Ling Xiao's identity is no longer a secret. In the Goddess Company, all the senior officials know about this perfect creature.

They had speculated for a long time that this person lived a whole life, from the sixth to the seventh era.

This is a very astonishing fact.

Because at present, apart from the descendants of the Seventh Age, it is difficult to find a group of people with the same level of intelligence as them.

To put it bluntly, it was actually a search for life in outer space. After finding no results, this metal ball was finally discovered.


Ling Xiao's expression was indifferent.

His appearance made the people around him nervous. Some people were sweating on their foreheads and were under great pressure.

He already knew about the metal ball turning into a metal skull.

That thing may be related to one's life experience and must be investigated.


The metal skeleton went somewhere and has not been found yet.

Although the Divine Corporation is spread throughout the universe, the Seventh Era is now a level ten civilization.

Judging from the ability to find them, it is basically impossible to count on them.

If he wants to figure out who his other self is, it seems he has to rely on himself.


At this moment, Ling Xiao saw an unusual fluctuation in a room next to him.

It was originally brightly lit, but suddenly it became dark. The lights were actually gathering towards the people in the room, making all directions extremely dark.


The next moment, those lights actually formed a huge thunderbolt, like a lightning bolt of light, hitting the glass.


But he didn't expect that he would be bounced off the glass of the laboratory and hit his own with a scream.

This is a mutant body of our descendants. Ever since he was born, he has had this kind of energy. This person's ability is to control light. If he continues to be strong, he can even control all the light in the universe.

Seeing Ling Xiao looking at the scene hesitantly, the president of the Divine Company quickly explained: This man is very dangerous and cannot control his own abilities, so we can only lock him up temporarily, but it is definitely not to hurt him, but to Protect him.

Seeing that Ling Xiao's expression didn't seem to change much, the latter let out a sigh of relief.

Not just this light man, but also in other laboratories.

One of the women can forcibly change the shape of an object. A pistol can turn into a real banana, but she still has the ability to use the pistol.

There are many other mutants with very amazing abilities that shock people.

It seems that the Divine Company is indeed powerful, and its methods are much smarter than imagined.

Ling Xiao even saw other laboratories cultivating the cells of these mutants, studying the energy changes in them, and injecting them into other experimental subjects.

However, it was obvious that the two abilities could not coexist, causing the experimenter to die on the spot and was later wrapped in a white cloth and pushed out.

There are many unsolved mysteries in this universe. Until now, our scientists have not been 100% familiar with the mysteries of the human body. However, with the development of science and technology, many areas that we dare not imagine have been broken one by one. There is no bloodless experiment in the world, so... sacrifice is inevitable.

The president seems to have deliberately let Ling Xiao see the dark side of the Divine Company. This is frankness and nothing to hide.

Because they were unable to control this perfect creature, and Ling Xiao was no longer their experimental subject.

This is an existence that is beyond common sense and can be worshiped as a god. Maybe this person is the god of the sixth era.

In a time of great strife, the tide dictates.

Zhao Yicheng nodded and said: Judging from the soul-seizing thread, if you don't fight or resist, you just sit back and wait for death. If you want to live, there must be sacrifices before that. If you sit back and wait for death, death will only come faster. President, these We all understand the truth.”

Haha, you are indeed a special researcher.

The president responded with a smile.

He is not a fool either, now I can see it.

Zhao Yicheng has a close relationship with this perfect creature. Judging from their movements, distance, expressions, and body reactions, it seems that they are already having an affair.

This is of great benefit to him and the Divine Origin Company.

After all, they treat Zhao Yicheng well. Zhao Yicheng is still from Shenyi Company. If they promote her and give her and her family more benefits, Shenyi Company and Ling Xiao can quickly get closer.

Here we are, right here. After our day and night research, and based on the history from various tribal documents and tablets, we finally caught a trace.

The space in front of you is a huge screen with various patterns arranged on it.

These patterns are weird, some are a deep hole, some are twisted spaces, and some are other unimaginable abstract pictures.

These documents were collected by our Goddess Company from all over the universe with great effort and effort, and we interpreted them through all means to clarify their meaning.

