At that moment, the jade butterfly of creation and the demon refining pot collided together, creating a dazzling scene.

In that place, the universe seemed to have cracked open, a dazzling gap illuminated the dark void, and the factors of fate poured out.

In an instant, this magnificent sea of ​​light was formed, spreading this deep darkness.

Seal Adam!

This force enveloped the two realms and the ancient fragmented universe with an unstoppable force.


Ye Jue's pupils shrank, and at this moment, he seemed to see the entire anti-universe.

Sure enough, it is an ellipse. The anti-universe is not infinite and can reach the end.

But even the God-Emperor cannot reach that end point. The further he travels, his consciousness will be absorbed and melted, making it impossible to approach the shell of the anti-universe.


Adam was hit by the demon pot.

From the outside, it looks like a bottle that reaches the sky and the earth, containing time, space, and destiny. The bottle is opened and Adam is taken in instantly.

The cap of the bottle cast a hazy light and fell on the demon refining pot. It turned out to be the Jade Butterfly of Creation, the world-destroying mill.

Ashes return to ashes, dust returns to dust... Hongchentian has finally failed in this world. Have we succeeded?

Zhang Ziran knew very well that if Adam was sealed, there would be no Red Dust Heaven in future generations, and the Red Dust Heaven would become a legend for future generations.

It seems so.

Yang Wanjin nodded slightly.

The demon refining pot lies horizontally in the void, ripples with traces of rules, and vibrates repeatedly.

Adam must be struggling inside, trying his best to crack it.


At this moment, the door to heaven suddenly closed, and the sea of ​​light rushed out of the crack, fierce and ferocious, and then loomed and disappeared.

The entropic body has left.

The Star Emperor flicked his fingers.

Now, in this universe that is about to be destroyed, he may be the only entropic body left.

But he is not authentic either. Like Ye Jue, he is a entangled body of two powers.

The universe is about to explode, and the seventh era is coming. Do you know that the number seven is extraordinary? When the ancient goddess Nuwa created all things, she created one kind a day starting from the first day of the lunar month. In the first six days, Six animals were created, and humans were created on the seventh day. One reincarnation is seven days. All things in the world are born from the two qi of yin and yang, supplemented by the five elements. The two qi of yin and yang plus the five elements are exactly the number of seven, so it is said that the seven qi are contained in In all things, it means...the end.”

Zhang Ziran shook his head: Emperor Starry Sky, do you know that there was a god in ancient times and what kind of rumors he left behind?

of course I know.

The Starry Sky Emperor looked at the Demon Refining Pot and said calmly: The man of God said that we have to pass seven levels. Seven days are one level, and seven eras are one level. What I understand is that seven, three, five, and nine are all yang. Numbers always have a middle point, which is unbiased and holds balance. Seven may be the end, maybe it is not.”

What are they talking about?

B stared.

Why are we discussing the number seven?

Because Adam was sealed by me, they are waiting for the results.

Ye Jue responded: The next era is the Seventh Era, which is of great significance. This era is just a transition. They, the God Emperors, used me to seal Adam in this life, just to prepare for the Seventh Era. I don't know what kind of ending it will be. , anyway, sealing Adam is definitely not a disaster, they are looking for a chance of survival.

Really? As expected of the God Emperor, he immediately started planning for the next era.

B nodded.

From the current point of view, there is no problem in the short term, Adam cannot break through the seal.

The three-in-one power, including the power of life, can temporarily block the terrible erosion of the power of death.

In other words, without Ye Jue, it would be impossible to seal Adam.

Human boy, you are now a high-level ancient god, but you have obtained the two supreme powers of absolute entropy... It is you now. Apart from us, almost no one is your opponent.

Yang Wanjin looked at Ye Jue and said this.


At this moment, a roar erupted in the distance.

Needless to say, Prince Yama is at war with the gods of this world.

We need to stay here and be ready to respond at any time. After sealing Adam completely, we will hide the Demon Refining Pot in an unknown place.

Zhang Ziran said: Emperor, it's time to help them open the door to hell. We must also enter and escape from the Big Bang.

The two of them had an aura of decay, dozens of white hairs on their temples, and their longevity had dried up.

That's the plan.

The Starry Sky Emperor walked through a space, glanced at Ye Jue, and smiled strangely.

This inexplicable smile not only frightened Ye Jue, but also made Yi scream in surprise.

He knew that the emperor definitely had other plans.

This person is so mysterious in what he does, and his purpose cannot be discerned at all.

Although he helped seal Adam, he had his own purpose from beginning to end, first devouring the Supreme King, and then giving Ye Jue a weird smile.

Not good.

Ye Jue's heart suddenly palpitated.

Nowadays, Zhang Ziran and Yang Wanjin's longevity has dried up, but Emperor Xingkong doesn't seem to have any damage to his longevity at all.

The amount of longevity he invested when fighting Adam was definitely not fake.

