Mythical paradise.

The current stronghold base is located on a relatively high hill. Among the low mountains and jungles, under protective umbrellas, there are a large number of cylindrical buildings standing densely.

Under these cylindrical buildings, there is a huge hollowed-out pit.

The deep pit extends in all directions, and various clans meet here and gather their best strength.

The Ark, which was originally large enough to accommodate hundreds of millions of people, has now been transformed and become even more perfect.

All components of its spaceship come from various tribes and are assembled here.

New rafting has now been stabilized and only needs to be filled with the final mythical energy.

Soon, this unprecedented giant ship will be launched and soar into the sky.

We have been preparing for thousands of years...

When the time comes, they will be able to own a mobile fortress and fly to the vast and unpredictable mythical paradise.

This ark is their dream to conquer the Paradise, and now, it is the key to the continuation of the fire for all races.

In the stronghold, countless staff are currently busy.

There are also a large number of people patrolling with weapons, for fear of foreign attacks.

There had just been a big battle before.

It was a very brutal and bloody battle, and a large number of buildings above the stronghold were destroyed. They are still in a state of destruction, and many places have been reduced to scorched earth.

Their underground base was not affected.

But it doesn’t matter anymore, it’s almost abandoned here.

Although I have lived here for thousands of years, I still feel a little bit reluctant to leave.

The problem is that the alien race has not really used the mythical weapons of mass destruction.

someone said.

Haha, that's because they are also afraid of angering the God Emperor. They cannot afford the consequences.

Naturally there is a response.

What the aliens need to do is consume them to death.

Let them be natural and fend for themselves.

Are we going to start the final plan?

When Big Dog, Crane Fairy, and Wong Tai Sin arrived at the stronghold, all the tribes had already assembled through the underground city and were ready to go.

All ethnic groups have formed special operations teams, including many acquaintances from the old Earth Ministry, such as Xu Ziyue's group.

When the big wolf dog saw Dong Minmin, she was holding a mythical energy sniper rifle with some nervousness on her face.

Seeing the big wolf dog, she hurriedly stepped forward.

How are you? Are you nervous?

the big wolfdog asked.

Dong Minmin immediately said: A little bit, but more importantly, I am excited. It's finally time for these damn aliens to pay their blood debt with blood.

After speaking, he gritted his teeth and anger shot out of his eyes.

The big wolf dog saw this and sighed secretly, but didn't know what to say.

The danger of this battle can be imagined, and he did not want anything unexpected to happen to Dong Minmin.

In addition to the special personnel, people from the Earth's Old Ministry, Chen Ya, and Wu Yini are also ready.

In addition to them, there are many people from the new era, such as Aosheng, Nujia Luo and others.

Other tribes also have strong men coming to help. It can be imagined that they attach great importance to this battle.

In the mythical paradise, the survivors gathered, and the number of tribes was around two billion. This can be said to be their most powerful force.

In this battle, there is no retreat, no defeat allowed, no matter how high the cost, you must break out of the battle line, escape from here, and escape the fate of being trapped.

As for the aliens, they only need to intercept them, but they cannot annihilate them. They can only inflict heavy damage, and the God Emperor will not say anything.

Now I announce...the final plan, and Operation Alpha begins!

Chen Ya ordered in a low voice.

Boom boom boom!

Immediately, the Ark rose from the underground world. As this scene came, the aliens also discovered the abnormality and began to attack the Ark.

The power used by the aliens is pure mythical power, and mythical weapons can continuously replenish their power.

The Ark was a one-time use, and it would be impossible to build a second one in the promised land.

In the face of the alien attack, the weapons mounted on the Ark were used to directly fight back.

Boom! !

They entered the paradise, bringing with them quite advanced technological weapons and equipment, basically collected from deep space, and launched a counterattack against the alien races that kept coming.

Rockets one after another are powered by mythical energy, trailing fire tails and flying in the sky.

However, it would be impossible to make it in this place with one shot and one shot less.


A foreign team was directly hit and exploded into a huge fireball, flying in the sky.

The earth roared, various guns roared, and the small mountains in the distance were destroyed instantly.

Bang bang bang!

The multi-shot giant anti-alien rocket launcher was spitting flames crazily, and the shells roared towards the enemy.

The entire Ark became the embodiment of heavy weapons, spraying ammunition in all directions.

The big wolfdog stood on the ark and watched this thrilling scene.

Even in the paradise, there is no way to escape this cruel war.

Above the sky, the God of Death seems to be dancing, and the dead are falling in dense numbers, as if the God of Death is participating in a feast of life.


There are too many alien races. Even though so many have died, they still look so densely packed.

