second self was entirely her own fault.

Because he, Ye Jue, has been working hard like a lone wolf and doesn't have much time to spend with them.

The time we spend apart is much more than the time we spend together.

No wonder, Chen Ya decided to step down.

He respects her ideas.

It's so tiring to chase your back all the time. I'm so tired. It's so painful. I originally planned to find a time to leave after this indulgence. Now is a good time. Let me go.

Chen Ya was still responding softly and gently.

Teacher, we have come all the way from the wasteland, to the Mythical Paradise, and to this seventh era. Can't we just hold on a little longer? Let's go to rectify the universe together.

Ye Jue still plans to stay.

Chen Ya is a hero of all races. She has spent so much effort, swallowed up the power of eternity, dominated the world, and played the most important role in deep space and in difficult situations.

Without her, the miracle seeds might not be obtained. If she leaves, it will definitely be a blow to all races.

However, he would never use these morals to restrain her.

Everyone has his own freedom. He worked so hard to gain the power of freedom, not just so that he could have smooth sailing and turn things around in the future.

I'm tired of fighting for hegemony. I just want to be alone now.

Chen Ya insisted on leaving because it was too depressing. When she returned to the Ark of Ten Thousand Races, she did not want to look ahead or think about those things.

You are one of the reincarnations of Qi Jue Nu. It will be in danger if you leave me.

Ye Jue said in a low voice.

Qi Jue Nu? Qi Jue Nu is actually me. I have recovered a long time ago.

Chen Ya suddenly said this.


Ye Jue was filled with confusion and questions. What does it mean to have recovered early?

I have been able to use Qi Jue Nu's power for a long time. Some of Qi Jue Nu's memories have been fused with mine. I have also known what Huangfu Xingchen's dog was thinking and what his plans were.

Chen Ya said lightly.

This wave, you are standing in the atmosphere.

Ye Jue was stunned.

Yes, you know, Ye Jue, in these ten thousand years, I have been looking at your body all day long, and I have already been salivating.

Chen Ya smiled slightly and said, It's just that I didn't expect that you would return silently and expose me in advance.

My departure will be sooner or later.


Ye Jue opened her mouth. It turned out that she knew everything and was brave enough to do anything.

But it was said so blatantly that he really couldn't believe it. This was what Chen Ya said.

Therefore, Chen Ya really felt that it didn't matter, so she put this matter on the stage.

Chen Ya, don't you think this is just like a scumbag? After sleeping on my body, she wiped her lips and walked away.

Now that he had spoken out, Ye Jue stopped hiding it.

What kind of teacher? Is he really a teacher?

It was just an elder in a school in the wasteland.

What time is it now? It’s already the next era.

What strength is he now?


After sleeping with him, do you want to escape so easily?

Ye Jue, Ye Jue, you are finally willing to face me like this. The gap between you and me has always been gone, and now it no longer exists.

Chen Yayan smiled and said: Yes, I feel happy and satisfied. Your body is great. I know I will never get you, so I gave up. But I am not willing to do it. Before I leave, I have to live Are you addicted?

Haha, Chen Ya, if you still want to have fun, I can continue to accompany you!

Ye Jue suddenly laughed.

No, didn't you say that I am a scumbag? When I'm done having fun, when I'm full, I pat my butt and leave. You're absolutely right about this. After all, I'm tired of your body.

Chen Ya continued to respond with a smile.

That's such a shame.

Ye Jue suddenly opened his hand and absorbed the clone. At other times, the clones chased Chen Ya.

After a while, there was no result.

You still escaped, Chen Ya. You are the Seven Wonders. Since you have revived in this mythical paradise, it is enough to show that the king has returned. I have captured six of your reincarnations. You and I will definitely have a battle in the future.

The power Ye Jue showed was slightly shaken, and the smell of a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood appeared between the heaven and the earth.

He is very unhappy now. In the fierce aura, there are hundreds of millions of him, all on the imperial road. Golden armor appears all over his body. When combined, pieces of battle skirts appear on the waist, and the emperor's atmosphere is everywhere. Super-grade movement notes, and colorful streams of light appeared everywhere.

This armor and vision are quite a bit like the Emperor of the Starry Sky.

Dare to unleash the pressure in Ten Thousand Dragons Cave with the God-Slaying Great Halberd!

At this moment, there was a strong man below who swiped the big halberd in his hand, as if the world was created, and the murderous aura turned into space cracks and swept towards Ye Jue.

This god-slaying euphorbia is an ancient divine weapon. It expands at once, filling the universe, crowding the world, so crowded that the heaven and earth will explode, locking the enemy in an instant.


Ye Jue used his backhand to hit the sharp edge of the God-Slaying Halberd hard, and with his body of flesh and blood, he hit the ancient divine soldier and flew back with a buzz.

