How about this, this dog is awesome, isn't it strong, girls?

Laifu roared proudly.

He slowly walked over to the sexy black woman and bit her rope off.

However, when he jumped on that pure and lustful girl, his eyes gleamed.


Although Su Yan was saved.

But I don’t know why, why does this dog’s eyes look so mean?


Laifu stretched out the dog's head.

Her rope was snapped instantly.


Before he could react, a wet tongue licked his face hard.


Su Yan screamed.

Hey, this is my reward.

Laifu licked his lips, feeling the fragrance on his lips and teeth.

This is so cool!

The first step of the human beauty strategy plan is completed!

Prince Charming rescued Snow White…

So it's only a matter of time before this girl falls in love with me, right?


Su Yan recovered from the fright and found that the dog was looking at her proudly.

He sighed helplessly for a moment.

The dog is teasing her!

However, it does not change the fact that they were saved.

I just didn’t expect that the dog I looked at casually on the roadside would turn out to be a life-saving dog.

She untied the rope tied to her feet and came to Xu Wei's side.

Help me...

Xu Wei's face turned pale and he kept talking.

His arm would be torn off alive, and the pain continued to be unbearable.

He saw Su Yan and Chen Ya being rescued by dogs and hurriedly wanted to escape.

But even with climbing and kicking, he only moved a short distance.

You... damn... hot chick!!

A ball of fire condensed in Su Yan's hand, and without hesitation, it hit Xu Wei directly.


Xu Wei burst into flames on the spot.

The fire grew stronger, igniting his entire body.

After a while, the flames went out, and Xu Wei was burned to black charcoal, with green smoke constantly rising.

I didn't expect him to change his ways.

Chen Ya couldn't help but sigh when she saw that Xu Wei was burned to death.

Opportunities have been given to him several times.

However, he doesn't know how to cherish it.

I just felt a little sad when I saw the death of two people.

After all, this is the student she once taught.

He should have died a long time ago. We shouldn't have saved him before.

Su Yan took a bite, with a look of disdain on her face.

If Cheng Yaojin hadn't killed him halfway, he might have succeeded.


Laifu shouted from the side, showing off his achievements.

He held his head high, came to Su Yan, and motioned for Su Yan to pet his dog's head.

Anyway...thank you...

Su Yan stretched out her hand and touched it.

Hehe... It feels so good. The second step of the human beauty strategy plan is physical contact!

Laifu smiled secretly.

All the little bitches in the base city were conquered by him.

Now he wants to conquer a human beauty and make her fall in love with him, only then will he feel a sense of accomplishment.


He began to help Su Yan and Chen Ya clean up the bodies.

In the past few days, he has been following Su Yan and the others, working hard and helping them complete various things.


On this day, Su Yan was sleeping and felt something furry crawling into the bed.

She was startled and quickly opened the quilt, and it turned out to be this dog.

Okay, let's sleep together.

Su Yan had no choice but to sleep with Laifu in her arms.

Hey, this dog succeeded. This dog successfully stole the heart of a human girl.

Laifu was secretly happy.

Uh... uh... Ye... Jue...

At this moment, Su Yan spoke intermittently in her sleep.

Huh? What is Ye Jue?

Laifu's eyes opened suddenly.

Why is this name so familiar?

An uncurious premonition suddenly arose in my heart.

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