Although aliens look similar to humans, their way of thinking is completely different.

They are different lives.

In this mythical paradise, there is more.

There are all kinds of ancient ethnic groups and so on.

After all, this is a paradise that has existed for too long.

Seeing the alien race regrouping and crushing them.

The entire Ark was surrounded by dark 'clouds'.

Proceed to phase two!

Chen Ya gave the second order.

The second phase begins!

start up!

Countdown...5, 4, 3, 2, 1!


The shell of this ark actually disintegrated, revealing the real guy.

Has the critical moment finally been created?

The big wolfdog watched from a distance, extremely excited.

The Ark can transform. This is a technology brought by the Free State. It can transform into a giant savior-type robot.

The races are the energy that drives the robots.


Chen Ya waved her arm.


The savior robot that Ark transformed into took out the particle light knife and slashed hard, causing the earth to crack.

It's not good. It only took a moment. Half of our ammunition was used up!

Wu Yini said quickly.

we know.

Everyone else was nodding, and everything was as expected. Now that the disposable cannonballs were all used up, Chen Ya passed down the order. The savior-type super Ark was going to fire its main cannon. All races must resist during this period. Move in.

At that time, the main gun can penetrate a fire path, and that will be their chance to escape.

The original mushroom umbrellas and the cylindrical buildings on the ground were all destroyed. With thick green smoke rising, they had no way out.

As if aware of their thoughts, the aliens' counterattack became more violent.

The survivors of the old tribes in the area such as Big Wolf Dog, Crane Fairy, Wong Tai Sin, and Three Beasts were all dispatched.

Now the Ark Savior begins to accumulate strength and covers the front within range, and then the real battle begins.

The previous mutual artillery fire attacks could only be regarded as the prologue.

Now is the time to show your cards.

Because all the tribes have already moved some distance away and fled the basin.

In the ensuing battle, the alien side can be said to have the advantage. After all, the advanced weapons brought by humans and those integrated with mythology have been damaged.

Myth versus myth, encounter on a narrow road!

However, even though the physical strength of the alien race far surpassed theirs, they were not reduced to a swarm in the face of fire.

If we lose the entanglement weapon, it depends on ourselves!

Chen Ya whispered.

The weapons in deep space are so powerful that the bullets fired can penetrate the aliens' suits, making it even more difficult for the physical body to withstand them.

However, these bullets are now all used up, and they can only fight hand-to-hand.

I'm afraid that if you don't succeed, we'll fight!

The tribes roared and roared, advancing all the way to protect the Ark's main gun.

The fallen numbers on the Ark are constantly being refreshed.

Our only chance of winning is that the aliens dare not destroy us and will leave us a way to survive.

Chen Ya suddenly slapped the red button in front of her.

Boom boom boom! !

Suddenly, there was a chi sound from the top of the ark, and a plume of yellow smoke immediately appeared, forming a dense cloud in the sky.


In the blink of an eye, it started raining.

But the raindrops are yellow. If the aliens get wet by the rain, a hole will be instantly corroded in their armor. When the rain drops fall on them, it becomes even more terrifying.


The shrill screams resounded throughout the city in an instant. It happened suddenly, and the foreigners did not expect that little humans, just from other races, would actually have such a powerful acid rain weapon.

Apparently, it is also an entanglement weapon, a fusion product of mythology and technology.


The aliens were caught up in the super acid rain, and their bodies melted immediately, smoking, and a lot of flesh and skin flowed down. Soon, you can see the white bones.

Almost in the blink of an eye, the super-strong acid rain withstood this wave of attacks. The aliens who were hit were screaming and howling, watching their bodies being corroded and melted by the strong acid.

Those who got closer wanted to run away, but after just a few steps, a huge hole was corroded by the rain in their lower body. They fell heavily to the ground and were corroded and melted in the acid rain.

Despicable foreigner!

The expressions of the aliens who were following behind changed greatly and they all stopped. However, the rain seemed to have spirituality, and like a tornado, it suddenly swept towards them who had not entered the range of the rain.

Although they were all elites, when faced with this sudden horrific scene, they immediately became confused and fled in all directions.

With continuous screams, at least one million more people were melted by the super acid rain.

Moreover, humans are not only studying these weapons. There are even a large number of alien heads, faces and bodies with various weird seeds rooted in them. Then their essence and blood are drained, they scream and fall down, and huge plants grow on their bodies.

These plants are highly poisonous. They stretch out their vines like lightning and pounce on other people like poisonous snakes. As they die, the place turns into a forest of plants.

In just a short while, the number of dead aliens had reached an unpredictable level.

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