What, he actually knocked back our God-Slaying Great Halberd with his physical body?

Who is this, from what force, from which party?

You're stupid, that's the Quasi-Emperor, look at the armor reflected on his body, the flawless golden armor, as clear as glass!

This is not an armed force that only the Great Emperor has. It takes a lot of dark matter to form a battle armor, and then it can be successfully condensed!

not good!

At this moment, many experts from Wanlong Cave saw the quasi-emperor in the sky and slapped him over.


The entire Ten Thousand Dragons Cave collapsed. Is this power really a quasi-emperor?

Impossible, why is he so strong?

This quasi-emperor has an extraordinary accumulation of information and is very capable!

At this moment, two dragons flew out of the Ten Thousand Dragons Cave, one gold and one silver. One was the head of the Ten Thousand Dragons Cave, and the other was the Supreme Elder.

After they appeared, there was a 'dang' sound, and the two swords struck Ye Jue between his eyebrows.

However, there was not even a mark or even a spark on Ye Jue's forehead. Instead, the two dragons burst into roars, seemingly suffering backlash.

It's useless. I am immune to all laws and disputes between good and evil.

Ye Jue grabbed it from left to right, and grabbed the God-Slaying Great Halberd that had just jumped away with one hand. He had already seen that this ancient magic weapon was very good, and it would be good to find the Feathering Mirror for B to devour.

The other hand directly grabbed the gold and silver dragon.

He wants to capture us?

Hmph, what a great skill!

The head of Wanlong Cave and the supreme elder saw that this quasi-emperor was so crazy and arrogant, and actually wanted to capture the ancient magic weapons of Wanlong Cave. But they had spent 180,000 years cultivating them, and they had already fought with The fusion of their own flesh and blood is like a clone, and they actually want to take it away. This is wishful thinking.


However, a magical scene appeared. When it came to the God-Slaying Euphorbia in Ye Jue's hand, the mark of his hard work was immediately cleaned up.

To outsiders, after a flash of white light, the God-Slaying Euphorbia became an ownerless thing.


At the same time, his other hand clawed at the space and smashed time into pieces. No matter how much the two dragons twisted and struggled, they were unable to break free from their confinement and were tightly held.

What kind of power is this? It's impossible. I'm also a quasi-emperor. Why is there such a big gap?

The leader of Wanlong Cave was simply dumbfounded.

Who are you? Are you the latest god of death?

The supreme elder was also extremely panicked and completely lost his arrogance at this time.

Now that I have been captured, what should I do if I am refined?

He heard about this god of death from others.

It is said that there is a terrifying strong man who destroys forces everywhere and collects dark energy and dark matter.

Hundreds of sects have been wiped out, but he still doesn't believe it.

As a result, have you encountered it now?

grim Reaper?

Ye definitely doesn't like this name and thinks it's a bit silly.

The god of death may exist, but it is not him.


Immediately afterwards, he opened his fingers and grabbed it, and the entire Ten Thousand Dragons Cave was dug out.


The heads of the Ten Thousand Dragons Cave almost stared out of their eyes. What shocked them the most was not just that. The entire Ten Thousand Dragons Cave suddenly collapsed, and their disciples and disciples were instantly reduced to dust.

The dust shrank rapidly and was swallowed up by this person.

Devil, you are the devil!

The Supreme Elder of Wanlong Cave screamed.

Their hard work has been destroyed, this demon is simply killing without blinking an eye!

Don't worry, they're not dead yet.

Ye Jue suddenly blew away, forming disciples in Ten Thousand Dragons Cave.

However, these disciples all looked dull, as if they had been brainwashed.

You said you're not a demon?!

Seeing such a scene, the two dragons, one gold and one silver, became even more panicked.

At this time, they felt that they were ignorant. This was the first time they felt this way.

Don't worry, you will all end up like this too.

Ye Jue then squeezed them with his palm and compressed them into a big cake. The big cake made an earth-shattering roar, but could not escape the fate of being swallowed.


With blazing flames burning on his body, Ye Jue turned his hand to ashes, and the vast and unpredictable magic power cleared away these resentments.

The two dragons who were deprived of dark matter and dark energy were completely reduced to players.

It's time to go back.

After experiencing Chen Ya's incident, Ye Jue decided to have a big meeting with Ark's old troops and everyone in the new era.

He had never paid attention to their own ideas before, thinking that justice should be like this, and everyone aspired to it.

But it was not the case. The incident of Qi Jue Nu alerted him.

True freedom should not be restricted.


After returning to the Ark, the first thing to do is to gather everyone.

President Chen, she...she's gone?

How could it be? There are no signs at all!

That's right. We were fine the past few days...

Seven Jue Daughters...


Regarding Chen Ya's departure, they simply couldn't believe it was true.

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