Their family is quite powerful, so it would be a bit troublesome to track them down. They must be killed for sure.

Zhao Yicheng stepped forward and made sure that the latter was completely dead. After cooling down, he felt relieved and breathed a sigh of relief.

I never imagined that silk threads could actually be hung from the universe.

She was a little skeptical at first.

Now convinced, I am even more scared.

This kind of accident is impossible to guard against, and death may come to your door at any time.

Zhao Yicheng finally found a big deal, and he would never let it go easily.

After waiting for the repair of the shuttle to be completed, she snuggled up to the latter as if she was light and airy along the way.

I'm so sorry, everyone, this is a crystal card. With this card, you can come to our company to exchange for cosmic coins at will.

Afterwards, the captain broke into a cold sweat. There was a system error, the cooling furnace exploded, and an important person was killed.

It's hard to deal with things now. When the space police come to investigate, everyone's cooperation is needed.

Zhao Yicheng started to kill Kaijun, thinking that the clothes were perfect, but the sky net was so sparse that if Ling Xiao hadn't burned the body, the dagger in her boot would have been exposed.

However, after experiencing the Soul Seizing Thread and the shuttle incident, Ling Xiao became even more mysterious in her eyes.

Moreover, this mystery seemed to have turned into a fatal temptation, and she felt that she had lost her resistance to Ling Xiao.

Yes, she fell!

Even though I know that I may be a grasshopper in front of the other person.

However, women are just so strange and weird.

Feelings come as they come, but some people, like Kaijun, have never felt them before.

There are many licking dogs in her communicator, at least a dozen.

There are also many ultimate lickers who are always considerate of her and never make her angry.

Almost no matter what she wants to do, she will squeak and these licking dogs will swarm over and grab her head.

But she never did anything for the lickers.

All of this is based on her beauty, which is pleasing to the eye. Otherwise, how could a girl from a poor family get into the Divine Company?

Now, she has fallen.

It's a bit like Neptune Coming Ashore.

Ling Xiao felt that this girl had been clinging to him tightly and had no intention of leaving him.

Moreover, he could feel that the latter's body was getting hotter and hotter. Suddenly he moved and pressed her against the wall on one side.

She exhaled like a blue, and her breathing suddenly became heavy, but Ling Xiao had already nibbled on her lips.

At first, Zhao Yicheng reacted very fiercely, but Ling Xiao hugged her and his hands became unstable.

He was a person with no memory, and the jolt just now made him feel strange.

Now that it was brought to his door for nothing, how could he not get entangled with it.


At this time, a new shuttle was launched, and descendants landed one after another. The lights turned on, and the two were forced to separate.

Zhao Yicheng's face turned red, he squeaked, pushed the latter slightly, and tied up his half-unbuttoned clothes.

Ling Xiao stood there, motionless for a long time, his mind filled with the touching feeling just now.

It took a long time to calm down slowly, and he couldn't help but frown.

Because, just now, he actually felt a sense of resistance, coming from deep within his heart, and wanted to push away the woman in his arms.

But he hugged her hard and suppressed this strong feeling of resistance.

Is it another me...

Ling Xiao frowned tightly, and he was actually a little scared, afraid of remembering those memories.

He had a feeling that once he recalled that self, the current him, would disappear...


I don't want to disappear!

Another me, another name, I want to completely forget!

Now, I am Ling Xiao!

On the new shuttle, he suffered from insomnia for the first time. His mind was throbbing, as if some memory was about to appear.

He has been searching for himself, but now he must suppress it and try not to remember it.

Because he is who he is, unique and unique.

What’s wrong with you?

Zhao Yicheng thought that Ling Xiao was dissatisfied with the forced separation just now, which was why he couldn't sleep, it was so dull, so he bit his lips fiercely, leaned forward, and breathed: Let's change places... go over there.


Ling Xiao, who was suffering from insomnia, immediately agreed.

I am who I am!

Looking at Zhao Yicheng's back, he chased after him.

Isn't it a mythical paradise? There are dragon liver, phoenix marrow, nectar and jade liquid everywhere. Why is it so difficult? I can't bear it!

At this moment, in another world, a big wolf dog went through a lot of hardships to finally find some food, and started to eat it.

While eating, his expression was twisted in pain and he grinned, as if he had eaten the most unpalatable meat in the world.


With great difficulty, it swallowed it and almost choked to death.

I couldn't drink the stagnant water at my feet, so I could only swallow hard.

It was so aggrieved that it already missed those top-notch delicacies from the mountains and seas.

What a mythical paradise, life is simply more difficult than deep space.

Due to the mysterious influence of the Paradise, the lives that enter here become hungry very quickly.

Later they discovered that the food here was scarce, not much was edible, there were only some nuts, and the rest were poisonous.