The secretary of the Goddess President is very handsome, with black hair shawl, very heroic, wearing a skirt, and her long and round legs are wrapped in a pair of black socks, which is extremely sexy.


Ling Xiao's eyes were attracted, which made Zhao Yicheng pinch the soft flesh of his waist.


Ling Xiao finally came to his senses and bared his teeth.


Zhao Yicheng glared at him.

Are you still saying that this perfect creature has no desire for women?

Isn't this naked?

It seems that she woke up after going through it herself.

go on.

The Goddess Guild President said.

After a lot of speculation and research, we concluded that these documents are inherited and record things from the Sixth Age.

The secretary got the signal and continued.

Sixth Era?

Ling Xiao's expression condensed.

He most likely came from the Sixth Age, experienced the Big Bang, and survived the high temperature where everything turned into a soup of particles.

Therefore, when he heard this, he became serious, it was related to his business.

Documentary research shows that in the Sixth Era, there were a large number of ethnic groups in the starry sky, with at least ten thousand ethnic groups as the basis. Later, these ethnic groups experienced the catastrophe of all ethnic groups and were annihilated in the Sixth Era... Of course, this is our previous inference , later it was discovered that this was not the case, because these documents and inheritance were actually left behind intentionally by them. They were rearranged in the soup of particles from the Big Bang using some particle method, so we can see this miracle now.

the secretary said.

It spans an era and lays out means in the particle soup so that we can get this power. It's such a big deal. The people who once managed the Yuan Dynasty have terrifying means!

Others murmured because it was so amazing.

The information left to us by all the races includes a kind of artifact with a power similar to ours. It would be better to say that we are the result of this kind of power. Now we have solved it. They are called technological runes.

The power of technological runes is beyond our imagination. For example, the giant cannon system we operate requires complex mechanical circuit settings to be used, and a technological rune is as big as a fingernail. When unfolded, it becomes a statue. Big cannon.”

The secretary pointed to a pattern. They were some strange symbols that had never been seen before. They had never appeared in the seventh era.

Are technological runes so powerful?

This shocked the people present.

Has the technology of the Sixth Age developed to this extent?

There is no need for a huge and complicated weapon system, just a small rune that contains everything?

Can we call the Sixth Age the Rune Age?

someone said.

Rune Age? This is what we concluded at first, but this theory has been overturned in the past few days. Senior leaders, we have discovered another force in the literature, which is too similar to the force in our bodies. It is completely derived from it. evolved.

The secretary said: The amazing thing is that this power is on par with the technological runes. A large number of tablets record two words, myth.


Everyone was confused, they had never heard of it.

Unfortunately, in our era, mythology has been silenced forever. The energy in our bodies is not mythical energy, but a brand-new power. Recently, someone has broken through the first level and obtained the energy of mutants. Our Goddess Company will use it to Name it Magic.”

The secretary continued: The so-called mutants are actually born to be magicians. They are blessed by nature and are blessed by their talents. However, our descendants who are born without this talent must persevere and practice spiritually to gain magical power.


Ling Xiao shook his head, he had never heard of it either.

If the physical body continues to break through the first level, according to our speculation, it will be called a 'sword'. The seventh era is the era of swords and magic. You are born with a sword and die with magic.

The president stood up at this time, faced the public, and said this.

People will master more and more knowledge, and technology will of course become newer and more powerful.

As technology gets stronger, it can be combined with magic to create extremely terrifying weapons, power, and armies.

We are all born magicians. As for why, we have a clue.

The president said loudly: This is because the seventh era has a special feature. During the Big Bang, unpredictable high-dimensional fragments were produced. What are these high-dimensional fragments? They are actually magic elements. These high-dimensional fragments are Dimensional elements are spread throughout the universe, emitting magical energy all the time.

So, our universe is a magic pool, a cosmic magic pool. There is an invisible magic network in the universe, which is constantly transforming and is given to us, or we automatically extract it.

We descendants have been evolving since tribes and ancient times. Until now, there are more and more mutants, which will replace us. In the future world, everyone will be a mutant, born with a magical ability.

The world of swords and magic is very interesting.

Ling Xiao was very interested.

However, he is most likely a person from the Sixth Age, and the power he once used was also technological runes and mythical energy.

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