There is only one possibility!

A terrible thought appeared in his mind.

Buzz buzz!!

When the Starry Sky Emperor left, the Demon Refining Pot stopped vibrating.


Yang Wanjin couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief.

It seems to have been successful. Your power of life and power of death have reached a balance point. He cannot break through. He will be imprisoned forever in the endless time, space, and rules of fate. The mortal angel cannot break through the fate.

Zhang Ziran waved his hand, and the demon refining pot flew over.


The jade butterfly on the mouth of the bottle automatically fell off, forming a substantial light curtain in its place, sealing the mouth of the bottle.

The World-Destroying Great Mo, you'd better take it.

As soon as he finished speaking, the jade butterfly flew towards Ye Jue and entered his body.

Let's leave first. After all, that place is a bit far away.

Yang Wanjin waved her hand, and the two of them took the demon refining pot that sealed Adam, moved and disappeared here.

In just a blink of an eye, it turned into a tiny point of light, getting further and further away until it disappeared.

Master, you just let them take Adam away?

B frowned.

Everything went so well!

It was proceeding completely according to the plan of the God Emperors, and Adam was sealed without any surprise.

Isn't it good that it went so well?

Ye Jue shook his head slightly.

What I mean is that these two god emperors... have other plans.

B said quickly: Zhang Ziran and Yang Wanjin are old antiques after all. How could we see their thoughts? They used you to seal Adam and then take him away. Master, aren't you just a tool?

What, can I resist?

No matter how strong Ye Jue was, he still couldn't fight against the God Emperor.

He is not even the Great Emperor now.

They are just a tangled body of mythical avenues and civilizations, and their life levels are still high-level ancient gods. How can they defeat them?

It's a good thing they don't do it themselves.

No matter what he was planning, he couldn't stop it now.

Moreover, I also gained benefits. From the perspective of the ending, it was good. They got what they wanted. I also guessed that they were lying, but no matter what they wanted to do with Adam, it actually didn't matter. Anyway, they won’t release Adam to destroy the world again, right?”

Ye Jue responded.

That's right... Okay, okay, the matter on Adam's side has finally been resolved. Let's ignore the two of them for now. The most important thing now is the Emperor of the Starry Sky, who seems to be taking action.

B said quickly.

The look in his eyes just now was deliberately shown to them, as if everything was planned and under his complete control until the final moment.

He was so sure of victory that he was exposed in advance because the emperor was completely fearless and felt that it would be okay if Ye Jue found out.

Ji Zizai, the three pillars, the leader of Chaos Zuma, Wanxiang Impermanence, Fentian, the ancient qi master, the six living gods, plus Shentian, Mie Shitai, and the other two ancient gods of heaven, a total of ten people.

Ye Jue looked suspicious and said, Let them go. Open the gate of hell. The emperor will definitely take action. Prince Yama can't stop the emperor at all, and there are these ten powerful men.

Are we going then?

B asked.

No, the place I want to go now is the sea of ​​colorful rocks!

Ye Jue's body glowed, and he used Skywalking to travel through space and time in an incomprehensible way, directly reaching the hidden location in the Milky Way.

All this happened in the blink of an eye, which is enough to show how abnormal his ability is at this moment.

Ye Jue?

Chen Ya's eyes flashed and she saw Ye Jue coming. The feathered mirror hung above his head, which was extremely sacred. A brilliant rain of light fell and not only disappeared into his body.

Chen Ya, and you guys, listen carefully. The emperor is going to take action, but I don't know what the purpose is. I made some calculations and it seems to be related to the Seed of Destruction and the Seed of Miracle.

Ye Jue spoke directly.

The seed of destruction, the seed of miracles?

Everyone's expressions changed.

Faintly, the miracle seed seems to bloom with green light, which is very conspicuous.

Adam has been sealed, and the entire anti-universe is about to explode. Originally, we planned to use miracle seeds to resist the explosion, so we did not enter the gate of heaven... Nowadays, there are many entropy bodies and mythical bodies among various races. If If the emperor plots our seeds, wouldn’t that mean...

Mr. Wu and others were horrified.

That is the Emperor of the Starry Sky, and his life level is the Emperor of God. How can he be his opponent?

If you use miracle seeds to fight, you can.

But how to resist the Big Bang after that?

After all, triggering a miracle will consume all their energy.

Ye Jue, you are really smart, you noticed it.

At this moment, a figure appeared in the sea of ​​colorful trees, wearing a star crown on his head, royal robes flying, and a smile on his lips.

Emperor of the Starry Sky? Aren't you still fighting on the side of the living gods?

B shouted in disbelief.

Emperor of the Starry Sky, what are you doing? Two bodies in the same life, but there is no refutation, and you are not afraid of disappearing directly?

Ye Jue gave a low drink.

The Emperor of the Starry Sky on the side of Prince Yama is also the real person, not false.

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