Mr. Wu and the others said that by restarting the galaxy, we can regenerate our resources, but they need the help of God-Emperor-level power.

Behind the big wolf dog, there is a white crane, strolling leisurely, without changing its human form, walking on the hot surface of the Dead Sea.

Will the God-Emperor come to help us? The Starry Sky Emperor once said he would protect us, but in the end, no one can be seen!

The big wolfdog yelled dissatisfied.

Who says it's not the case? Without God-Emperor-level power to unblock our homeland, we won't be able to reopen the Sea of ​​Colorful Trees, and we will suffer.

Bai He changed and became a young woman dressed in white. Seizing the right opportunity, a white light shot down from the center of her eyebrows and penetrated the Dead Sea at her feet.

Boo boo...

Immediately, a large, burnt fish floated up.

‘Gaba! ’

The young woman raised her head and opened her mouth, swallowing it without even chewing.

Zhu Bajie eats ginseng fruit!

The big wolf dog sighed when he saw this scene.

Can it taste good when eaten like this?

You actually called me Zhu Bajie?

The young woman seemed to know what Zhu Bajie was and flapped her wings.


However, the big wolf dog is very agile and can jump far away. It also walks calmly on the Dead Sea, with ripples rippling under its feet.

Our mission is to find enough food, so we should hurry up.

It muttered dissatisfiedly.

There are a lot of shrimps and fish in the Dead Sea here, and they are all very big. It seems that we can collect a lot.

When they completed their mission and returned with food, they saw that the temporary stronghold was attacked again.

Those damn chimera ants are attacking our stronghold again.

Fortunately, I was prepared this time and used first-level civilized weapons to kill a lot of them.

However, every time a civilized weapon is used, its lifespan will be shortened. After all, rune energy cannot be replenished here.

‘Oh, let’s leave it like this for now. What else can we do? I’ll think of a solution later? ’

In a basin, there are an unimaginable number of mushroom umbrellas. If you look closely, you can see that they are all protective shields, covering the ground, and various tribes live below.

The so-called mushroom umbrella is a new type of defense measure entangled with mythical formations and ability shields.

If this protective shield hadn't protected them for thousands of years, some of the weaker tribes would have been killed by the bloodthirsty monsters in the paradise.

But these mushroom umbrellas have now become dim. The various tribes are discussing countermeasures, how to replenish energy, and whether it is time to completely abandon the civilization runes.

President Ye, what do you think we should do?

Chen Ya turned around and asked the man sitting in the front.

Abandon the runes completely and keep these runes well. Once Mr. Wu makes a breakthrough in his research, he will immediately replenish the energy.

Ye Jue thought for a moment and said this.

After losing the civilization rune, the defense power of our protective umbrella will be reduced by half. Alas, be prepared in advance.

A leader of a certain race in distress sighed.

However, there is nothing they can do about it. They also know that they have reached their limit, and now those runes are already performing beyond their normal capabilities.

Then let's start removing the runes. Then I will plan the personnel and the meeting will end here.

Chen Ya nodded and stood up.

Well, that's my problem, Miss Chen.

Let's go first.

The leaders of the clans stood up and bowed before disappearing from their positions like shadows.

For a moment, only she and Ye Jue were left.

Very good, you did well.

Chen Ya packed up the materials on the table, turned around and left, with no expression on her face.

Just doing well?

Looking at her back, Ye Jue shrugged his shoulders.

This Ye Jue is not the real Ye Jue.

But the body is the second true self.

According to common sense, it should be Ye Jue's main consciousness that takes the lead. Everything was completed after cutting the path, and they came to the mythical paradise.

However, she found out later.

This Ye Jue is actually fake!

She, Laifu and others were certain that it was part of the consciousness of the three corpse masters that was controlling the body.

So where did the real Ye Jue go?

Wasn't Zhan Dao successful?

Didn't it mean that Zhan Dao would destroy him and completely wipe him out?

In the end what happened?

Where are you and what happened?

Chen Ya had an expressionless face and a sad look on her face. She stared at herself in the mirror and suddenly noticed the crow's feet at the corners of her eyes.

Since the two realms collapsed, they, as races, cells, and particles have been in chaos.

There is no longer such a terrifying number of lifespans as before. Now everyone, including her, only has ten thousand years to live.

The stronger ones may live longer.

Therefore, in ten thousand years, she will be very old, although she still retains her charm.

Continue to monitor every move of the second true self.

She suddenly ordered coldly, as if speaking to the air.

Everyone else believed in Ye Jue.

But she was the only one who was different.

She is one of the few who knows the truth.

Ye is definitely not Ye Jue, and the truth may cause panic among all races.

The tribes, which are already in danger, will fall apart. If they are not united, they are really not far from total destruction.

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